32 seconds on treadmill

I got a terrible side stich after only 32 seconds on the treadmill yesterday. This has all started happening since about last Thursday. I have been exercising for about 3 months and have lost a little over 25 pounds (43 total) thats tracked on MFP. Has anyone else exp this sort of weird thing? My side even hurts this morning and yesterday morning walking down the hall at work???? I am so confused. I have had side stiches in the past but usually when I am new to exercising.


  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    That sounds like something I got at the beginning of last year - I got a stich when running which lingering and would 'niggle' afterwards.

    Unfortunately, I can't remember how I got rid of it in the end! Try gentle side stretches before and after exercising and pay attention to breathing. Also, slow down for a bit until it calms down.
  • apatheticLog
    apatheticLog Posts: 24 Member
    this used to happen to me all of the time when i worked out. for some strange reason the correlation between the pain and exercising was because i didnt have enough water. next time this happens, drink lots of water to see if it subsides. always, always worked for me.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Start out slow - warm up with a walk first then start a slow job. Typically, side stitches happen because you aren't breathing deeply enough. I get them when I let myself get out of breath...which means I'm going too fast. Try putting your arm above your head (the same side that hurts), breathe deeply and slowly and walk until the pain subsides. When you start running again focus on taking deep, full breaths. As you learn to control your breathing and your fitness improves, you should get them less frequently.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Along the lines of breathing, I remember my coach from my track days used to tell us to breath like we're blowing out a candle to get rid of them once it happens. Breath in then a big and quick full breath out. Just so happens that one of my recent runs that happened and I did the breathing and it went away. Maybe it will work for you too!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I either get a stitch from drinking too much water or not having enough before a run. I just run through it and if I *really* need, I'll take a quick break and walk a bit, then start back up again.
  • ssalmfp
    ssalmfp Posts: 27 Member
    I was getting this also last week. I wasn't eating or drinking a lot immediately before my run, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I did a little bit of research and found a solution that works well. My issue was dehydration, so I make sure to drink at least 16oz of water in the hour before I run and I also do some stretching. That muscle that's hurting are your obliques, so make sure to do stretches that target that area (side stretches and that kind of thing). Also, make sure that you have proper running form and that you're not hunched over.

    Here's a short article about it: http://www.livestrong.com/article/521301-oblique-muscles-hurt-when-running/

    Edit: Sorry, can't figure out how to get it to actually post a link and not just the url.
  • Sheff612
    Sheff612 Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like dehydration or improper breathing. Could also be something you ate.
  • ashlielinn
    Same thing happens to me every now and then. I try to focus on taking deeper breaths and just run through it haha