Weight Loss Hypnosis

I wanted to share with everyone my experience of being hypnotized for weight loss reduction. :)

Before being hypnotized, she spoke with me about a lot of different things. Body image, over eating, emotional eating. What I liked most about it was how she stressed that in order to be successful in losing weight you have to think positively. about it. Thoughts become things. If you think "goodness I'll never lose this weight" then your right you probably won't. If you think, I'm going to lose weight, I can do this. You most likely will. She told me to tell myself I look beautiful every day, even if I don't think I do.

Then the best part, going under. Before she put me under she said that I might fall asleep and that was ok because my subconscious mind would pick up everything she was saying. She started off by relaxing me and honestly I don't remember what happened next. The one thing I remember her saying to me is something like "you wouldn't over fuel your car because that would be dangerous so don't over fuel your body becasue that too is dangerous" I was under for about 30-40 minutes and I know there was a lot more she told me but in my immediate memory I don't know what that is.

That night when I went home for dinner we had whole wheat mac and cheese and ham steak. I ate one serving pf mac and cheese and then went on to the ham steaks. I had a couple of bites and without thinking, I set my plate down ( I have always been one to eat everything on my plate even if I no I am full. ) I didn't think about it for a few minutes and then all of sudden it hit me and I realized that I put down my plate when I was full!

Since Sunday, I have only eaten when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. I have lost 3 lbs since Monday and a total of 12 in the last 2 weeks.

If you ever have the opportunity to be hypnotized, I would recommend it. It was an awesome experience and so far, is helping a lot!

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  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm on the hypnosis bandwagon, as well. My beautiful daughter is the result of a pain-free birth via hypnosis :)
  • yellowhouse
    I also had pain-free birth (two kids) via hypnosis...never thought about it for weight loss though- worth looking into.
  • GoingToLoseIt
    So proud of you B! Thanks for sharing - you are keeping me motivated!