Hello Everyone!

Hi! My name is Danielle and my goal is to lose ten pounds by the end of the year. I am like most women who gain very easily in my tummy/thigh/waist region - and once I gain it's SO hard to lose. I recently joined a gym and am committed to going there four days a week. We'll see how that goes!! ;) I'm also interested in doing a group class such as Zumba or Spinning - so if anyone has any thoughts or information on either of those it'd be much apprecited. I've never done a group class before :0)

Good luck to all in their fitness endeavors!



  • missiontobefitandfab
    Hi Danielle, I have the same problem as you i gain weight easily in the stomach/thigh/waist area and I find it hard to burn off once its on :frown: I have also joined a gym and I really like it I have done the spin class several times and I really love it! It is intense and you feel the burn but thats what you go there for :smile: The only thing I can suggest is make sure you push yourself becasue otherwise you won't get the results you are looking for.
    Good Luck! :smile:
    Everyone feel free to add me i'm new on here and looking for motivational friends!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I used to be a huge Spin Rat and can say it was one of my most favorite classes. Just remember not only will you have to push yourself in the gym but what is even more important is that you watch what you take in. Some tips that I suggest to people and have received good feedback on is that when starting to cut the cals and fats don't go from eating 2500 cals and drop it suddenly to 1500 cals. Chances are that you will be miserable and not stick to it so just cut down on the cals in a stepping fashion. That seem the best results from what I have seen. Same goes for a weight loss goal. Make one large ultimate goal but have some smaller goals in there are well. For example say your UG is to lose 30lbs. Then make sub goals between that...like maybe at 10lbs down you treat yourself to some new shoes or bag, 20lbs down you treat yourself to a day at the spa, so forth and so on. Also be sure to log EVERYTHING and be honest. Diet / Eating right is where the biggest differences are seen so be sure to eat right and drink plenty of H2O. We are all here to advise, questions, motivation so just ask. Happy days are ahead for you...I just know it.