Coffee and weight loss???

Ang8178 Posts: 308
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
OK so I've kinda been enjoying some coffee lately :happy: Not like a drink a pot a day or anything. I actually didn't even own a coffee maker untill last month! I'm 28 years old and in my life time have had maybe only had 10-15 servings of coffee! YES in my LIFETIME! Well, I started drinking some coffee earlier this week and got to googleing it...

Some sites clame that it's awful for weight loss, others say it gives you an extra boost to burn more calories. What does everyone else think?

I make an espersso/chocolate blend with half and half... Ends up being about 70 calories, 1g fat, 4 carbs, and 2 protien... OH and not like I'm drinking a pot a day, we are talking one cup (8 ounces), maybe 2. I'm just wondering if I should cut it out or if a few cups a day is ok?


  • I have heard that it can be good to have coffee just before your work-out as it gives you an energy boost and you are likely to work harder and/or for longer. My Rosemary Conley fitness instructor that I go too did a talk on it, but opinions from experts were very mixed.

    Personally though I avoid it as I am very sensitive to caffiene, I am OK at first but then it will have a cumulative affect and I won't be able to sleep. I have actually gone 5 nights without sleep before due to caffiene when I started drinking it suddenly.

    Even cola builds up in my system and if anytthing happens when I have had caffiene to disturb my sleep (say one of the kids wakes) then I find it impossible to get back to sleep, then the next night I won't sleep either etc etc.

    As a lack of sleep is bad for weight control I have chosen to avoid it, apart from the odd square of dark chocolate if I have any PMS, lol!
  • i think a cup or two a day is fine. there are reported benefits of drinking coffee such as a possibly reduced risk of alzheimers and dementia, as well as a possible link to colon health. as far as aiding in weight loss, i don't think so. it gives you more energy from the caffeine, so then you may have more energy for physical activity. caffeine is also a diuretic, so it will reduce water retention, but with that said, you also need to drink a lot more water to make up for the dehydration caused by the caffeine. enjoy your coffee and count the calories!
  • lysitzac
    lysitzac Posts: 3 Member
    well for me i love coffee and in 2006 i lost 58 pounds (but gained all and more back) i drank coffee every day maybe 2 or 3 cups
    i kinda feel it's my reward for my hard work now. i work out almost everyday and eat right so i think that's ok for me. i know bread
    and sugar are my weakness i do stay away mostly from the bread because i know it's a weight gain for me and sugar is in everything so i just watch. good luck
  • I am a coffee junkie! I drink way too much, but do think it helps me weight loss. I notice my energy level is much higher on days I drink coffee compared to when I don't have as much.

    Calorie wise - it has some , but the way I drink it my cals are limited. I drink brewed coffee from home, half caffeine and half decaf, and use sugar free creamer - that's it! I do count the calories, but like i said, it is very minimal... Now, when I have Starbucks, that's a different story! :ohwell:

  • I just recently gave up coffee as it was a terrible addiction for me , and the withdrawal has been no picnic.

    Caffeine can effect absorbtion of calcium, so ladies especially if you drink coffee, make sure you are getting more calcium.

    And although he is controversial, Dr. Perricone who has been on Oprah states: Coffee (and it’s not the caffeine) can result in elevated levels of cortisol and insulin, leading to weight gain. Remember, elevated insulin puts a lock on body fat. If you substitute green tea for coffee, and do nothing else differently, you will lose 10 pounds in six weeks"

    But yes there are studies which show it has benefits as well. I just think being dependent on it might not be a good idea.
    I was a coffee junkie.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Coffee does have benefits, it does increase metabolism, it is a diuretic, it can improve sex life, it does dehydrate, can help improve focus & brain function, and regarding does it help/hinder weight loss?

    If you drink it heavey, then hinders (lots of cream & sugar, lattes w/milk, etc).
    If you drink it black, it helps.

    And always remember - in moderation! You don't want to get hooked. Trust me. I AM a pot of coffee a day (and I actually have ligitimate reasons for it aside from addiction). TwentyTen is very right about the calcium and addiction issues. But if you're staying at 1 cup a day, then you should be okay. In fact, try Folgers half and 1/2. It's half caffeinated. Stay away from espresso. That will get you super hooked. There's a reason they serve it in tiny cups!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I was watching the biggest loser a couple of weeks ago and Jillian said for every caffenated drink you have to drink extra 64 oz of water. Make sure it decaff.
  • I have been training and watching what i eat for about two months. I've just removed caffeine from my diet along with alcohol. These seemed to be the last two items that were hindering my workouts and my will power to stay on track. Caffeine is treated as a toxin to the body. It stimulates like any stimulant drug. However, the highs and lows effect our eating and sleeping habits.
    I have found that in these past weeks that I have a much more productive workout schedule and I have actually been able to wake
    up earlier and workout in the morning. Something I could not do before when I was taking in caffeine. I do believe that it has helped me to detox from caffeine.
  • Supplemental caffeine works even better to boost your metabolic rate. It allows you to burn body fat while working out. Anhydrous caffeine is probably the most effective form.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    And although he is controversial, Dr. Perricone who has been on Oprah states: Coffee (and it’s not the caffeine) can result in elevated levels of cortisol and insulin, leading to weight gain. Remember, elevated insulin puts a lock on body fat. If you substitute green tea for coffee, and do nothing else differently, you will lose 10 pounds in six weeks"
    Of course the Dr. has relevant studies to back that ridiculous claim, right? :huh:

    Coffee is a diuretic, and a stimulant. So like others have mentioned, if you drink coffee, make sure you drink a little extra water. The stimulant effect will increase your metabolism, but it's probably very negligible.

    I drink about 45 oz a day (3x 15oz mugs) a day, and as you can see, from my ticker, have lost almost 30 lbs in the last 3 months without any problems.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Thanks for the input everyone. I don't think the one or two cups aday will hinder me. And I don't drink any other caffeine during the day. In fact the only thing I drink is water!!! Sure I may have a very small amount of diet soda for a mixed drink a few times a week, but that's it.... other than that it's water water water! I actually drink it when I crave something sweet! Anyway, thanks again for all the input, I just wanted to put it out there and see how others who were trying to lose weight as well felt about it.
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I am a coffee junkie!! It is not even for the acffeine kick, I get the same enjoyment from decaf. I like hot, creamy coffee to start my day. I average 40-50 ounces a day! I drink it with lowfat milk and sometimes a sugar free sweetener. I could give it up......but why? I enjoy it, I am still losing weight while drinking coffee ~ I have given up my addiction to high calorie vanilla lattes & have restricted my high calorie Killian's consumption. I will keep right on enjoying my morning liquid gold!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It turns out coffee is not a diuretic. They did studies and people would pee more often after drinking it for a few hours but their total output for the day wouldn't change.

    So it's more of an ON button for your bladder. Drink coffee and you get the urge to empty what's in your bladder but you don't get rid of extra water that you are retaining.

    Though, the more fluids you drink, the less water your body stores. So drinking a lot of whatever (coffee, water, tea, etc.) will help you with water retention.
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