Lower back help!

Hey Guys and girls,

Since I got hit by a car in March on my bike I've had lower back pains. I've had it checked out and there's nothing major but it niggles like nothing else. I started lifting weights in June and it seemed to have gone away until later on in August it twinged when I bent down to pick something up out of the bottom drawer at work, it then niggled away while I didn't take too much care while I was lifting and it went pretty nicely so I couldn't move properly for a couple of days. Again I've had it checked out and it's nothing serious it just niggles, especially at work when I've got to sit in a set seat all day.

Is there anything I can do to strengthen my lower back? I was thinking of starting with swimming since it's low impact just to see how it goes and then moving on, but what to? Can people suggest some workouts I could do to strengthen it which won't make it worse? Are there any weights I can do that won't destroy my back but mean I can keep fit? I'm literally going insane not being able to exercise and worse off I was mid bulk so I feel mega fat at the minute but don't want to lose the muscle I gained!

Any advice on sleeping etc would be much appreciated as well, I've been sleeping on my side with a pillow between my legs but it falls out pretty quickly when I move a lot, any ideas on how I should sleep? When I try on my back it hurts after a while, even with a small pillow under my knees.


  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I'd be calling my chiropractor stat!
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    While I wasn't in a car accident, I've had my fair share of back injuries from riding horses and taking care of my kid (while not taking care of myself). For years I had been constantly re-straining my piriformis muscle to the point where I was in constant pain, and finally went for xrays because I was afraid I had herniated a disc. I was given the all clear and told to start strengthening my back/hip and core muscles. Every day I did a round of bridges, cat poses, other yoga poses that targeted my hips/lower back & crunches of various degrees - after about 3 months I realized that I was no longer in pain. I continued with the same routine and added weight to some of them - at one point I stopped and within a month was back to my original pain. I don't stop now *L*

    As for sleep, it sounds funny but go to a store that sells baby products (if you are in the states, babies 'r' us) and look for a breastfeeding pillow or if you want something bigger, look for a Snoogle. You will be able to place these between your legs and they won't shift out like a normal pillow will.

  • Aunt_Kiki
    Aunt_Kiki Posts: 47 Member
    I injured my back a few years ago when I slipped while pushing something heavy. It shouldn't have messed me up, but I ended up herniating two discs and dislocating four vertebrae. This is a link to some of the exercises my physical therapist had me do. With my injury, once it's done, there's really no fixing it outside of surgery, so I do these exercises whenever I feel like maybe I've aggravated it. Stretching really helps. Good luck!

  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I agree with beckaboo. Try yoga. There are many yoga DVDs geared specifically for the back. Also, I always shied away from back bends until my physical therapist explained that back bends (within your physical limits) are good for your back. One of my favorite yoga practices to do when my back is "niggling" is the back bends practice on Rodney Yee's A.M. Yoga for Your Week DVD.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    You want professional help. Ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist. That is the person best suited to helping you strengthen your back.
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    I should also add that my strengthening routine was from a PT after I had a full set of X-Rays done on my back and hips.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Keys to managing my lower back issues are:
    1/ Finding a good Osteopath
    2/ Doing hundreds of ab exercises using a gym ball - the stronger my abs (and core strength generally) the better my back has been.
    3/ Knee hugs and knee to opposite shoulder hugs/stretches.

    A tip passed to be by an international swimmer - swimming is great for your back but only if you swim correctly. As in all exercise correct technique is crucial.
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    Everybody's back and back pain is different, so visiting the Chiropractor or Physical Therapist is a good idea. Stretching is good, but be careful not to over-stretch. One exercise that is really good (so good I hate doing it!) is to lie on your stomach with your face down (so get a towel you can rest your forehead on) then lift your opposite arm and leg. It's like swimming but not in the water. :) As you lift arm and leg, make sure to reach out as well with both, straight arm and straight leg. Overall core exercises are good too, just be careful not to strain the niggly bits..
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Start doing Yoga 2-3 times per week, more if you can. Helped my back issues greatly