Beautiful Blues February 22, 2010



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Chrissy you can do it! You can run 11 miles, you can do anything!:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: You inspire me to keep going. I know that you really could do anything that you want to. I can too!

    Slow and steady wins the race Jess--I started wondering if your intensity is what was the issue--you were burning insane amounts of calories. Working yourself up slowly will show you where your threshold is!

    Thanks for the house wellwishes. It has been a long time coming. Now the timeline is feeling a little overwhelming!

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am 10 pounds away from what I weighed when I got married APril 7 1990 (20 years) - I am shooting to hit it again....
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    That is so awesome!! I bet I can lose ten lbs by then too! I can't wait to see the scale dip below 170! I can't remember the last time it was there!

    We can do it!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    That's awesome, we're so close to a certain point. I'm pretty sure I will be 18x this week. It's been a long time.

    I'm looking forward to the 170's I can't even remember when I was that weight last.
    Only thing I remember was 150lbs at 15.

    Going to post new pics at end of this week after I finish my Wii EA 30 day challenge - and prepare myself to get back into P90x next week.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I may switch up what I've been doing - just to mess with my system a bit....maybe I need to incorporate P90X in with my running.....I'll have to read up on the plan and see...I'll let you know what I figure out
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am starting to really think about getting p90x.

    I have heard that after 9 days of any exercise your body has adapted to it, so switching it up weekly is a good thing!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Chrissy- Awesome goal you have set for yourself. And you can do it- look how much you have already accomplished. Switching up exercises is a great plan, that way the body has to guess as to what you are doing. P90x sounds like a great plan!!!!! Wohooo!!!

    Debnu- congratulations on your purchase......... We can totally do this weight loss for 10 pounds. I set up mini goals for myself of 10 pounds, and when I reach them I feel amazing. It's easier to picture small goals than the bigger picture.

    tthumper- awesome job on your hard work. I am sure your new pictures will look great!!!!!

    I've done my school homework for today. Now I'm going to do a 90 minute session of Insanity Cardio Recovery & p90x Legs & Back while my toddler naps. I'll probably have to get her in between workouts after she wakes up, but I'll distract her and put her in her play yard while I'm done. I'm a newbie runner all, but I can't wait till it gets warmer so that I can run in Central Park. Okay, enough talking, now to do my workout.

    Peace all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning Blue team.
    It's been quiet these last few days?

    Debnu, I don't think the body adjust that quick - 9 days. I think we can go longer on an exercise before we need to worry about switching it up. Switching it up, confusing the body is a good thing of course. If you use Tony H's philosophy, muscle confusion.
    Or switch up differnet workouts each day.

    Well we went to costco. Jeans for $15 that looked good. Can't go wrong buying two pairs of jeans when some other pairs cost $30 for 1. :laugh:
    I bought myself two 34" pants - I said to myself that they will be my reward pants. Well when I got home I had to try them on.
    They both fit :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Two diff brands so one of them gives me a little muffin top, but OMG I can wear 34" pants again. (I think it's been almost 20 years since I wore 34")
    Before I started this journey in May 2009, I was wearing 40" jeans pants and had to buy 42" dress pants as I couldn't wear jeans to work.
    This last month, everything's been feeling better, tighter, stronger. I can see some definition coming along.:glasses: :drinker:

    Everyone, have a great day.
  • katattack
    wooooooo tttthumper! how good does that feel?! congrats congrats congrats! Soak it up - you've worked hard, and you are seeing really great (and motivating!) success.

    Debnu, I worked in the fitness industry for a while at a 'women's only' facility and absorbed a lot about this concept of 'periodization'. Generally a women's body can take about 6 weeks of one sort of regime before we stop seeing those great results. What the PTs do to combat this is called 'periodization'; switching up the type of muscle training (i.e. endurance/agility building, vs strength building, vs power) that way the body has to re-adapt to meet the new pressures. Of course there's also a lot of benefit in stabilizing your routine for a few weeks, so it's definitely a balancing act.

    As for me, I just switched up my fitness routine in a pretty big way and am definitely reaping the rewards. I'm getting back into really good shape and ohhhhh man it's about time, because it looks like I'm going to Hawaii in mid-April!! Ahhhhhh I've always always wanted to try surfing! I am focusing on those goals - each little landmark - and now that I have that big plan in just under 2 mts, I have so much motivation to stay ON POINT. I have this cute blue bikini... lol i can picture it already: toned, drinking coconut water on the cold Torontonian heart thawing slowly :tongue:

    Today's workout is two fold: My yoga instructor best-friend is coming over to do some yoga (my brittle runner's legs are in crisis), and then tonight I'm looking at a spinning class for some cardio. Love that spinning stuff. Such an awesome challenge, so uplifting, so much sweat :happy:

    Finally, a little bit of exciting news: I'm en route to getting my personal training certification and am very excited! I ultimately want to do a boot-camp style (but fun!) group training type of thing, or help a couple clients meet their own goals individually. How cool would that be?!!!

    Keep on trucking folks! The weekend approacheth!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi Team,

    tthumper- Congrats on your accomplishments and looking good and feeling good after all of your hard work.

    Kat- Awesome to look forward to a trip in April, and have that as motivation. I love your new pic, I see that your hair looks different. Looks great!!!! That's so exciting to hear about your physical training certification- I'm sure you'll do great!!!!!

    I'm running slow today and am still getting breakfast/lunch prepared. It's snowing alot here in NYC. I'm going to finish up on some homework for school and then do Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance & Cardio Abs for a total of 55 minutes. Then I think I'll unwind with a movie and dinner.

    Since I have upped my calories I feel that I have more endurance when I work out and I actually feel that I am doing the exercises in a better form. This whole idea of eating more to lose more is still new to me, so I'm getting used to it. The weight is starting to stabilize, so I'm still waiting for it to go back to what it was.

    Keep on moving blues!!!!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Here's what I've been doing...

    Monday-Strength (adding P90X Cardio X or Cardio Intervals)
    Tuesday-Short run (adding Yoga or 30 day shred)
    Wednesday-Easy run (5-6 miles)
    Thursday-Strength plus 30 minute elliptical(I am changing to either do CardioX, Cardio Intervals or another short run not elliptical)
    Friday-Step Class OR Plyometrics
    Saturday - LONG RUN
    Sunday-Rest (usually a walk)

    With the "OR" options I may rotate between them each week so that I'm mixing it up a little!

    What ya' think?
    I really want to get as close to my 10 pounds by April 7th.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I attended a class by Larry Scott--Mr. Olympia, and the 9 days is what he said. I figure if I am getting bored then it is time to change it up. I probably should have mentioned it before. :wink:

    He also said that HCG is great and that he eats a protein to carb ratio of 4:1, I should probably take what he said with a huge cup of salt. But he did great as a body builder.

    I am getting my exercise packing today. Getting rid of a ton of stuff too. We are going to list our house on Monday so I need to get it really clean.

    Have a great one!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Chrissy- wow, your weekly plan looks good!!!!!

    Debnu- Best wishes to you while moving and all.

    Go Blues!!!!!!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I was watching a info commercial on the p90x and would really love to try it. I have a few questions however. I know its for 90days which I'm ok with how long are the exercise i.e. an hour, two hrs. I really want my hubby to do it with me. I think he would see wonderful results however I know how much it cost also. I'm getting a tat next week. I suppose instead of getting that I could get the p90x he he. Maybe with our tax refund we could get it also. My new goal is to get into a size 14 by this summer as I have several capri's and shorts of that size. No more stepping on the scale for me for a while. Therapist says for me its not good for me at this point. Sometimes I sneak one in here and there. I have lost about 6lbs. This is without exercise and I haven't really been counting calories however I have been watching what I eat. My goal is to start counting again.

    Everyone is doing a wonderful job and keep up the wonderful work.

    chrissyh- you go girl on the weight loss
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    j_g, I found it on for $140, free shipping, which is the same cost as the program and shipping on the actual website. I have heard the workouts are an hour--but I will let those who have done it speak to that. I am seriously thinking about getting it too. After I move, however--so if you want to start the 90 days in April, I will join you.

    I am down 3 lbs from last Friday. I feel as though I am not doing much, just trying to only eat when hungry. I was under cals yesterday, but not by much--The funny thing is I am not officially exercising, just running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. :laugh:

    Chrissy I love your workout schedule. Someday I will say that a 5 mile run is easy too! :love:

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I was just looking at my P90x material last night.
    most exerercises are approx an hour, but some days Tony wants you to combine an extra exercise.
    ie 2-3 times a week add in Ab ripper x (so that makes some days 1 hour to 1.5 hours).


    Tonight's my last day of my 30 day challenge with EA active - Rest this weekend, Going to be starting up my P90x on monday.
    Looking back, I had only did 2-3 weeks before I "injured" my back/hamstring - So I'm just going to continue the next 10 weeks or so.
    I now have more accountability, as my Day 90, should be the week before I leave for Florida to get married and go to Jamaica for the honeymoon.:drinker:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hey all

    Did a little work for my hubby's company last night and made a little money and got a workout delivering 37 boxes of tomato's
    I joined a group that is starting P90x on MOnday so I will be starting that and hopefully start seeing some real results and make my april 7th challange goal of 10 pounds.
    Have not eaten a lot because of the stomach flu still don't have my appetite back yet

    Hope yall are having a great week
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey all

    Did a little work for my hubby's company last night and made a little money and got a workout delivering 37 boxes of tomato's
    I joined a group that is starting P90x on MOnday so I will be starting that and hopefully start seeing some real results and make my april 7th challange goal of 10 pounds.
    Have not eaten a lot because of the stomach flu still don't have my appetite back yet

    Hope yall are having a great week

    P90X is hardcore! Plyo is killer but I really like that he breaks things down in 30 second or 1 minute intervals so you push yourself to do "just 15 seconds more"...I've also done the Cardio X-limiting my strength training to two days a week for now-I am afraid that if I added in too much P90X that my body will be too sore to run and I've trained to long to not finish this Half Marathon on March 21 because I injur myself trying to be wonderwoman!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Chrissy I think you just might be wonder woman--don't injure yourself though.

    smadag, I understand not having an appetite back yet--I think I am losing because of it--so I guess I can't complain too loudly. I am glad you are doing better and a little money on the side isn't bad at all is it?

    ttthumper--the wedding is coming up quick, isn't it! Keep up the great work--you don't have too far to go! You can do it!!

    Okay I took enough of a break--back to boxes!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Going to work with hubby tomorrow. We are going from our house in central AL to Decatur (very North AL) back past the house to Pensicola, FL. OMG it is going to be a VERY long day but well worth the $$$$$