Striiv - Addicted! Looking for friends...

Is anyone else using Striiv? I saw it in the new app gallery, downloaded it...and this app has been tricking me into walking more all day!!!

I'm looking for friends. Is it safe to post my email address on here? If not, please let me know so that I can take it down. :-)

I look forward to my new Striiv friends!!! If you haven't tried it out yet, you should. You do NOT need any extra equipment to use uses your phone's GPS, and it seems pretty accurate. Now I'm just trying to figure out how/when it syncs up with MFP...


  • rhannie8
    rhannie8 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks! I've synced, but I'm finding that my Striiv calorie adjustment on MFP is 598, but the actual calories on the Striiv app are 299. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on with that...

    Anybody else finding a discrepancy between Striiv and MFP?
  • rhannie8
    rhannie8 Posts: 24 Member
    Nobody out there taking advantage of the Striiv app? :ohwell:
  • cherry5353
    cherry5353 Posts: 6 Member
    I started using the striiv app today and my calorie adjustment was way off, by like 400 calories too many. I don't know why though.
  • I'm not using the Sriiv app because I don't have an iPhone, but I've been using the Striiv pedometer every day for the last five months. Love it!
  • I just downloaded today on my iphone and I'm finding it funny how I'm running to try and get more steps in hahahaha!
  • rrneal625
    rrneal625 Posts: 69 Member
    I downloaded the app yesterday and synced it as well....the calorie count was WAY off, it was 596 on my phone and over 900 when it went onto my MFP diary.
  • rrneal625
    rrneal625 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks! I've synced, but I'm finding that my Striiv calorie adjustment on MFP is 598, but the actual calories on the Striiv app are 299. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on with that...

    Anybody else finding a discrepancy between Striiv and MFP?

    Something isn't right with this app. I checked my phone this morning and exercise, calories, etc. zeroed out overnight. All I did was get up and come to work and the app shows 300+ steps / 56 calories but it just automatically synced with MFP and added 453 exercise calories. If discrepancies like this continue, I certainly won't be using it anymore. Disappointed so far. This could really be a set back for those who eat back their exercise calories :noway:
  • 2rnip
    2rnip Posts: 49 Member
    pity there's no android version
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    I started using the Striiv app yesterday. I really like it. I did struggle to figure out how to link it to MFP but I got it figured out this morning. I did a manual enter for my exercise calories burned but as soon as I linked the two, I also had the 400 calorie difference. I hope that gets fixed but I like this app and the linking of it and MFP.
  • rrneal625
    rrneal625 Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like we're all seeing approx 400 cal burned discrepancies. Now my MFP on PC and app are not syncing, food logged on phone not showing up on PC....calories burned on Striiv showing up too high on PC and not on MFP phone app at all. Bummed.
  • How do you link it? I don't see how.
  • I also had the problem with the sync reporting more calories than I logged in the app. I had a much smaller number than others, around 200 or so...but still...

    Also, when I visited their webpage to log in to see their dashboard it was totally wrecked. It didn't display correctly on any browsers on a mac or on a PC, so I don't think it's my side.

    This makes me sad because I have a pedometer from them and really enjoy using it. That they get the fundamentals wrong is a bummer. (Won't stop me from using the pedometer, though.) :)
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I just downloaded it on my iphone. Have not tried to use it yet. syncing with mfp now. feel free to friend me if you like!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I use the Runkeeper app and love it. No syncing with MFP, but I manually add the calories from my HRM, anyway.
  • We here at Striiv and the great team at MFP have been working together to resolve the issue of how your Striiv calorie data is being translated and displayed on your Daily totals.

    The MFP team jumped on this immediately and deployed corrections last night, today and there will be additional changes tonight. For the morning as part of the solution please change your "Update diet/fitness profile" setting to Sedentary. As an all-day activity tracker your activity level is being monitored by your Striiv app and your activity level will be included in the calculation.

    MFP has also gone back and retroactively made corrections to previous day totals that included the error. You should be receiving an email from Steven in your MFP inbox when all has been resolved.

    Thank you so much for your patience.

    - Katherine, Striiv CustomerCAre
  • RunfortheWine,

    To access the MyFitnessPal icon on your Striiv App, the Myland, Charts and Trophies icons scroll from right to left. As you scroll you will see the Weight, Tips and MFP icons.

    Tap on the MFP icon, enter your login information and your connection will be set.

    Be sure to set your "Update diet/fitness profile" setting to Sedentary. As an all-day activity tracker your activity level is being monitored by your Striiv app and your activity level will be included in the calculation.

    - Katherine, Striiv CustomerCare
  • rhannie8
    rhannie8 Posts: 24 Member
    I think I'm going to have to unsync the Striiv app until things are fixed. I was wondering why I had fewer calories than I thought I should have left for the day. I checked my exercise and saw that my Striiv said I burned "-189" calories for the day. NEGATIVE calories...really?! (Because it's negative, the calories are ADDED to my food calories instead of subtracted from it.)

    Looks like I'll be manually adding the calories. This stinks...
  • Please check your inbox in the next day or so for an update from MFP on how they are using the data from their new partners that monitor all throughout the day.
  • Hiya! Rhannie8 mine adjusted and seems to be working great but I've noticed the support people recomended setting yourself to sedentary (so that your striiv activity can be calculated off that and will be positive). If you have yourself set as Active but aren't getting as much activitiy on your striiv as an active person might be expected too many that is why it's negative? Or maybe it's not working right for you. Just thought I'd throw that out there since it worked for me :-) (after they made the fix late night on the 17th).
  • Nancy, you are exactly correct. If a Striiver is seeing a negative number on the Exercise Tab for the Striiv Calorie Adjustment. Then check your Activity level setting. Set that to Sedentary.

    The number being a negative on the Daily Summary page is because the math is subtracting the exercise number from your calorie goal. But you want the exercise number to ADD available calories to your Calories Remaining number. So it must be a negative number in order to create a positive addition of calories for you.

    Also be sure that the weight entered on the Striiv App and your MFP profile are the same as well.