new help quick on Cauliflower pizza crust!!

I am in the middle of trying to make this. The recipe says to rice raw cauliflower, put one cup in the microwave(no water needed) and cook for 8 minutes. First off, it was too dry without added water, so I added a little, but after it was cooked, it is only about 1/3 cup. That doesn't look like enough to mix with 1 cup of mozzerella cheese. Is this right? Should I use 1 cup of COOKED cauliflower? I don't want to mess it up by adding more of not adding more.
Has anyone successfully made this, and if so, how much cauliflower did you use? 1 cup BEFORE cooking or 1 cup AFTER cooking?


  • moityrr
    moityrr Posts: 21 Member
    I haven't made it but was looking at recipes because I wanted to....the one I saw said 2 cups of rice cauliflower (1/2 a head of cauliflower) I am not sure if they are all different?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    well, after mixing in just the one cup,(now reduced to 1/3) It doesn't look right, so I am cooking another cup to see if that works. I looked at every different recipe I could find and they all said the same thing. We'll see how this works.
  • JamieAbnowski
    JamieAbnowski Posts: 18 Member
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Thanks. Yes, apparently it does take a cup AFTER it is cooked, so 2 cups raw. I added another cup and mixed it up and it looked like the picture I saw. It is cooking now and smelling really good. It is even puffing up a bit on one side. We'll see how it tastes after it is all done. The recipe says to let it cool after it is cooked to firm up.
  • kathieny
    kathieny Posts: 4 Member
    Where can I find the recipe??
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    ok, I am officially having a food-gasm! This is awesome. After 2 months of no pizza, I am now in pizza heaven.

    You can google 'Cauliflower Pizza Crust' and find dozens of sites with the recipe. Just remember to use 1 cup of COOKED riced cauliflower. SO if you rice it raw, use 2 cups.

    I added some sauce, sliced ham, mushrooms, and mozzerella, stuck it under the broiler to melt the cheese for 2-3 minutes.

    I sprayed tin foil with non stick canola oil spray, but should have coated it a bit more since the center of the crust stuck a little bit.

    Crust is soft, like NY foldover pizza. I will play around with it the next time I make it to see if I can firm it up a bit. But I like soft crust on pizza. I call this a win!
  • moityrr
    moityrr Posts: 21 Member
    OK now I want to try this.....I think I'll attempt it on the weekend. Thanks for the update :)
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm definitely gonna try this .. I have to try it .. I have this fav pizza I like .. with sliced tomatoes, basil and feta cheese .. oh and garlic .. LOL sometimes onions too .. I'm so bad.. I love my pizza .. that's gonna be one of my Sunday Splurges I think!