Help adjust a 10 mile training plan?

I have been training for Chicago's Perfect 10, a ten mile on 11/10 in about 4 weeks. I have been using the following training plan:

I just completed week 6 and am on time for "race day" according to the training plan. (I do realize I have no margin for error here and plan on running the 10K if something prevents me from being able to train appropriately for the 10 mile, say if I get injured or something like that).

Here's where I need help - week 6's long run is 6miles. I had registered for and planned on running a 10K to cover that long run because the timing worked out and we were going to be out of state visiting a friend who lives in the same town the 10K was being held in, so it just seemed like serendipity (for other reasons as well, but they're not pertinent to my question). The 10K however was cancelled due to rain (despite being listed as rain or shine, heh) and rescheduled for the 27th. It was an 8pm race and they called it for rain at 4 - it was done raining by 5, of course, so I still got my run in on time.

But I would really like to still do this 10K, mostly because between my husband and I we paid 90$ to run in it. (It gives me another excuse to visit my friend too!) But according to my training plan, week 8 is 5 mile / 3 mile / 7 mile. A 10K is too long for the 5 mile and too short for the 7 mile.

I figure I have a couple options -

1) Do the 6ish mile 10K instead of my 5 mile run (possibly do a 2 mile instead of a 3 mile mid week to ease the total distance)

2) Do the 6ish mile 10K instead of my 7 mile run and don't adjust the rest of the week's mileage

3) Do the 6ish mile 10K instead of my 7 mile run and make my other runs longer

4) Don't do the 6ish mile 10K at all and follow training plan as listed.

If you were me, how would you adjust your week, or would you?


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Do the 10K with a half mile warm up and half mile cool down.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Do the 10K with a half mile warm up and half mile cool down.

    I actually have never counted my warm up/cool down mileage since I warmup/cooldown at a brisk walk pace (it worked for me during the C25K program so I just kept going with it, although I now warm up for a lot further distance than I used to a I get faster), so that didn't even occur to me. Thank you!
  • michelelash
    michelelash Posts: 19 Member
    Real race experience is always a good thing, and you'll probably push a little higher intensity. If it were me, I'd race the 10k as the 7 miler.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Real race experience is always a good thing, and you'll probably push a little higher intensity. If it were me, I'd race the 10k as the 7 miler.

    That was exactly why I was so excited to see it on the 13th - it corresponded perfectly with my training plan and I've only run 5K races so I thought it would be a great intermediary between my short 5Ks and the longer race I am hoping to run. Thanks for your input! :)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Do the 10K and run an extra mile afterwards.
  • Too funny you posted this...I just had to rework my trainging schedule today as some things have come up for a job I occasionally work. It was really stressing me!!

    I like the warm up/ cool down idea from carsonruns. Although... I really think you could handle the challenge of counting the 6.2 race as your 5 mile run for week 8 as the previous week, week 7, is a bit easier with 3, 3, and 4 mile runs. Good luck with whatever way you go with!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Too funny you posted this...I just had to rework my trainging schedule today as some things have come up for a job I occasionally work. It was really stressing me!!

    I like the warm up/ cool down idea from carsonruns. Although... I really think you could handle the challenge of counting the 6.2 race as your 5 mile run for week 8 as the previous week, week 7, is a bit easier with 3, 3, and 4 mile runs. Good luck with whatever way you go with!

    Oh don't stress! Hopefully it's rearrange for a good reason. And yes, I was thinking about that but I don't want to push too hard and sideline myself with an overuse injury either. What kind of rearranging are you doing?