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I hate this, this always happens

JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
one whole week i ate nothing but crap food and now im trying to get back on track and i cant!?
I seem to get almost obsessed with it that when i break my diet im just like, 'to hell with it' because iv been bad....
i cant pick myself up quick enough so i dont put on the weight i lost which i have done so NOW i'm back to square 1! And just feel like giving up because i obviously have some stupid food problem.
I know this sounds bad but eating unhealthy stuff actually makes me feel complete. When i eat healthy for a whole day i feel empty and sort of bored! How can i change this? :S
What do you guys do when you go off track for a week or so?

please and thank you
from confused overweight pig with no will power


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    You have to want it bad enough to make the change.
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    what i do is allow one day for crap food and the rest of the week healthy foods u could try this and this should help u :flowerforyou:
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Maybe the healthy foods your are eating are boring. Maybe try some new recipes? I pulling for you. If you want, you will get there!
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    you need to deicde if its worth it
    Is it worth feeling like crap about yourself
    Is it worth having nights like this when you feel like you can never do it
    Is it worth it not to love your body and feel awsome about what you can do with it

    To me the joy of eating like crap all the time is not as good as feeling awsome about my body and how hard I work. I am proud of myself and am proud of what ive accomplished cake, chips n chocolate are yummy for like 5 minutes, n then you want more.

    If it makes you feel complete its more than a food thing

    you need to tell yourself your worth it
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    btw I have bad days, or bad weekends
  • ah babe dont give up .... it all happens to us at some time.
    Like any long journey you go on your bound to stray from the path but it doesn't mean you should give up and watch the others pass you by, there are plenty of friends on her who will pick you up and motivate you a long the way. read some posts.

  • losk4
    losk4 Posts: 1
    Some people say that the subconcious mind is very literal in what it recieves. Waking up in the morning and repeating to yourself messages about how you are on track today, and that you will be on track all day can perhaps start you off in the right direction. BE Kind to yourself above all in everything you say and do. Remind yourself of the goal that you will be, and why that will be good for you and those around you. In short affirm yourself and your choosen program. Peace Les

  • from confused overweight pig with no will power

    I felt so sad when I read this! I burst out, "Awwwwwwwwww."

    Watch out what you call yourself....an "overweight pig" is a terrible, cruel way to think of yourself!

    I hope you can try to be much kinder to yourself.
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
    Yer i suppose but im always too concious of what im eating then i sort of get sick of worrying and splurge...i sort of need to refocus my whole idea on food because losing weight is all i think about, and thats whats making me break my diet if you understand?
    Do you guys do anything to motivate yourself? I.E Inspirational quotes, songs, diary, notes around house etc
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    you gotta think of it as a life thing, and not just a temporary diet thing. If you look at it with the big picture i find it is easier.
    Like if you want deep fried french fries and pizza, there is hundreds of days to have one of these things. I try not to eat more then one crappy thing a day, if that.

    If there someone you look up to body wise. I have a picture of kate hudson, and i signed up for womens health magazine, it keeps me in check. also finding a friend who will do it with you is an amazing help
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    #1 Don't call yourself a pig. You're a lovely girl.

    I've been there, done that a million times; especially the bit about eating to feel complete. Do you have a hobby? I started playing video games when I'm bored or lonely (my husband travels a lot for work), and it seems to help pass the time and cure my boredom. Take up something that keeps your hands and your mind occupied. Popping a piece of sugar free gum can help too.

    Maybe it'd be easier for you to change your diet a little at a time? For instance, on week 1: keep one of your daily snacks under 100 calories, week 2: continue with your week 1 change, and change 1 more behavior...and so on and so on.

    It also may help you (like it has me) to take the "rehab" approach to dieting: One day at a time. Choose to eat healthy today. Don't worry about tomorrow, don't beat yourself up over yesterday. Just focus on today. You're worth the effort it takes to have a healthy future.

    *hugs* Message me if you ever need to vent. Swearing doesn't bother me :-P
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I have a pair of tight jeans that I keep with the pants I wear every day, when my tight jeans get loose, I put a smaller pair of jeans in the drawer, and so on. I try them on periodically, and that helps me to see, "Hey, I've lost in my butt, but I've still got a ways to go in my tummy." like that. I don't buy jeans for this either, I have jeans all the way from my goal size to the size I was 30 pounds ago. It takes awhile, I put them in the drawer before I can even zip them, but man, it makes me feel good when I can finally squeeze into them and zip them up and see the progress based on how easy or hard it is to get those jeans on. Anyway, not exactly a note around the house, but it's a little help anyway.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    - Take a look at websites like www.foodgawker.com for food that interests you and then try making them. I find that if I don't keep my food choices constantly new I get bored, stop cooking and say eff it. Poor planning is the number one cause in weight gain for me.
    - I agree with others..you have to want it enough to make the RIGHT changes and stick to it. It sucks. It gets old. It is massive amounts of planning and work and constant "on your mind" stuff, but worth it in the end.
    - Rather than saying eff it and not eating right the rest of the day or rest of the week, say "*kitten*, I messed up, but I am going to get right back to my eating plan the very next meal. The Very Next Meal.
    - And don't beat yourself up about it. It happens to the best of us.
  • I agree with others here - don't call yourself those names! And know that we ALL slip and you really have to allow that for yourself. Just keep plugging away and yes, it is a long term thing, not a diet. And when you have a good day congratulate yourself on that - you WILL have them!
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you to all of you, its so nice to share and talk to people who really understand what im going through. This is why this site is just so darn good! I know im not a pig but i do wonder why i seem to fall off the wagon so much!
    So im going to print off my aspiring body << I'm thinking Annalynn Mccord
    Today is going to be a healthy day, dont think about tomorrow just yet
    Also going to go to the gym and book weekly classes
    Take lunch with me
    Make my jeans a focusing goal!!
    Focus on work rather than food, watch less tv (because i eat then!!)
    I always have this burst of motivation, just sticking to it that i need to work on...oh and Patience!!
    You guys are awesome, i really needed this...you've definately helped me
  • You did remember to get back up!!!!. That is a great thing so please don't get discouraged. If you call yourself that way imaggine what the rest of the world think of you. Don't let one wk or one day define who you are.... Start today and it will be well!!!!
  • freffenwolfe
    freffenwolfe Posts: 4 Member
    You look like a beautiful girl to me who isn't even overweight!

    Try EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping - check David Childerley's channel on YouTube), and positive affirmations eg: "I am a beautiful woman who has the ability to achieve whatever my heart desires". Read an inspirational book like 'the law of attraction' or get diet magazines with loads of success stories - I find them the most helpful and inspirational.

    I know what you mean though, I also have days where I could go completely off the rails but I try to be strict with myself as the only person I am cheating is me.

    Good luck xx
  • Yer i suppose but im always too concious of what im eating then i sort of get sick of worrying and splurge...i sort of need to refocus my whole idea on food because losing weight is all i think about, and thats whats making me break my diet if you understand?

    This may not help at all but here it is - I have been fat all my life - I come from a fat family (I'm not being mean - just truthful) - all my aunts and cousins are fat. My whole life I had a guilt complex surrounding food. Secound helpings were a sin - dessert was a sin - cheese was a sin. And so as a result I O-V-E-R A-T-E!! To the point that I could have been considered to have a eating disorder. I moved out of my house and met some new friends and my current partner. With the help of those people I got through alot of my food issues. The BIGGEST thing for me was learning that no food was an enemy. Food is our friend and we need it to survive. I stopped letting myself feel guilty for having dessert and taking secound helpings, and I started letting myself truly enjoy food. And I mean actually enjoy it - no guilt - no counting of cals or fat, just pure enjoyment of the food that I eat. I believe that this, beyond anything else, has helped me lose weight. I have also found that as I let myself enjoy food, the types of food that I enjoy has changed. I actually rarely crave things like potato chips when after highschool I was regularily sitting down and eating a full tube of pringles - pretty much daily. I find myself craving things like salads instead.

    Now you are trying to "diet" - gawd I hate that word! - so it does make food more difficult. For me again it has been a change in my though process. I have tried to stop thinking of meals as "something good that I am going to try to make healthy" and instead am trying to think of meals as "fuel for my body, and lets see how good we can make this!" It has helped, at least for me.

    I also have problems with the "same ol'" thing day in and out. There are SOOOO many good websites out there for food ideas. My favorite is VegWeb.com... I'm not a vegitarian but tend to eat almost all vegitarian dishes as they are cheaper! :bigsmile:

    Keep at it - keep trying to change your relationship with food, it can be done. It does take time! But just because you've had a bad week doesnt mean that all is lost. And for me I couldnt see it as starting at ground zero - that would depress me too much - think of it as a speed bump that you are now past!

    and you can totaly feel free to message me - I also have no issues with you venting and ranting! I understand!
  • What I do is have one "bad day" a week.. I set up a day, usually a day of the weekend. That way its like a little incentive. So on Monday I say to myself, "okay, Saturday is my bad day this week." And during the week when I am dying to pig out or just to eat something bad, I remind myself that Saturday is not too far away and I can wait a little longer to indulge in something bad. But the catch is that on your bad day, you cant just go to the store and buy everything you possibly can and eat it all, because you will feel terrible. Just do not overdo it and it wont make a difference once that day is over. You will be satisfied that you were able to eat some fries or a candy bar and know that a week is not that long to wait to eat it again. Like I said: INCENTIVE.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member

    Don't feel bad - We all do it.
    And definitely don't give up.
    You can always start again tomorrow. :o)

    When I get like that i find myself in a what I call 'carb cycle' - Seems as soon as the last carbs are being used I'm craving more?!?! And I'm never satisfied!!!
    Does this happen to you too?

    I only discovered that these cravings do actually go away after a few weeks when i did the Atkins diet.
    That really shows how many carbs and bad carbs I love to eat!

    I now do a 4 day detox diet every month and then stick to 1100 cals a day in between, little less than recommened but otherwise the weight creeps back.

    I have learned so much about food nutrition and how the body works over the years that I think I can advise myself better than anyone else.
    Let's not forget that 'Food' is a massive money making industry and they design food to be moreish and in some cases addictive - MSG etc. So the odds are stacked against us from the start.
    Don't feel bad, get angry with them for falling into their trap, bit of fighting spirit!!

    I don't want to promote Atkins as I dont think it's healthy (-at first at least) but I would say look at your simple carb intake and replace 3/4 with complex carbs or better still lean protein. Has worked wonders for me.
    You'll find that once your body is 'fed' properly it does crave all the other rubbish.

    It is hard to resist tempation sometimes but the benefits of feeling good and being proud of yourself out weigh anything else. I'd be happy to help with any tips if you need. Good luck and once again don't give up :o)
    Mel xxx

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
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