Help with my shopping list



  • pepkeys
    pepkeys Posts: 1 Member
    What about Almond milk, it is very healthy and tasty!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    What about Almond milk, it is very healthy and tasty!
    Good call!
  • CymruBiology
    Get whole milk instead of that cancerous hippie skimmed *kitten*

    I really don't get why people have such strong feelings between fat percentages in milk.
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    If you have digestive or headache problems I would not do even one bit of splenda. Try eating rice instead of pasta, or if you can afford it try the rice pasta. My belly fat is better and I feel less bloated when I eat no wheat products. My sister lost 40 pounds over a year just by cutting our all wheat based items.

    Also bananas are not easy for many of us to digest, trying going without them for a week or two and see how you feel.

    Best of uck!
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Quinoa... high protein substitute for rice/brown rice. Great with fish, beef, stuffed in peppers.

    Already got some on the shelf. As long as it doesn't go bad, I think I'm alright! No in the peppers, though. Gross!

    Keep your dried bean and grains in the frig or freezer...They will keep longer.
  • CQwest
    CQwest Posts: 3 Member
    Have you tried microwaving your brown sugar to soften it? I've heard you put it in a brown paper bag and mic in 30 min. intervals. Then you could spend that money on fresh spinach and tomatoes.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    Stevia instead of Splenda. Also, put a piece of bread in with your brown sugar. The bread will harden, and the sugar will soften.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I like to have various dried beans that I can make myself on the weekends and eat throughout the week. I really like lentils and if you use spices they can be really yummy and a great alternative to meat for meals.

    Love laughing cow cheese on celery, whole grain english muffin or wheat thins.

    I like regular light yogurt its a great snack in the evenings for me.

    I also like peanut butter great protein and a snack on a slice of toast. Plus I am 7 months pregnant and I crave it right now.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    My goodness, you're eating a lot of meat and dairy. It sounds like you're on a budget, and that stuff is expensive, so why not get rid of it? You can get a lot more bang for your buck with dried beans and lentils.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    My goodness, you're eating a lot of meat and dairy. It sounds like you're on a budget, and that stuff is expensive, so why not get rid of it? You can get a lot more bang for your buck with dried beans and lentils.
    I already have dried beans and lentils, but am almost out of meat and dairy, and I like it (as does my son).
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    Here is how I would tweak your list. though I realize that is not exactly what you asked for.
    Try Greek yogurt to replace sour cream, huge calorie savings.
    Do you like meatless? That can save a ton of money, my gosh the price of beef has skyrocketed!
    Brown rice, lentils, pintos, used dried instead of canned they taste so much better,
    moroccan spices, salsa, tortillas.
    Forget the pop, chips splenda. Eat real food instead
    For breakfast, oatmeal, it's so cheap and tasty and healthy, what is not to love there?

    Cereal (unspecified)
    Skim Milk
    Cheese (usually snack sticks, cheddar or colby)
    Cottage cheese
    Sour Cream
    Ground Beef
    Pork Chops
    Chicken Breasts
    Turkey (ground, strips, or breasts)
    Lunch meat
    Greek Frozen Yogurt
    Fruits and Veggies (usually I decide when I get there, but planning is better than not, so suggestions are welcomed)
  • AnitaRC
    We like brown rice, farro and couscous - there are several delicious and fast recepes that are really tasty.
    (PS - I make my grains with low sodium chicken broth - then you can also add the garbanzo, garlic, other tasty veggies to it.)
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    I like to look at the weekly grocery sale ads that come out to base my meals with the meats, fruits and veggies!!

    same here and im a couponer so it all depends on whats what for the week, this is the only way i can do this on a budget!
  • socomary
    Ack - I never buy brown sugar anymore. It's regular white sugar with molasses thrown back in. So what do I get now? Regular white sugar and a bottle of molasses. That way I never, ever have to fight with a rock-hard lump of brown sugar. If you need to know how to make "substitute" brown sugar, there are lots of cooking websites out there that will give you the proportions.
  • skinnyjean4me
    skinnyjean4me Posts: 43 Member
    i have a suggestion and not many people do this but i do religiously. Coupon. i know i know who has the time. Well its not as time consuming as u think. i am a major (not extreme) couponer and i am shopping for a family of 4. I'm the only one on the diet but i have noticed that since i'm eating healthier so are my teenage girls. they by no means need to lose a pound but they are eating healthier. Anyways!, start with 2-4 sunday papers a week and get urself a little box and label the categories Grocery, Health, Beauty and Household. Then so subcategories, depending on what u clip. only clip what u use to start off with. Example from last friday grocery shopping at Winn-Dixie (in the north that would be like a giant eagle) ---- $214.06 worth of groceries (including shampoo conditioner and stuff like that) paid only $52.06 Saved $161.97!! Once you start getting ur coupons together and spend no more than and hour or 2 a week on this you will realize just how much you can really save on food and make fabulous healthy meals! feel free to message me if you need help.

    i bring this up because with the price of food rising everyone can use a little help to save money and still eat healthy.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    I would suggest take an accounting of what you already have in your pantry. Then, check the sale ads. Look around for some recipes that you can cook once and eat twice. For example- cook some ground turkey with taco seasoning. Make taco's one night and then taco sald or quesadilla's the next night. Make sure you have beans or lentils one night. These are good sources of protein and low cost.Try to learn to love eggs- they are the perfect complete protein source and cheap. Good luck!
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    My only suggestion would be is ditch the chicken breasts and the lunch meat and buy a whole chicken. Roast it and, depending on how you are using your chicken breasts you can use the roasted chicken instead. Roasting with the skin on does not up the calories much, just don't eat the skin. Use the chicken meat for sandwiches, salads, wraps or toss with some vegetables and sauce. Then, after you've removed the meat, you can make a pot of soup with the carcass. Win! :happy:
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    For those who have suggested it, I already have dried black beans, split peas, lentils, jasmine rice, brown rice, quinoa, 4 different kinds of pasta, and two different kinds of couscous. I'm pretty set on those (and considering some have them have been in the cupboard for years and I still haven't gotten around to cooking them, I don't think I need any more).

    Also, I understand why some people like stevia, but I get the Splenda Essentials + Fiber for my tea because I like the flavor and the additional fiber; I'm not going to switch.

    No matter how many times people suggest it, I'm not going to try eating eggs again. I just don't like them, the flavor or the consistency, no matter how they are cooked. The only purpose they have in my life is for baking! :laugh:

    But I will follow the advice regarding coupons and sales as well as all the suggestions about the brown sugar. No reason to buy more if I don't have to.

  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Since you mentioned running out of pay check money, I'm going to assume money is somewhat tight. Instead of making a list of wants, make a list of needs that are staples only. Things you could live off off for the week on a balanced diet but arent necessarily fun. Rice, beans, large bag of carrots etc.Then add a few extras if there is extra money left over.