Help! Weight loss for military



  • domcom08
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member

    sorry to hear that ! Go Navy
  • Ender126
    So the problem is I'm 5'3 and weigh 184 I have HUGE boobs so half of my weight is coming from my breast :-( any advice as to how I can lose 40 pounds in 2 months! My goal is to leave for basic in Jan. I have already started eating healthy and I work out 2x a day but have lost nothing! Please let me hear your advice.. Thanks

    You just need to make sure you "make tape" for when you leave to boot camp. You'll lose more weight in basic if you eat right and take PT seriously. It's honestly going to be the hardest thing you have to deal with throughout your career. I'm speaking from experience. You might never make "weight" but as long as you make "tape" you'll be set. Once you get through basic make sure you maintain your fitness!!! They take breast size into consideration for the weight-ins, that's why there is taping. Do more cardio and limit your intake before you leave so you set yourself up for success. This site has helped me lose 30 lbs and 10% Body fat.... I am Navy and get taped still even after losing that much weight and BF. You can do it girl!!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Also ditto to the advice about taping-- my husband is over weight every single weigh in, but he makes tape and passes his PRT with flying colors.
  • domcom08
    yea listening to everybody it sucks but i will set my date bk but hearing that gives me hope lol so thanks!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I suggest changing your goal from weight loss to being able to run 2 miles fast complete 2 mins push-ups and 2 mins sit-ups. Or have they changed the test? And i don't remember if the girls get measured around the neck like guys do when they calculate BF% anyone know?

    for women they measure neck, waist and hips. and even if you can pass the APFT doesn't meant you'll make height and weight.

    For the OP, I'm glad you're pushing your date back, I'd say still talk to a recruiter, they can get you into a future soldiers program and give you some good pt advice