week one and struggling already

Hi all,
I joined last week with commitment to change my eating and exercising habits to make myself healthier and hopefully lose 60 lbs along the way. I did well on Thursday and Friday during the day. The weekend was awful! (I attended a fundraiser and a wedding and just didn't control myself). I forgave myself and tried to start again Monday. By 3 pm I was awful again! If you are struggling like me, please friend me and let's find a way to break through these challenges!


  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome, I find weekends tough too. Stay strong we can do it.
  • Gennybunny96
    Gennybunny96 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome Laura,
    You are not alone. I try to think that I didn't develop all my bad habits overnight, I surely won't change them overnight. It takes time. As long as you consider your slips, a learning experience, you are on your way!!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Every step you take towards your fitness goal, no matter how small, makes all the difference. Do not give up. In the beginning it takes some time to be able to make better choices and ignore the temptations all around us. It's not easy, but it is totally worth it. Be strong and do this for yourself with all of your heart!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    It only gets easier the longer you are working on it. Do not live and die emotionally day to day or meal to meal. You will start to learn what you can eat to minimize calories when you need to and learn to accept that some days you will lose the battle with calorie intake. It is ok....
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Welcome Laura,
    You are not alone. I try to think that I didn't develop all my bad habits overnight, I surely won't change them overnight. It takes time. As long as you consider your slips, a learning experience, you are on your way!!

    ^^ Absolutely
  • thigggs
    thigggs Posts: 1 Member
    I too have trouble on the weekend especially eating out why too much. I have to learn to forgive myself and today is a new day. I have stocked my fridge and pantry with healthy food so today will be a fresh start.
  • SonjaJohnson03
    SonjaJohnson03 Posts: 4 Member
    Everyday is a struggle! I have to take the advice that I give to my kids, life is about choices and you have to deal with the aftermath of your choices that you make. Although I have not been making very good choices myself ( how I ended up at almost 300lbs) I have decided to rededicate myself daily to doing right and sticking to my plan its hard to do alone I guess that is why my Dr. suggested I join this site. hopefully we can inspire one another to stay on the right track.. Good luck to you!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Try not to make too many massive changes all at once. Make one or two small changes that you feel you can sustain for a few weeks, and when they have become habit, make a few more. It's not just about will power, it's about creating a lifestyle that you can really live with indefinitely.
  • I struggle, I gave up on any dieting for over a year, tried WW a few months ago but it never really set in, I'm 2 days into calorie counting again and I'm doing okay right now, but I'm going out Friday with a friend, a meal next monday and another one for my boyfriends birthday, not to mention my own birthday in December :) but they come and they go and I have to keep myself straight inbetween.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    try not to change everything in one day, you can't eat an elephant in one bite

    don't beat yourself up cause you fall down get up and change one thing this week
  • ezlbs
    ezlbs Posts: 5 Member
  • My problem is eating to much and junk food. I barely can't control myself because I have a lot of social situations (dinners specially) and I don't have "healthy" food... I'm very active, however, due to my alimentation I've been gaining some weight over time :( Don't know what to do wih my binge and social eating...
  • Don't spend time fretting over it. You're just getting started. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your change in habits.
    Everyone struggles for the first while and in some cases, the struggles truly never go away. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself. Find what triggers your eating habits and learn to replace those foods with better choices. Everything takes time :)
    Start small and finish BIG!! :)
  • Someone one day told me that, when we go to a party, we should eat healthy things before leaving home. Then, when we arrive to the party, we are full and don't feel the need of eating everything we see! It's the same when we are starving and we have to go to the supermarket ...we just want to buy bad things like candies, fries and that type of food!