Things to tell your younger self (be creative)



  • Haha yeah I know how that is. Yeah I'm pretty clumsy still too. A week ago is the latest one for me
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Don't let boys distract you, especially that one you meet when you're 16 - he ends up being a momma's boy.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    1.Will is a liar,don't even think about it,he just looks good!
    2.Punch Holli from gym in the face in ninth grade.She'll finally shut her mouth.
    3.Raise some hell! lol.
  • paul7799
    paul7799 Posts: 98 Member
    Don't fall in love. You'll just screw it up for everyone.
  • gabeej
    gabeej Posts: 45
    1) leave your hair alone!
    2) NO one looks good in tapered, pleated pants
    3) Do not open Christmas presents in your PJs... Those pictures will NEVER go away
    4) learn to cook, *kitten*!
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    All this stuff you're worried about in high school that your mom and dad keep telling you not to worry about and focus on your grades? Yeah, they're right. It really means nothing after you graduate but you're going to kick your own @$$ for not getting better grades.
  • troy0
    troy0 Posts: 37 Member
    Enjoy life. Every day.
    At the end, the most important thing will be the memories you've made.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    eat better, and get off ur *kitten*!!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    "Dude, seriously, don't text while walking up the stairs."
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    It's ok to say no,thats not gonna wrk 4 me.,.....and yur awesome just the way u are! you rock!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Enjoy being a kid! Being an adult sucks.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    pretty much any thing fun you do will eventually end up getting you stiches if you stick with it long enough :laugh: broken arm- bicycle, ankle-rollerblades, ripped open shoulder-skateboard, also more importantly i would have said to listen to the advice of adults more than i did. like when they said don't get married at 18, and friends talking about my more recent ex when they said "her whole family is crazy",and don't drink so much through the first part of your 20's i could honestly think of about 100 things to say but these would be at the top.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    Don't date Jeremy.

    And You don't have to get married. Being single at 30 is ok.

    And stop hiding. The momentary pain is worth the good times.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Never love a man more than he loves you.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • kellyallday
    kellyallday Posts: 137 Member
    To my 14 year old self...

    1) That awesome body you have in high school requires work in adulthood. At the first sign of a five pound gain, put in overtime to get back to where you were, because 5 is far easier to manage than 50.
    2) Work hard now (in HS, then college) so you can chill more later.
    3) People that look good, but are jerks, really don't even look good, and aren't worth ANY of your time, not even the time it takes to tell them off.
    4) You can't change people. If you don't think he's amazing right now in all the ways that are important (and that he adds something vital to your life), ditch him QUICKLY and keep looking.
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Dear middle school me:

    1. Don't throw that rock at that stop sign. The wasps will come out and sting you. Yes, they will catch up to you on your bike.
    2. Aunt Dee Dee meant it when she said to stop crawfishing in the ditch. She will come out swinging her whip. All the other kids will escape, but not you...even on your bike.
    3. Your obsession with crawfishing will get you in trouble again. The same Aunt will see you swirling a string in the ditch and swear you're crawfishing, even though you're not. When you show her your baitless string, there will be a crawfish at the end of it. RUN!

    College me:
    1. Shake your pants out before you put them on, or that scorpion will sting your hiney. You'll take benedryl and be up for 2 days straight in the woods with no cable.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    Put the cigarettes down! The kind of guys that like a cool smoking gal aren't the kind you want to be around at 30. Don't smoke pot, you'll get crazy violent reactions to it in your 20s and it's a waste of time during your high school years. Stick with the martial arts and ask mom for yoga money- she'll totally give it to you. Quit tripping about what Dad says about your choices now- if you don't stop now, he'll fck with your head well into adulthood. And don't put out quite so easily- in the end, sex isn't that big of a deal.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'd speak of women's ways...
    they'll trap you and they'll use you
    before you even know
    but love is blind
    and you're far too kind
    boy, don't ever let it show.

    the can-can is such a pretty show
    it'll steal your hear away
    but backstage, back on earth again
    the dressing rooms are grey
    they'll come on strong
    and it ain't too long
    before you feel a man
    but love is blind and you soon will find
    you're just a boy again
  • As a 4 year old, I'd have to tell myself that "rocking" my sister to quiet her in the crib is a bad idea. You're going to almost choke yourself to death when it falls on you goofball!

    As an 8 year old, I'd remind myself that I'm still a child, and that just because my daddy left and my mom has fallen apart, that doesn't mean I have to take over. Daddy will be a big part of your adult life, and mom will learn to cope. Don't hold on to the anger, and most importantly, BE A KID.

    As a middle schooler, I'd have to tell myself that rolling up your jeans and curling your bangs in a fashion that would take out most ceiling fans is NOT attractive. And it's worse when combined with your coke-bottle nerd glasses. While you're rolling down your pants and brushing out your hair, pick better frames!

    As a high school student, listen. Stop trying to make everyone happy. Speak your mind, but don't be a %itch. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Don't whine when you go to your grandparents' for dinner weekly-when you're 32 and you've watched them both die within 12 weeks of each other, you'll realize that time you had was more precious than anything else.

    To my 19 year old self, don't lose your virginity to your best friend. You'll both spend the next 10 years trying to figure out if you should really be together. And when he finds out you're engaged, he won't talk to you for 2 years. Once he's married, it's even more rare. Enjoy the time you have with the person who knows you best-you're going to miss him when he isn't there as much.

    To Courtney at 22, you don't want to date your sister's theatre teacher. Sure, he's cute, but he's a THEATRE teacher. Trained by the most FABULOUS teacher in all the land-in more ways than one. And DEFINITELY don't get engaged after 2 1/2 months. You'll learn later than he considers himself bisexual and will give your engagement ring to his future wife. You don't need to deal with any of that.

    Maybe most importantly, I'd tell myself at 30 that if the guy you've been with for a year, who is 6 1/2 years your junior, all of a sudden wants nothing to do with you and wants to break up, let him. Don't spend 6 months fighting the inevitable, and don't waste 9 months depressed over it. It means you weren't meant to be, and that there is someone better suited standing right in front of you every week at the bank counter if you'd only open your eyes.

    Sadly, I probably woudn't listen to myself though :laugh: