Binge eating..

Hi there. I am new to this site and heard great things about it. I am 21 years old and my goal is to loose 40 pounds. A lot has happened to me over this year. I was depressed and in turn eating everything in sight. That's what made me feel better. In 6 months I had gained 40 pounds and now feeling pretty lowesy and have lost all my self confidence. I am just wanting to know if myfitness pal has helped people? And maybe if I can just meet people and be along there journey and see how it goes!


  • MaigreKacie
    MaigreKacie Posts: 27 Member
    Yep I've been struggling with binge eating too. It's a way to deal with stress, loneliness, boredom at least for me. At times food is like a drug to me. I just joined this site today. I've tried some unhealthy ways to lose weight lately but I know that when I've been faithful at working out and eating my veggies I lose weight. So far I agree with the idea of the site. No starvation. Community. Slow and steady. But whatever you decide I hope you get to the bottom of your body/weight issues.
  • redlibby

    I'm 22 and joined this site a week and a half ago. I seem to go through fazes of being really healthy and then binge eat to gain all the weight and more back on. I've found having an open diary on this site really helpful as I'm less tempted to eat rubbish as I know other people can see! Naturally, I've given in to a few temptations but managed to keep my food in check so far and hope to continue this way with the support of the site. Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Aboele79
    Hi there ,
    ive been struggling with my weight for 11 years i have been on MVP for the last 2 months and it has been a really great way to keep track of what im eating . i am also and emotional eater which can suck ! but being on here has helped because i have to be accountable for what i eat and do . if you want some support feel free to add me :D
  • clicker_70
    I've been on here for about three weeks. Logging the food has really helped me. I lost 11 lbs. the first two weeks. Now the scale has been stuck for the past several days. I'm trying to not get discouraged........I've heard that this is normal, and I just need to "stick with it". Good luck! dietician reccommended this site to me. ;)
  • milk_shakes
    I joined in June! The people on the site help me- new friends and being inspired by others' success. The site itself is just a tool to keep you organized and the app helps me track my food and exercise from anywhere. But the biggest hurdle is *me* I choose to succeed or to fall off the wagon occasionally- just keep pushing getting back up and starting each day as a new one (don't let a bad Monday lead to a bad Thursday you know?) I really wanted a change and I'm not giving up. I struggle with binges late at night and there's been a some nights/days since June where i let myself have what i want, be it food or grown up bevs, but I try to hold myself accountable for them and stay in control for most of the week. Work hard and you'll feel yourself changing and your mind will begin to follow suit.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I've been on here umm 7weeks now and yes it's helped but mainly it's the logging as this just gives you a rough idea of what you should be eating. Treats are still allowed as long as you stick within your calorie allowance. It's nice to have others to give motivation but as with most things the key motivation has to come from within.

    Onwards and upwards (friend requests will be accepted, just so I feel popular lol)
  • Knewton1986
    I to suffer with binge eating. Im Trying to break the cycle and loose weight with mfp. Feel free to add me for support. I know how hard it is.