Stop snacking

Hi everyone!

I was just wondering what you guys do to cut out unhealthy snacking. Instead of diving into the chocolate or lollies, what do you do instead? 20 star jumps? Go for a walk?



  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Sip a tart herbal tea or hot water with lots of lemon slices. The tartness keeps my tastebuds busy!
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    For me the keys to snacking are as follows:

    1) When I want to snack, I first critically notice what I am doing. I.E., I am bored or am I hungry. If I think it might be because I don't like what I am doing or am bored, I drink a no calorie drink first.
    2) If the drink didn't work or I can tell I am truly hungry, I snack. By snacking, I mean eat something that is anywhere from 90-190 calories. Generally those snacks are pretty nutritious - Light string cheese, lowfat cottage cheese, protein bar, greek yogurt, fruit, etc. Sometimes though they rae 40% reduced fat lay's crunchers, dark chocolate mint cremes from trader joes, etc. I'm not going to deprive myself of the things I like, just have them in moderation.
    3)Overall, drinking a lot more no calorie drinks during the day keeps me feeling full longer.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I am not always successful in fighting snacking, but the good days are like the other posters said - I went to club soda ro some other fizzy calorie-free drink to fill up on. And if I was still hungry, then the cereal bars or yogurts or other snacks that are <130 cals.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    First I have a cup of tea or a glass of no added sugar squash. That's usually enough and I often find I was more thirsty than hungry. After that I have a piece of fruit or a couple of almonds. If I still really want a snack after that I allow myself to have it. Totally depriving myself would send me off the rails. But I do measure whatever it is and eat it 'mindfully', savouring & appreciating.
  • Gl4ever
    Gl4ever Posts: 36 Member
    I try to drink some water and go for the healthy snacks that will keep me full like an apple. If your craving bad snacks try to get rid of it. I always heard you can eat those snacks once in a while
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i dont keep too much snacking stuff in the house.

    it's hard to eat stuff when you dont have it :wink:
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I am a sucker for salty snacks, so I keep on hand pickles, celery - add a pinch of smoky salt, pretzels, rice cakes. I like fruits so those as well, grapes, bananas. I too have been adding green tea a few times a day as it is supposed to curb appetite, which it kind of does, it is warm and satisfying. Lipton cup of soup, which has sodium, but again satisfying. I also bought but not used yet fat free hot chocolate. Also, I have go gurts in the freezer, they are so good like ice cream and less then 100 calories, might even be 70-80. Lastly off the top of my head, fig newtons only two at a time/day, I could eat them all but I have been good at sticking to two a time.

    I also kind of add snacks before I eat them, a visual sometimes help allow or eliminate depending on what else I have for meals and such.

    I just be sure to portion it to what I can afford for the day.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    I will often have a bag of microwave popcorn if I'm feeling peckish, unless I'm already over my allotted calories for the day. If I am, I'll have cottage cheese and then do a quick workout.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont keep too much snacking stuff in the house.

    it's hard to eat stuff when you dont have it :wink:

    this a million times. i just dont buy anything "snackable".

    and furthermore since i eat a lot of protein i never really feel the need to snack.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Well, I try not to snack.
    But like others have said, notice that you want to have a snack.
    If you do snack keep track of it.
    If you don't track it, the only person your fooling is yourself.
  • Thank you everyone, great to hear your suggestions! Keep up the good work :)
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    I buy rice cakes, fruit, carrot sticks, houmous etc. so I can plan healthy snacks into my day and have stuff to take into work.

    I understand the perspective of people who don't want to snack but personally I need to eat fairly regularly due to stomach problems.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I like tea with milk and fake sweetner and sugar free gum. I also love having fresh veggies like carrots and cucumbers on hand. A hard boiled egg is great and a new recipe I got from a friend which I am wild about is paleo pancakes 1 banana, 2 eggs, I add vanilla powder and peanut butter and cook it in a pan. Kept me full for a loooong time and nothing does that. I think I will have that for lunch. mmmm I keep my snacks clean. I feel so much better when I get all my fruits and veggies in for the day.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    One tablespoon of cold pressed organic olive oil. :flowerforyou: Prevents binges for me pretty quickly. I know my body is crying out for "good" fats AND 120 calories IS 120 calories. These calories act like medication for an illness for me.

    What does NOT WORK for me = Fruit, high sugar veggies and other low fat food (even healthy food) only deny my body what it's needing during a snack attack -- My body is truly looking for a level blood sugar. It also helps to find something fun to do (besides cooking of course).

    I like also an organic barn yard hard boiled large egg at night if my stomach is painfully growling so much that I cannot sleep. Takes the edge off. I rarely eat after 4:30pm.

    Being hungry at night balances the fact that I used to hit the bed stuffed to the gills. But, I won't sacrifice sleep over it. :noway:
  • Ichristini
    Ichristini Posts: 66 Member
    This may not help, but I snack constantly. I eat SOMEthing every 2 hours. but I have snacks like apples, yogurt, cheese, granola, and even 100 calorie packs to satisfy sweet or salty cravings.

    For me, I have planned snacks to make sure my day isn't derailed. At my work people are ALWAYS brings snacks, cookies, candy, etc So If I plan it, I eat the controlled items I bring.

    Good Luck!

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  • stufielding
    stufielding Posts: 49 Member
    Salt and vinegar snack'a jacks are what I keep at my desk, the big ones. One or two cakes 30 cals each, as effective for me as a bag of crisps which could be 200+

    A little bit of will power too... the idea that a 250 cal choc bar from the vending machine will take away a good portion of my dinner at home bugs me... so i leave them be

    These and water with a splash of vita coco help...
  • Scubabarbie
    Scubabarbie Posts: 20 Member
    I always have a cooler with me with a large ice pack that I take to work, shopping, or on long car trips to preserve snacks like:

    - 2 tablespoons of almonds or walnuts (not the typical 1/4 cup serving)
    - Small apple or banana with teaspoon of almond butter
    - 1 serving or less of 0% fat greek yogurt
    - 1 serving of 72% or higher dark chocolate
    - Slightly steamed baby carrots or broccoli crowns
    - Red grapes and strawberries (seasonal fruit of course)
    - Baked sweet potato chunks
    - Mini Baby Bell low fat cheese
    - Mini Baby Bell low fat wedges
    - Whey protein or rice protein shake (8 oz)
    - Low fat, low sodium, low sugar wheat crackers
  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    My grocery store has generic brand Jello cups that only have 5 calories each! I also get 10 calorie popsicles. You can pretty much go wild with those two things without making a huge dent in your calorie budget. :)