Cheat days



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I couldn't do it without my spike days. When you restrict calories, your body will compensate by reducing your metabolic rate through adjusting various hormones. Having a spike day once a week will give you a rebound of some of these hormones. You will get a boost in energy through increases in muscle and liver glycogen, as well as an increased sense of well being. When I am dieting to lose weight I shoot for 2-2.5 x bmr one day a week with an emphasis on carb consumption, as carbs are the main driver of above mentioned hormones.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week. My calories are usually between 2500-3500 on cheat day. My cheat day falls on my back and bicep day so I don't stress about over eating and I've continuously have been losing weight. I deserve to still have the foods I love and this is a way that works for me. It's a life style change and honestly I can't see me having a life with no pizza, no taco bell, no b dubs, never again. That's why people fall off their "diet", because its unrealistic and doesn't work with their life style.
    2500-3500 calories? Really? How many calories during the week are you consuming?

    Are you asking on a daily basis or a weekly? Weekly my goal is not to exceed 13000. I usually eat around 1600 give or take on a daily basis.

    (edited to add) and yes I know my bmr and tdee and am eating accordingly :) I have it checked at the nutrition and wellness place on the military post I live as well as get bod pod readings monthly.
  • I don't diet I believe in moderation. That being said I don't count anything on the weekend. I watch my portions but that's it. I have been very successful in doing this. Aside from losing a large amount of weight, I have been able to stop taking anti depressants and high bp meds. So for me I not only have cheat days but cheat weekends and I am happy, healthy and thin! I wouldn't recomend this for everyone but it definately works for me. Looking at my weight and more importantly my health I think it is clear I haven't cheated myself one bit because of cheat days.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Check out my pics. I have one of last week's calorie graph. The party on the weekend was planned, so the day before I ate very little with the plan that I'd go over the next day. Averaged over the week, I stayed below the red. Despite that huge red spike that towers over the rest of my days, I lost another pound...

    Argue about what works and what doesn't all you like, but I think it's perfectly normal to have an occasional day where you go over on calories. Occasional means once or twice a month... I think once a week might be excessive.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Check out my pics. I have one of last week's calorie graph. The party on the weekend was planned, so the day before I ate very little with the plan that I'd go over the next day. Averaged over the week, I stayed below the red. Despite that huge red spike that towers over the rest of my days, I lost another pound...

    Argue about what works and what doesn't all you like, but I think it's perfectly normal to have an occasional day where you go over on calories. Occasional means once or twice a month... I think once a week might be excessive.

    How is once a week any different than twice a month if either way you come in under weekly goal? I fail to see your logic in how two cheat days a month is ok and four is in excess....
  • schell81
    schell81 Posts: 187 Member
    I have days where I give myself a break. I went wine tasting with some friends a few weeks ago and out for lunch. I didn't log my food (or wine) and ate what I wanted but didn't go crazy.. I did the same for thanksgiving, didn't log and tried to keep it under control. Personally I'm trying to change my lifestyle, I plan on always having days where I eat a little more or eat a burger at a restaurant. I just don't go all out and get the fries and gravy and dessert and an appy. I think I need to do this for myself or I'll ditch the diet and exercise like I always do.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I do not plan a cheat time on a regualr basis, but overages happen. I just track as best I can estimate and move on forward.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I think it's all about what works for you. Clearly there are people here for whom a cheat day once in awhile, or even once a week has worked quite well for. There are others that choose not to have cheat days and are fine with their results and how they feel. There is no right or wrong way to do this; it's about finding what works for you. Personally, I feel too guilty if I go over significantly and don't crave "junk" as much as I used to. However, I do still eat small amounts of the higher calorie foods that I do still enjoy as the occasion arises. I just try to work them into my goals by either eating lower cal the rest of the day or upping my exercise. There have been a very few days that I have gone over, and while I do feel a little guilty about those days, it has not derailed my progress at all and I'm sure I'll have days like that again. What I have been doing has worked for me and is something I believe I can maintain for my life.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Check out my pics. I have one of last week's calorie graph. The party on the weekend was planned, so the day before I ate very little with the plan that I'd go over the next day. Averaged over the week, I stayed below the red. Despite that huge red spike that towers over the rest of my days, I lost another pound...

    Argue about what works and what doesn't all you like, but I think it's perfectly normal to have an occasional day where you go over on calories. Occasional means once or twice a month... I think once a week might be excessive.

    How is once a week any different than twice a month if either way you come in under weekly goal? I fail to see your logic in how two cheat days a month is ok and four is in excess....

    I'm just giving my opinion as to what an excess is. Like 2 shoulders are good, but 4 is an excess... If once a week works for you, great... But I find that for me, planning two big parties per month is normal. When I went over on a weekly basis, I would personally go over a lot, and fall off the wagon. NFL Sunday's excess was quickly followed by Monday Night Football's excess... So the weekly thing didn't work for me.

    Obviously if you stay below the line on average, you're doing fine. I'm just saying that emotionally, not mathematically, more than twice a month threw off my desire to stay on track the rest of the week.
  • Great article, thanks for posting.
  • jozzler
    jozzler Posts: 37
    I think i'm on about week 6 or 7 of doing mfp now and i've had 3 'cheat' days. I didn't plan them, and i had really good days until it got to the evening. I was just really hungry on those days and needed to eat what i was craving for and feed my hunger. I did it, forgot about it, and carried on as normal on the next day. Nobody can be a saint all of the time. I think everyone just needs to do what works for them, everybody's body is different and we all have different motives, ideals and ideas. Just go with the flow!
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Just recently found out that I shouldn't allow myself "cheat days". Too easy to get used to it, start back with calorie counting on monday, ect. Basically going back to the way I ate before mfp.

    I think it just depends on the person. Great idea for some people, not so good for others.
  • I don't really have cheat days, but if I'm craving something, I go ahead and have it, in moderation. I don't think it's realistic never to eat a cookie, or a slice of pizza, or a bag of chips. I just don't eat them at every meal.
  • I am really trying hard not to have cheat days. For me 1 leads to 2 and 2 leads to 3 and so on...... on my so called cheat days i have some wine or drinks with friends.
  • Im like a bull in a china closet on Sundays .. Upwards up to 4500 to 5000 calories .. yeah buddy ...
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    My cheat day, I just eat dirty if I feel like it and eat to maintenance instead of at a deficit. And I do believe the calorie spike can jump start your metabolism like that day on. day off diet.
  • gdnt
    gdnt Posts: 6
    I'm going to suggest that cheat days aren't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes denying yourself can have worse effects. Just be sure that they fit in with your overall goals, and do what you feel will best help you get where you want to go. If you catch yourself going overboard, make some changes. Personally, I prefer small "cheats" each day, as entire cheat days get a little out of control, when I have them.

    You asked whether people who have cheat days still lose weight. The answer is that they do, if their cheat days are reasonable in frequency and calorie count!
  • misstoridanielle
    misstoridanielle Posts: 62 Member
    it's hard for me to have cheat days because the stuff that I cheat with fills me up before I even finish it. though if I do, I don't go overboard. i don't miss McDonalds or fast food but I do miss pizza and every time I go home for a weekend we get pizza. though i get thin crust and only cheese. i end up only eating a few pieces before i'm done.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Im like a bull in a china closet on Sundays .. Upwards up to 4500 to 5000 calories .. yeah buddy ...

    That's actually a pretty reasonable overfeed, depending upon your physical makeup. I've seen reports of people ripping up 12-15,000 calories in an overfeed. However, these are also people that weigh over 300 pounds and are less than 10% bodyfat. Lol.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    My bf and I ate out for our anniversary and didn't worry much about how much we ate. I came in under my maintenance calories and physically felt like I'd eaten too much. I plan to relax on holidays and my birthday as well.