ohhh i dont get it

so my normal routine is gym 6 days a week (1hr cardio + weight training) and stick to calorie allowance of 1700-1800 with a TDEE of average 2500. I went away this weekend friday to monday no gym and honestly ate junk all weekend (sweets, chips, fried chicken, bacon sandwiches etc) i come home and ive lost 3lb. HOW??? i go away once a month and this happens every time!! Last time it was 7lb!!
How when i eat like a saint and exercise properly can i gain weight or stay static and then go away be lazy and eat junk and lose weight??/


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's called water weight.
  • Stila562
    i want to know too. this happens to me,
  • smilesalot1969
    It's called water weight.

    i take water tablets so its not likely to be this, i did wonder at first too
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's called water weight.

    i take water tablets so its not likely to be this, i did wonder at first too
    Irrelevant. Water tablets and other diuretics help eliminate excess water. When you do intense exercise, your body requires extra water to repair and protect damaged muscles. Also, when you exercise, your body tends to increase its glycogen stores to increase endurance. Glycogen also requires more water. In other words, the water retention is not excess, so the diuretic will not affect it. That's why you lose when you take several days off in a row, your body finishes repairs and releases the water. I'd recommend taking at least one more rest day each week. Six days a week of both cardio and weight training is way overkill, unless you are training for a professional competition.
  • smilesalot1969
    It's called water weight.

    i take water tablets so its not likely to be this, i did wonder at first too
    Irrelevant. Water tablets and other diuretics help eliminate excess water. When you do intense exercise, your body requires extra water to repair and protect damaged muscles. Also, when you exercise, your body tends to increase its glycogen stores to increase endurance. Glycogen also requires more water. In other words, the water retention is not excess, so the diuretic will not affect it. That's why you lose when you take several days off in a row, your body finishes repairs and releases the water. I'd recommend taking at least one more rest day each week. Six days a week of both cardio and weight training is way overkill, unless you are training for a professional competition.

    noooooo. The main reason i go so much is to be able to eat more if im honest. Im not good on low amounts of food and the more i work out the more i can eat. Also im trying to learn to run, trying being the operative word :laugh: So do i take two days off together for best effect or two random spaced apart days?
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    this happens to me as well, at times. does your lost weight, stay lost?
  • smilesalot1969
    this happens to me as well, at times. does your lost weight, stay lost?

    usually yes as long as i stick to my healthy eating routine again. i might fluctuate the odd hlaf pund or so but its pretty much a downward trend. i was wondering if i overtrain since i do 1 hours hard cardio and i hour weights 6 days a week so now im trying working out every weekday and taking weekends off to rest and repair. lets see if it carries on