What you 'should' be eating...



  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I think the most important thing about diaries is the honesty. At least you logged that Mars bar!
    Constructive criticism is fine but omg I would not have been able to stick with this lifestyle change without incorporating chocolate, pizza, nachos, etc. I love food too much!
  • AngeK77
    AngeK77 Posts: 7 Member
    I thought the idea of the food diary was to learn to be honest with "yourself" about what you are actually putting in your mouth and to make postive changes to your eating habits. Its about saying hey so I didn't lose that much this week, heres why and then making postive steps to improve.

    A calorie, is a calorie. It's up to you how you want to eat it, just ensure it works towards your overall goal!

    If I went without the occasional wine, chocolate or cheese I'd go INSANE
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I' m surprised that so many people read other diaries. I rarely do. I couldn't care less about them, a lot of my MFP-friends are on a different continent anyway and I wouoldn't know half the food on their diaries. Besides, what business is it of me to see what someone else eats?
    I'm delighted for them if they get nearer their weight target, or if they did a good workout. But whether they eat lettuce or a mars bar, who cares?

    My main purpose for looking at others diaries is to possibly gain new meal ideas! It is wonderful to see tickers going down and being able to see what they are eating to get there!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    This happens to me all the time. I get lectured pretty much all the time about how I don't eat breakfast, and that I'm not eating enough calories because someone quickly glances and they see lunch, snack and dinner only. The problem is I do intermittent fasting I eat my lunch at 10 am, not exactly late in the morning (you could even consider it breakfast) and I eat between 1500 and 1700 calories every single day, so I'm not starving myself. It's annoying that they don't take the time to look at my macros or totals before commenting about how not eating breakfast will somehow ruin my life. Ummm yeah, I've lost 56 lbs so far and I'm eating plenty. I don't think I'm going to keel over anytime soon from not eating breakfast.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    There seem to be two types of people on this site (of the regular/long term folks anyway). You I call they type A, everything must be perfect, and you preach strict 'clean' eating. This might include vegetarianism or veganism, raw food diets, paleo etc. You think (and yes I am stereotyping a bit here) that you must be good and wholesome all the time or you're rotting your body etc.

    I fall into the 'type B'. I, along with most of the people on my friends list follow a more relaxed approach. We believe in individual freedom, that calorie intake is the most important factor and that while overall health is absolutely important, having regular treats is fine, as long as it quells boredom and encourages compliance with an overall healthy lifestyle.

    I work hard, train almost every day, I eat well, but I have a treat alomst every day of something you would consider 'junk'. I'm still winning!

    To the OP, don't feel the need to close off your diary, just get better friends! :bigsmile:

    Great post.
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    Nice post......speaks a lot of sense.

    I think people do it in the main to try and be helpful and pass on what they have learned. Everyone is a little bit different. I can not eat one square of dairy milk, and required the whole 400 gram bar! same with crisps, multipack = extra big serving.

    The only way I can deal with them is to exclude them from my grid. I know at some point I will have a relapse and eat something silly, but when that day comes it will be day zero and my counter will start again. My goal being to try and be a good boy and leave the bad stuff alone for as long as possible.

    It may be a little bit of jealousy as well. I know I have seen people sloshing back the wine and lager in their food diary in large quantaties and yet they are loosing weight quicker than me......ocassionally you think damn it! but different folks different strokes.

    Good luck with your grid.

    p.s. Anyone want to add me feel free.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    There seem to be two types of people on this site (of the regular/long term folks anyway). You I call they type A, everything must be perfect, and you preach strict 'clean' eating. This might include vegetarianism or veganism, raw food diets, paleo etc. You think (and yes I am stereotyping a bit here) that you must be good and wholesome all the time or you're rotting your body etc.

    I fall into the 'type B'. I, along with most of the people on my friends list follow a more relaxed approach. We believe in individual freedom, that calorie intake is the most important factor and that while overall health is absolutely important, having regular treats is fine, as long as it quells boredom and encourages compliance with an overall healthy lifestyle.

    I work hard, train almost every day, I eat well, but I have a treat alomst every day of something you would consider 'junk'. I'm still winning!

    To the OP, don't feel the need to close off your diary, just get better friends! :bigsmile:

    This ^^ well said.
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I remember when I started, I cut out all crisps, chocolate etc and ate totally clean and lost some weight - hooray for me - but I REEEAALLYYY missed good old takeaways....
    So after months of being perfectly behaved and slogging away on the treadmill, I treated myself to some fish and chips.

    Literally everyone in my house was like "Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?"

    *kitten* off.
  • rrrbecca11
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    Yes!! This!! :bigsmile:
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree with the OP - for me this is now a way of life. I don't want to be 'dieting' until i hit my goal, and then start eating the things that got me fat in the first place.

    I will not deny myself the things I like to eat, or denying treats either. Im going with the idea that I will eat these things within moderation, and I will exercise to make my body healthier.

    I won't lie, I have had days where I've felt sad/stressed/fed up and gone back to the binge - I ate 4 cadburys crunchies on Saturday - there was no need for it and it didn't make me feel any better about myself. What I did do however was take ownership for it and logged it all on my diary. Then I knew that I would have to work out harder to compensate for it.

    I am definitely a type B as one of the posts describes, but I'm pleased that I'm trying to make this my life going forward. If I went on a clean/raw/vegan diet, im pretty sure it would last until 5pm the same day and I'd give it all up.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Eat what you want!!! (in moderation)


    Cheers, good post OP!!
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    I remember when I started, I cut out all crisps, chocolate etc and ate totally clean and lost some weight - hooray for me - but I REEEAALLYYY missed good old takeaways....
    So after months of being perfectly behaved and slogging away on the treadmill, I treated myself to some fish and chips.

    Literally everyone in my house was like "Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?"

    *kitten* off.

    I love this - this is exactly what happens with me!
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    ^ like ^

    Bawwwwwww haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa

    F*uck off! lol

    I love it...

    I have the same thing here....
    We go out to eat and my hubby is the first one to look at the 550 calorie and under list for me.

    I am losing weight... he is still sitting at 200+ and not even trying...
    Maybe HE should look at the 550 calorie under list!
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    Like you don't give yourself leeway, a 2 ltr of pepsi max in one day? are your quick calorie adds so people don't see the chocolate bar you may have had so you can still judge others?
  • Revcminor
    I often don't eat "breakfast" till late. I work out first thing and don't like to do that on a full stomach. I have a cup of coffee and then hit the gym. When I get back home I shower and get dressed AND THEN eat something. Sometimes its around 9:00 or 9:30.
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    To the food Nazi thanks for your time I plan to take your judgment and file it under 'I don't care'. Why reply, take your negativity and eat that.

    Love your attitude!!! If I deprive myself and feel I can't have something it makes me want it more. Totally agree this is about eating healthy and being happy. Depriving myself doesn't make me happy!
    If someone wants to eat totally clean have at it! But don't critize someone who is making better changes for themselves and knows that depriving themselves will lead to a binge etc.....
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    There seem to be two types of people on this site (of the regular/long term folks anyway). You I call they type A, everything must be perfect, and you preach strict 'clean' eating. This might include vegetarianism or veganism, raw food diets, paleo etc. You think (and yes I am stereotyping a bit here) that you must be good and wholesome all the time or you're rotting your body etc.

    I fall into the 'type B'. I, along with most of the people on my friends list follow a more relaxed approach. We believe in individual freedom, that calorie intake is the most important factor and that while overall health is absolutely important, having regular treats is fine, as long as it quells boredom and encourages compliance with an overall healthy lifestyle.

    I work hard, train almost every day, I eat well, but I have a treat alomst every day of something you would consider 'junk'. I'm still winning!

    To the OP, don't feel the need to close off your diary, just get better friends! :bigsmile:

    This ^^ well said.

    Type B - all the way. Repeat after me: IIFIYM.
    Will kill butterflies and pixies for chocolate.
  • TahliaHarveysMummy
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    Like you don't give yourself leeway, a 2 ltr of pepsi max in one day? are your quick calorie adds so people don't see the chocolate bar you may have had so you can still judge others?

    LOVES it! :laugh:
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Why is cheese not okay, but Mars Bars are? :huh: If somebody is going to congratulate you on a fitness website for having a mars bar for lunch then that is a website I'd rather not be part of, to be honest! Weight loss and healthy go hand in hand, and if somebody suggests that you stick to natural foods instead of eating processed empty calories that wont fill you up and carry a whole host of negative health implications, then send them my way and I'LL be friends with them. I just don't understand people like you. It is fine to include treats in your diet, but seriously, a mars bar for lunch? And you think you'll get the body & health you're after by doing that?


    Don't be a hypocrit.
    Looking at your diary from last Saturday, I see bourbon shots, ice cream, pie and 350 'quick added' calories. Wonder what they were from, eh?

    Nobody's perfect, keep it mostly on target, especially with your caloric intake and keeping your macros in check, and you'll have success.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I took my food diary off because someone criticised what I was eating. Today I've had a big breakfast but I don't care because I've burned more with the run I had before I ate it. Every time I've dieted I've got bored because rice cakes with lettuce are BORING!! The whole point of me going through this is yes, to learn that too much food + too little exercise= fat belly. So I'm eating what I want to eat, I balance my diet, keep under my calorie allowance and work out to lower my overall calorie usage even more. I do feel a bit peeved when that someone said "should you be eating that?" Fact is if I want to lose weight I have to stick to an overall calorie allowance. If I deny myself every day I resent the diet. So if I want a mars bar for lunch I'm having one. I can have fruit cup for breakfast and chicken salad for tea because this is how life will be going forward. The reason I got over weight was because I didn't realise how much I was eating. I adored cheese but since I've cut it out I don't miss is and overall it's not worth it. My body feels better, less bloated, sluggish and other things so I've made my peace with that. If I want some I'll have some but I've realised right now I'd rather use the calories for a glass of red wine when I'm relaxing in the bath or extra bacon on my salad.

    When I'm done with this diet I'm going to have to balance my diet for the rest of my life, I'm not going to starve myself of anything I want now, I'd rather savor a smaller amount as and when I want it.

    Oh and to the guy who criticised me, I've lost more weight than you so... :op

    Fin x
    It sounds like you have the right attitude.

    I do not comment on diaries unless specifically asked to do so. The people on my FL are all adults and make their own decisions and unless they want my opinion, I don't give it. They do the same for me and I love that!

    Just keep doing what you're doing if it works and is making you happy.