How do you set your calories? Eat back exercise cals?

Just curious how everyone sets their calories. I originally had mine at sedentary and did not eat exercise calories back...not much of any loss. Lost a couple lbs at a turtles pace. Then just a couple weeks ago changed it to lightly active and it upped my calorie intake by 400 calories. So instead of 1400 its giving me 1800. Which seems like alot and now I am not losing much at all. I am still not eating exercise calories back. So I guess I dont know what the best way to set it up is. Do you set yours to sedentary and eat exercise calories back. Active and still eat exercise back. Or active and dont eat them back? Just curious what seems to work best for you? Any ideas. I am a somewhat slow loser as I have Pcos. Also I am a stay at home mom who is fairly active. So moving isnt a problem. Just dont know if I am eating too little or too much or what! Thanks for any input anyone has!!!


  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    You're kind of all over the place huh? My advice would be to figure your TDEE, take out a reasonable deficit, and eat that flat amount.

    Or, you can do it the MFP - pick a reasonable activity level (something above Sedentary for more people not in a coma), and carefully add your exercise calories and eat those back.

    I think TDEE-based is more straightforward for most people.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    What are you doing for exercise? I have mine set to moderately active (I workout every day: 40 min or more of heavy cardio and then I lift 3-4 days a week.) which is 1280 cals a day, and I don't eat my exercise cals back. (Unless I am starving and then I will have 100- 150 back.)
    I feel great, and have been losing 2+ pounds a week. (Actually, 3 a week the last 2 weeks) Feel free to add me if you would like!
    I don't have PCOS, though.

    And no need to tell me I should be eating more, what I am doing is working, and I currently have the flubber to spare. ;)
  • onesmallcupcake
    I don't eat my exercise calories. I treat them as bonus burn! I set myself to sedentary, but because I am quite small to start with my calorie intake is super low (around 850 cals). If I have a heavy exercise day (I do long distance triathlons so have some very long training days) I allow myself extra calories.
  • krae84
    krae84 Posts: 17 Member
    Seriously read the In Place of A Road Map article. Search for it on here. It will tell you what your goal should be each day regardless of eating back exercise cals etc. I eat 1600 and exercise 4-5xweek. I've lost the most weight following this article and u won't have to worry about what to do with the exercise cals. I usually net (food - exercise) between 1200 and 1350.

    I used to eat back all my exercise cals and yes i lost 2 lbs a week but couldn't sustain it and eventually i stopped losing due to slowing down my metabolism. My trainer also suggested the above method. It really does work.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Options under that...simplest way for me.