
Is it OK to skip breakfast? I didn't start gaining all this weight until my husband made me eat breakfast with him, so thought if I go back to my old habit of skipping maybe I will lose. Fighter


  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Breakfast is actually THE most important meal of the day and it jump starts your metabolism when you eat.
  • skroll
    skroll Posts: 24
    You need to eat breakfast to get your engine running in the morning. Maybe you should try an easy healthy breakfast like oatmeal and orange juice. Good luck!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I have a hard time with breakfast too, I wake up at 4am for work and the last thing I feel like doing it eating. I do try to eat a little something though, some oatmeal or a piece of fruit or a protein bar. It gives me the little boost I need to make it to me 8:30 lunch time.
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    Breakfast is necessary, it's the most important meal of the day. =]
  • Fuhgeddaboudit
    You'll have a harder time losing weight by continuing to not eat breakfast. Breakfast should be your largest meal to jump start your energy, then smaller meals as the day goes on to support breakfast.

    Your weightloss may slow because your body's not used to being fed correctly, but it will def get back on track quickly :flowerforyou:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    You have to eat to start your metabolism. Breakfast (BREAKing the FAST) is so so important. You went all night without eating. Your body doesn't burn fat without fuel. you need to eat first thing. I start with a protein shake since it's easy and quick and I'm always running around like crazy since I have to be at work at 7. Then I eat a snack about 2 hrs later. You want to eat something high in protein like a shake, egg whites, cottage cheese, etc or High in fiber like oatmeal (you can mix in some nuts or peanut/almond butter), peanut butter toast on whole grain bread. . . Some thing healthy.
  • Ashia1317
    Actually in most tests done, they find the clients who didn't eat breakfast were the ones to gain and gain the quickest. It's just like lunch and dinner, you have to watch what you eat. The best breakfasts are loaded with protien and fiber to keep you full through the morning.

    Best advice I ever got was to stay away from cereal. Always leaves me craving and eating by mid morning.

    2 egg omelet w/ turkey bacon and a little shredded cheese can last me up to 11 am! Breakfast for me probably has the most calories in it because it's the fuel to my day with lunch coming in second. Dinner is always the least calories and usually by dinner I'm not hungry, even with working out.

    I think you should reconsider. And this is from someone who DID skip breakfast. My body is a lot happier since I get 3 square meals a day and at least 2 snacks. :)
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I'm not one to eat breakfast either. I wake up early (not 4 am early!) but around 5:30. Then I have to get my 2 kids ready. I'm barely making it out of the house on time to get to work. But I already thought that next year my oldest will be in kindergarten and I want her to be healthy and not get any bad habits from me. So I've got into the habit of making scrambled eggs. It takes me 10 min longer in the morn but it's worth it. It does last me longer in the day. Even grabbing fresh fruit helps.
  • Ashia1317
    When I'm in a hurry in the morning, my go-to back up breakfast is 6 oz yogurt with Kashi cereal - tons of protien and fiber! It's a quick breakfast!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I agree that you have to eat breakfast. However, I can't do a high carb breakfast (cereal, toast, orange juice, etc) because it makes me feel hungry for the rest of the day. Here are some of my favorite things for breakfast:
    If I'm at home:
    egg white omelet with salsa and a teaspoon of sour cream/banana or apple
    2 egg whites on an Arnolds Sandwich Thin
    Oatmeal, banana and a piece of ham

    If I have to run:
    Hard boiled egg/piece of fruit and a string cheese
    An egg salad sandwich (I make my egg salad with only egg whites, mayo, pickles and celery) - I actually make this the night before and have it in the fridge ready to grab and go.
    Protein Shake

    I go through a lot of egg whites in my house... but they're a nice, low-cal food with a lot of protein.

    Find something that you can handle eating in the morning,. I've also been known to eat a "snack:" first thing - then have "breakfast" a little later. Find what works for you - but eat SOMETHING within an hour or two of waking up.