Egg nog season

Holy crap... I just passed the dairy aisle and they are starting to stock it.

My one weakness.... that and pumpkin.



  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    yep, is out there. the eggnog and the pumpkin stuff is EVERYWHERE! i'm thinking....make this once, and I'm hoping it will be such a pain that I will turn myself off to eggnog:

    Now...the pumpkin is a different thing. There are lots of lower calorie options....but eggnog, we are stuck. I have tried the Silk brand egg nog in the past. Ended up drinking the entire carton. So that didn't work.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    What's wrong with Egg Nog? It's delicious and nutritious (ok maybe not so much on the latter)

    If it fits your macros, who cares?
  • Nimiko
    Nimiko Posts: 52
    Mmmmmm.........Eeeeeeeeg Nooooog!!!:love:
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    Try smaller portions. I love 99% of food October-January. So I started to see how much of it I really need to eat to feel like I got my fair taste for the season.

    Denial totally didn't work for me.

    I also bumped up my exercising to help with work/holiday stress and offset all the noms!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    My plan is to workout more, to counteract the eating more. I can push myself to get on the treadmill easier than I can convince myself I didn't 'need that cookie/square/eggnog/cocktail/extra helping of whatever'........
  • Halcyon3608
    Halcyon3608 Posts: 28 Member
    I always "water" my eggnog down with skim milk. I started doing it because I got ticked off by how much eggnog stuck to the sides of my glass - it's so thick! But now I realize that I can get all the flavor of a tall glass of eggnog without quite so many calories.
  • THAT is a fantastic idea, cutting it with skim milk. I might have to start doing that.

    For those choosing to exercise more, are you adding minutes to a previous exercise or adding a different, smaller workout?
  • Dianne1
    Dianne1 Posts: 19 Member
    Fortunately for me I'm not a big fan of eggnog.....pumpkin well that's a different story. Try eating half of your normal portion and have it a treat.