Breakfast ideas, please?

Hello, everyone! My name is Rose. How are you all today?

I get tired easily with my normal breakfasts, and I was wondering what were some breakfast meals that you enjoy? A recipe is welcomed. ^^

I have a few breakfast meals that I rotate, and I really would like to add more things.

If your interested in what I normally eat:

Salmon, miso soup, rice, and a side of vegetables/ White fish, vegetables, salads.

The normal egg, bacon, toast/ Egg, bacon, rice/ Boiled egg in soy sauce, rice/Boiled egg sandwich, side of salad. - I adore eating bacon and banana together. If bananas are not available, I will have some apple slices.

Egg in a nest with a salad.

Egg and rice soup - Sometimes I add chicken if I have the time or if on weekends.


I rarely eat cold cereal, but sometimes It's quite nice, and I will have some fruit with it because it never fills me up by itself.

Breakfast burritos, quesadillas or wraps with a salad.

On weekends, I sometimes make pancakes or french toast, but mainly stick to fish and very rarely beef with rice, vegetables and a salad.

Also, because I eat quite a few salads, the dressings get boring as well. Does anyone have a dressing worth trying? The same goes for vegetables-- I either have broccoli, asparagus, bok choy or spinach. I really need more greens to try. Thank you!


  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member
    I like making an egg scramble. I make it just like scrambled eggs, but I add a ton of veggies into it. It is so good and your are getting more of your veggies in.
  • Thank you for the reply!

    . I did something like that today for breakfast. I made a vegetable omelete. It was quite good. I used some carrot, spinach, garlic and onion. I sadly did not have mushrooms on hand, and I forgot to add the broccoli.
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    all that sounds pretty good actually!

    as for me, I usually take oatmeal in the morning but I do a different approach to it, I boil the oatmeal with half the water and add half almond milk, then I stir in protein powder and black berries until it thickens, once it is done cooking I let it cool down then add psyllium husk seeds to give it an extra fiber boost, then I usually add a packet or two of stevia.

    to me it tastes pretty good, but most importantly, it is low calorie but is very very filling, sometimes I cannot even finish 1 serving.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    all that sounds pretty good actually!

    as for me, I usually take oatmeal in the morning but I do a different approach to it, I boil the oatmeal with half the water and add half almond milk, then I stir in protein powder and black berries until it thickens, once it is done cooking I let it cool down then add psyllium husk seeds to give it an extra fiber boost, then I usually add a packet or two of stevia.

    to me it tastes pretty good, but most importantly, it is low calorie but is very very filling, sometimes I cannot even finish 1 serving.

    wow i like that idea alot ... usually just put protein in the oatmeal with cinnamon and thats it
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I like Greek yogurt with frozen fruit and some high fiber cereal mixed in..

    I go ratios of 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 cup frozen fruit and 1/3 cup Uncle Sam's or 1/4 cup of Fiber One regular
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i hate breakfast so i never elaborate on it ..i eat pretty darned near the same thing every day in the am ..oatmeal or cream of wheat with cinnamon and either chia seeds or wheat germ ....and i scramble one eggland egg with a 1/4c of egg whites ( add italian seasoning,freeze dried onion and chopped up red bell pepper)... sometimes when im not in the egg mood i will add protein powder to the oatmeal ....
  • soumbos
    soumbos Posts: 32 Member
    Breakfast is personally my favourite meal of the day, but I am very busy and don't like to cook anything huge in the morning. I used to have a Vega One shake every morning until I stumbled upon Shakeology. Have you ever tried either one?
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    I'll toast a sandwich round, spread with a tablespoon of peanut butter and slice a banana on top...really good! I also use the sandwich rounds, spread some mayo and slice a hardboiled egg on each side, "drizzle" a little spicy mustard on top. Greek Yogurt is good, too...mixed with Kashi cereal and some PB2.
  • inflationary
    inflationary Posts: 23 Member
    Something that I like, and takes under 10 minutes to make (important for me, haha):

    Put one egg, however much salsa you like, and chopped up kale or spinach in a small ramekin.

    Mix it up well, making sure there is some egg on all the greens and the salsa is incorporated well.

    Meanwhile, toast an english muffin and butter it. I use a half tablespoon of real butter.

    When the egg patty is done, plop it on the muffin and BOOM! Deliciousness.

    My favorite english muffins are the honey wheat - I like a little bit of sweet, with Pace mild salsa.

    Greens, tomatoes, peppers, protein and carbs! Love it.
  • eljulia
    eljulia Posts: 40
    Oooh--there are a lot of good sounding ideas!

    i'm a fan of the plain 2% Fage Greek yogurt with berries or other cut up fruit, some agave nectar and either granola or that Fiber One original. Yum and satisfying.
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    Oooh--there are a lot of good sounding ideas!

    i'm a fan of the plain 2% Fage Greek yogurt with berries or other cut up fruit, some agave nectar and either granola or that Fiber One original. Yum and satisfying.

    Oh this is my kinda brekky had this today almost xx lovely
  • BaristaX - sounds very delicious. I might try it with a mix of berries when I can! Thank you
  • ztdavis82
    ztdavis82 Posts: 14 Member
    Back in the day, I used to make these Weight Watchers Applesauce Muffins, which were really good and great for eating on the road. I think this is the recipe:

    I also love making an open-faced breakfast sandwich:
    1 piece of toast (I use Alvarado St. Bakery California Style bread)
    1 wedge Laughing Cow Cream Cheese Spread
    a little Sriracha
    Sliced cucumber
    Sliced tomato
    Sliced onion
    1 Jennie-O Turkey Breakfast Sausage Patty scrambled with 2 egg whites
  • Breakfast is personally my favourite meal of the day, but I am very busy and don't like to cook anything huge in the morning. I used to have a Vega One shake every morning until I stumbled upon Shakeology. Have you ever tried either one?

    I've never heard of them. I have plenty of time in the morning, so I like filling breakfasts--shakes never really seemed like an option. xD What do they taste like?
  • Back in the day, I used to make these Weight Watchers Applesauce Muffins, which were really good and great for eating on the road. I think this is the recipe:

    I also love making an open-faced breakfast sandwich:
    1 piece of toast (I use Alvarado St. Bakery California Style bread)
    1 wedge Laughing Cow Cream Cheese Spread
    a little Sriracha
    Sliced cucumber
    Sliced tomato
    Sliced onion
    1 Jennie-O Turkey Breakfast Sausage Patty scrambled with 2 egg whites

    Those both sound very delicious! I really want to try the open-faced breakfast sandwich. Thank you!