
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    I did this for years:

  • DJRamone
    DJRamone Posts: 4 Member
    Plain and simple... I don't like to exercise, and I don't have many active friends that I socialize with.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    I married a man who can eat WHATEVER he wants and not gain an once. I, on the other hand.....
  • CindyMarie_
    CindyMarie_ Posts: 122 Member
    I eat when I'm bored. I hardly exercised. I eat when I'm stressed. I love chocolate (a lot of it). I had a problem with portion control. I ate a lot of junk food.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I drank and ate my way through my 20's without burning it off
  • Mama_Lyn
    Mama_Lyn Posts: 45 Member
    I gained 85 lbs with my first kid and became a spoiled stay-at-home mom. I ate because my outings became restaurant visits and nothing more, and didn't work out after baby because I was too focused on her to do anything for myself. Before my kid I was only ever 10-15 lbs overweight, a vegetarian, and extremely active (like, walking miles a day, playing sports, etc).

    I'm still focused on my kids, I just realize that I need to be healthy and fit to keep up with them! :)
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I was an athlete in high school and kept eating like an athlete even after the athletics stopped.
    I had a rough senior year and put on 15 pounds.
    I put on another 15 my freshman year in college. (That's 30!)
    I met the love at my life at 19... and he didn't seem to mind my weight. Nor did he mind when I kept eating and drinking beer in my early 20s.
    I truly believed there were no finer foods on the planet than microwave/frozen pizza and chicken fingers. It's all I ate.
    I never exercised. EVER.
    I don't stress-eat... I eat when I'm comfortable and happy. Mindless snacking. I was happy so....

    Now that I know these things about myself, I am no longer fat.
  • Mama_Lyn
    Mama_Lyn Posts: 45 Member
    I did this for years:

    AHHHH, I love those! Total Sailor Moon fangirl here. I've always identified with Serena's/Usagi's eating habits, too. :ohwell:
  • magicsd
    magicsd Posts: 99 Member
    ... I got lazy when I moved back home, and not doing any exercise didn't mesh well with my addiction to junk food. Oh pizza, how I love thee!

    This ...exactly!!!
  • I like food too much and use it to deal with my emotions. When I'm bored I eat, but that has to stop and will stop now. I'm going to be confident in myself and love who I see in the mirror once and for all! :)
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    Selfish and Lazy I am ...
  • Is this working for you now? the eating five meals a day?
  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    I ate too much and didn't exercise, and up until a couple of years ago I didn't much care. Now that I'm in my mid-forties and nasties like arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease are just round the corner I do care a bit more. I still smoke 30 cigarettes thoough, and I'm not motivated to give them up!
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    My bad choices. Lack of an active lifestyle and poor eating habits.
  • i had anorexicia and belimia which lead to and over eatting disorder and i gianed a ton of wieght, then i lost it and hormones after having my second caused me to gain it back...
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I drank beer and ate junk food everyday for three months
    I also was on medication that had side effects of weight gain and increased appetite
  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    I ate as much as I wanted to, three times a day, my whole life, because that's what my family does. Now I am making my own health decisions!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I ate too much and sat on my butt.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    The year I turned 40 I decided I didn't need to care any more as no one else did. I was alone, had been alone for years. So WTF did what I look like matter? I just stopped caring. Nearly 100lbs gained in a year. Took me a long time to start caring again. Took remembering a family members first heart attack, took diabetes and the loss of denying it. Took fed up with not being able to find *nice* clothes.
  • I was harassed and bullied for years (elementary through middle school. My earliest memories were bullying from my second grade class.) I was always a little chubby, but nothing bad until middle school. Things got really bad and I decided that if I looked the way they told me I did, they would leave me alone. Between seventh grade and ninth grade, i gained 60+ pounds. Once I got to high school, the bullying stopped (I went to a really awesome high school. No clicks what-so-ever.) but the weight was still there. I was the fat chick. I joined my school's dance team and that helped a lot, but then we lost out dance line. I did theatre, which helped some, but I got several pretty bad injuries that sidelined me for over a year. I gained anything I had lost back. Then I joined fencing. I fenced for two years (until graduation), but it didn't really help me loose any weight. Now I'm a freshman in college and trying to lose it. I'm really insecure, so I guess my weight was something I could hide behind. Nobody wants to be friends with "the fat chick", so they leave me alone. I don't take compliments and I know thats going to be one of the hardest things to deal with. Its going to be hard to get rid of the "bully in my head."
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    Food is my best friend. :-(
  • tinyjaz
    tinyjaz Posts: 75 Member
    In order of greatest to least:

    I eat too much food
    I drink too much booze
    I don't exercise enough
    I don't get enough sleep
    I am overstressed

    Simple as that.

    This! :drinker:
  • Cvelas28
    Cvelas28 Posts: 1 Member
    I decided to use my pregnacy as a way to eat whatever I wanted and now I'm stuck with all the late night milk and cookies a year later.
  • My Mom was a compulsive eater.......and so was her mother.........and so am I. I was a skinny, popular, 10 year old when Mom (42 and obese) died of a heart attack. Within a year, we moved across the country, Dad married a b*tch who chopped my hair off, and abused me, and I was the new kid in school. I never was taught how to cook. I hate cooking. I stayed thin until I met my husband. I happen to think that marraige is more fattening than having babies! Fast food became my friend. We have two boys.....both with Autism. Depression sunk in. I'd spend days in my bed staring at the walls all day (much less getting exercise). I've gained about 115 lbs. since meeting my husband. They say that one day, something will "click", and you'll take the weight off. Well, I'm 42, I've already had issues with my heart, and I've "clicked". I'm seeing a dietician. I KNOW that underneath all this fat, I'm a pretty girl. Hope I find her in time!
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    I ate too much food (I was so very addicted to MickyD's and Pizza hut and KFC, etc) & I drank too much soda
    I don't exercise enough
    I slept erratically (sometimes not enough then sometimes too much)
    I never knew, understood or was educated about the importance of clean eating and exercise throughout my life.

    Also, I allowed life and my emotions become excuses to be lazy, fat and unattractive.
  • Lindsay_N
    Lindsay_N Posts: 100
    I drink too much.
  • jennifermwb
    jennifermwb Posts: 8 Member
    Because food became a drug for me. I can go completly emotionally numb halfway through my first slice of pizza...and then I dont want to feel, so I would keep eating until it hurt.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I am fat for the same reason you are - I ate too much & moved too little.
  • i eateateat, and sit on the computer for 12+hrs a day... yup.
  • Oh I know all about the bad portioning of food and eating all the bad stuff! I still indulge a little bit, and I do mean a little bit, but this voice inside always pulls on the reins and gets me back to point A fast!
    One of my biggest down falls is sodium, I have no business with it, but I still crave it, so I give myself permission to have a little bit more than usual every now and again.:blushing:
    Hubby use to cook a lot of fattening foods that were oh so good tasting and of course he is skinny as a rail!

    Oh well there is my tale of woe, working on it now want to be healthy and happy for the rest of my life!:bigsmile:
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