Ooooh the Italian household

I live in an apartment downstairs from my boyfriends house. Unfortunately it doesn't have a kitchen. So I live a lot on microwavable stuff, produce and boxed stuff because I have to go upstairs to use his mom's kitchen. I won't mention again that she's italian because it's in the subject.... but I have to be quick in and out of the kitchen during dinner time or I get nudged.

does anyone have any good quick recepies for a survior of an Italian household?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would suggest you buy a hot plate single burner, and a small toaster oven together they will only take up as much room as a microwave.
  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    In the freezer section I see a lot of steam in the bag micro wave veggies, these would be great to eat and cook without having to go into the kitchen. Also if you could get a george forman type thing to cook meat/chicken/etc on in your apartment? You can cook loads of stuff on that. Or just ignore the mother and nudge her out of the way!
  • Fuhgeddaboudit

    Its hard because there's no sink down there to wash dishes
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I really feel for you. Because I am Italian, I know that food can be pushed on you. And as if that wasn't enough, the food not only smells like Heaven, but tastes like it too! So even if you were to stay in hiding in your apartment, those tantalizing smells will soon bring you upstairs. I would focus on EXERCISING BIG TIME! If your exercising, your not eating. Good luck!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Speaking of steaming, the new Zip-Loc steam bags are awesome! You can steam almost anything (veggies, meat) in the microwave. Easy, fast, and done to perfection. They come with recipes and ideas as well.
  • sweetteacher123
    Eat a HUGE salad and tons of veggies, then just a small, sample portion of the Italian food.