So frustrated! Scale hasnt budged!



  • Chocohen
    Chocohen Posts: 10 Member
    Before I joined MFP a few weeks back I thought that I was being very good / strict with my food and was doing a spin class at least twice a week but I had reached a plateau and the scale was not moving.

    So I made some changes.....
    Firstly - I started using MFP and found that I had probably been TOO strict on myself and eating too little. So I now try to eat near to my target and eat back some or all or my exercise calories depending on how hungry I am.
    Secondly - I now do about 4 exercise classes per week - spinning and cardiobodypump

    The result? - I have managed to lose 4lbs!

    So anyway what I am trying to say is that everyone is an individual and what works for me may not work for you but perhaps you need to make a few small changes to kickstart your metabolism. Perhaps eating to your target and looking at the type and amount of exercise you do.

    Good luck - your profile pic looks fab - it has only been 8 days and you only have 10 lbs to lose so concentrate on the positives and you will get there. :smile:
  • kms028:

    Hey you're kinda being a *****. Nobody likes a know- it- all
  • imgonnabtheonly1
    imgonnabtheonly1 Posts: 1 Member
    I saw this on a health post and it might be helpful to you...
    Metabolism 101:
    -any movement speeds metabolism
    -every increase in body temperature increases your metabolism by 14%
    -eating protein seems to do the same thing
    -when you sleep, your metabolic rate decreases by -10%
    -when you fast more than 12 hours your metabolic rate decreases -40%
    -some of your metabolism is genetic
    -adequate sleep helps you regulate your metabolism

    You can control your metabolism by
    -eating steadily throughout the day
    -staying hydrated

    Last thing, exercising is very effective until your body adapts to that exercise. If you've been doing the same running routine, switch it up to zumba or another form of cardio. If you weight lift, do different exercises... Variety is key. Your body will transform to make it the best for whatever exercise your doing.

    - Jillian
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I just looked at the healthy weight chart for a 5'4" woman (the OP) with a small frame:


    Anything under is considered underweight and can be unhealthy for your organs, longevity, overall health etc.

    Has nothing to do with vanity. Having a goal of being underweight is not healthy.

    Well, this is along the lines of what I was trying to say.

    If your goal weight is UNHEALTHY, it is no longer about health, it is about how you want to look. Which is technically vanity.

    The inside of the body and overall health should count for more.
  • debroche421
    debroche421 Posts: 2 Member
    You've answered that you aren't weighing your food. I'm going to tell you right now that if you aren't weighing your food you canNOT possibly know how much you are eating & what your caloric intake is. So before you start shoving more food into your gullet (JOKING!), go spend $20 & buy a digital food scale. Weigh & measure everything.

    I'm speaking from experience. What I thought was 2 tbs of peanut butter or 6 oz of yogurt turned out to be more, enough so that I was creating a plateau.

    As for your weight goal...You know your body better than we do. If you feel that 118 is a good weight for you, go for it. I am 5'6" tall. So is my best friend. She weighs 135 & looks amazing. If I weighed 135 I would look emaciated. My ideal weight is 140. Actually MORE than she does. I have a heavier frame than she does. It's all about your build. You & only you know if you are being vain.

    And, oh by the way, isn't that what a lot of weight loss is all about? Vanity? For me it is. I want to look good. What I think is looking good. Not what you think. Not what some cyber-troll thinks I should look like.

    Ignore the cyber-troll who is jealous because your profile picture is gorgeous.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I saw this on a health post and it might be helpful to you...
    Metabolism 101:
    -any movement speeds metabolism
    -every increase in body temperature increases your metabolism by 14%
    -eating protein seems to do the same thing
    -when you sleep, your metabolic rate decreases by -10%
    -when you fast more than 12 hours your metabolic rate decreases -40%
    -some of your metabolism is genetic
    -adequate sleep helps you regulate your metabolism

    You can control your metabolism by
    -eating steadily throughout the day
    -staying hydrated

    Last thing, exercising is very effective until your body adapts to that exercise. If you've been doing the same running routine, switch it up to zumba or another form of cardio. If you weight lift, do different exercises... Variety is key. Your body will transform to make it the best for whatever exercise your doing.

    - Jillian

    This is great!! Thanks for posting!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I only consider it vanity if you are already at a healthy weight, and the goal weight is unhealthy. I'm 5ft2 and aiming for 130. lol by your standards I'm pretty much going to be fat at my goal weight.

    but do what you think is best.

    This is not about you. Get over yourself.

    OP, I agree with others that you are quite a looker. However, if you want to improve yourself a bit more, go for it. It can be tough getting support on this board if you don't have tons of weight to lose. You do not have to starve yourself. In the end that will have negative effects on your metabolism. Eat at the smallest deficit you can and still lose weight.

    For example, MFP tells me that to lose one pound I need to eat 1290. But I have been eating about 2000 and MAINTAINING. That means that I can eat about 1500 actually. Do it in a manner that you are not back in this situation needing to lose weight that you lost in the past.

    Aww thanks so much. You are very sweet, and very helpful. Im glad I posted this question today because I think I know where Im going wrong now. Clearly, I also need to be a little more patient! :)

    I'll say it again. Yes, each person is different. The OP admitted to consistently eating BELOW the MFP goal. This is not about patience. This is about finding balance and finding the calorie intake that works. It's about being healthy. Eating below what MFP suggests means that you're eating a deficit to an ALREADY built-in deficit. Patience is not part of this fact. Patience is key, yes. But eating below goal, and not losing weight means that the body is not being given adequate fuel and that the body is not letting go of any extra.

    A daily deficit of 500 calories = 1lb/week lost.

    When you only have 10 lbs to lose AND you're already at a HEALTHY WEIGHT eating a deficit to the already built-in deficit is not how the program is designed. This is not BIGGEST LOSER. We're talking about the OP who scientifically speaking is already at a healthy weight and wants to lose a little bit more.

    Eating a deficit to an already built in deficit has nothing to do with patience. It has everything to do with NOT treating your body right and not giving a healthy body the fuel it needs.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    You've answered that you aren't weighing your food. I'm going to tell you right now that if you aren't weighing your food you canNOT possibly know how much you are eating & what your caloric intake is. So before you start shoving more food into your gullet (JOKING!), go spend $20 & buy a digital food scale. Weigh & measure everything.

    I'm speaking from experience. What I thought was 2 tbs of peanut butter or 6 oz of yogurt turned out to be more, enough so that I was creating a plateau.

    As for your weight goal...You know your body better than we do. If you feel that 118 is a good weight for you, go for it. I am 5'6" tall. So is my best friend. She weighs 135 & looks amazing. If I weighed 135 I would look emaciated. My ideal weight is 140. Actually MORE than she does. I have a heavier frame than she does. It's all about your build. You & only you know if you are being vain.

    And, oh by the way, isn't that what a lot of weight loss is all about? Vanity? For me it is. I want to look good. What I think is looking good. Not what you think. Not what some cyber-troll thinks I should look like.

    Ignore the cyber-troll who is jealous because your profile picture is gorgeous.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Not just for your recommendations, but your kind words as well. I will order a food scale today. Is there a particular brand you recommend?
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I only consider it vanity if you are already at a healthy weight, and the goal weight is unhealthy. I'm 5ft2 and aiming for 130. lol by your standards I'm pretty much going to be fat at my goal weight.

    but do what you think is best.

    This is not about you. Get over yourself.

    OP, I agree with others that you are quite a looker. However, if you want to improve yourself a bit more, go for it. It can be tough getting support on this board if you don't have tons of weight to lose. You do not have to starve yourself. In the end that will have negative effects on your metabolism. Eat at the smallest deficit you can and still lose weight.

    For example, MFP tells me that to lose one pound I need to eat 1290. But I have been eating about 2000 and MAINTAINING. That means that I can eat about 1500 actually. Do it in a manner that you are not back in this situation needing to lose weight that you lost in the past.

    Aww thanks so much. You are very sweet, and very helpful. Im glad I posted this question today because I think I know where Im going wrong now. Clearly, I also need to be a little more patient! :)

    I'll say it again. Yes, each person is different. The OP admitted to consistently eating BELOW the MFP goal. This is not about patience. This is about finding balance and finding the calorie intake that works. It's about being healthy. Eating below what MFP suggests means that you're eating a deficit to an ALREADY built-in deficit. Patience is not part of this fact. Patience is key, yes. But eating below goal, and not losing weight means that the body is not being given adequate fuel and that the body is not letting go of any extra.

    A daily deficit of 500 calories = 1lb/week lost.

    When you only have 10 lbs to lose AND you're already at a HEALTHY WEIGHT eating a deficit to the already built-in deficit is not how the program is designed. This is not BIGGEST LOSER. We're talking about the OP who scientifically speaking is already at a healthy weight and wants to lose a little bit more.

    Eating a deficit to an already built in deficit has nothing to do with patience. It has everything to do with NOT treating your body right and not giving a healthy body the fuel it needs.

    I understand this and when I said that I think I know now where I'm going wrong, i was referring to the fact that I'm eating too few calories. Thanks for your help.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I only consider it vanity if you are already at a healthy weight, and the goal weight is unhealthy. I'm 5ft2 and aiming for 130. lol by your standards I'm pretty much going to be fat at my goal weight.

    but do what you think is best.

    This is not about you. Get over yourself.

    OP, I agree with others that you are quite a looker. However, if you want to improve yourself a bit more, go for it. It can be tough getting support on this board if you don't have tons of weight to lose. You do not have to starve yourself. In the end that will have negative effects on your metabolism. Eat at the smallest deficit you can and still lose weight.

    For example, MFP tells me that to lose one pound I need to eat 1290. But I have been eating about 2000 and MAINTAINING. That means that I can eat about 1500 actually. Do it in a manner that you are not back in this situation needing to lose weight that you lost in the past.

    Aww thanks so much. You are very sweet, and very helpful. Im glad I posted this question today because I think I know where Im going wrong now. Clearly, I also need to be a little more patient! :)

    I'll say it again. Yes, each person is different. The OP admitted to consistently eating BELOW the MFP goal. This is not about patience. This is about finding balance and finding the calorie intake that works. It's about being healthy. Eating below what MFP suggests means that you're eating a deficit to an ALREADY built-in deficit. Patience is not part of this fact. Patience is key, yes. But eating below goal, and not losing weight means that the body is not being given adequate fuel and that the body is not letting go of any extra.

    A daily deficit of 500 calories = 1lb/week lost.

    When you only have 10 lbs to lose AND you're already at a HEALTHY WEIGHT eating a deficit to the already built-in deficit is not how the program is designed. This is not BIGGEST LOSER. We're talking about the OP who scientifically speaking is already at a healthy weight and wants to lose a little bit more.

    Eating a deficit to an already built in deficit has nothing to do with patience. It has everything to do with NOT treating your body right and not giving a healthy body the fuel it needs.

    I understand this and when I said that I think I know now where I'm going wrong, i was referring to the fact that I'm eating too few calories. Thanks for your help.

    To the OP: You're welcome. Sorry if I come across as harsh. We're all here to learn from each other. And best to get control of it now (and reach your goals in a healthy way). Because it's true what they say--it is harder after age 30. I was thin all the way through my 20s, and while I'm still a healthy weight I want to maintain and fit into my old clothes. I totally understand where you're coming from.
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    Don't listen to the haters. You do not have a goal that is unreasonable or unhealthy...You have to do what makes you feel good and right for your body. Keep plugging away at the clean eating. Also, maybe cycle your calories...1200 1 day; 1400 the next; or change the amount of carbs each day. Seems to be helping me. Higher carbs 1 day, then lower (i can't do no carbs..but if you can, go for it) the next....
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member i can reply to you.

    look at my profile pic. i am fairly lean...just shy of 20% body fat. i'm 5'6" and i weigh 125-ish. i've posted several times on here trying to get advice about losing the last 5-10. i've been on MFP for 75 days now. i have not lost one single pound.

    i started with 1200 calories a day. that got me nowhere. i recently started following helloitsdan and his "in place of a road map" guidelines for calorie intake. i am now up to 1700 calories a day. good news: i haven't gained anything even though i'm eating like a horse. bad news: i haven't lost anything either. i'm actually even considering upping my cals more to like 1800.

    with that said, i have decided to shift my focus on body recomposition. i want 6-pack abs. i want muscle definition. i no longer really care what the scale says so long as i still fit into my clothes. i've been weight lifting 3x a week for 45 minutes and i only do cardio 3x a week (30 day shred/high intensity intervals on my treadmill). i used to only do cardio. running endless miles on my treadmill.

    i hear ya on the last 10 vanity lbs. i get it. maybe we are being vain. but i really feel like i looked my best weighing 10lbs less. fact is my body is just not going to let it go. so i've got to find another plan of attack.

    75 days ago, i could not fit into my jeans that i was wear when i weighed 10lbs less. now i do. but i weigh more. funny thing is now there is room to spare in my jeans. so although i haven't lost any weight, my body is more compact and i basically take up less "space".

    give it some time. consider eating more. log every single morsel of what you put into your mouth. eat lots of healthy fats and proteins. start up with weight training. you may not lose weight but you'll change your body in other ways.

    best of luck!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Somebody get kms028 a shovel. Jesus. Is it judge-y in here or is it just me?

    Girl, ya just gotta eat-- food is fuel and with you being that close to your goal it is going to be a pain in the booty to get off.

    I would also recommend mixing up your routine! Pinterest has tons of printable work-outs and you can do a different one each day. Ruts are evil and if you're doing the same exercise day in and day out, that could be part of the problem.

    Just be healthy and worry about you-- and hopefully others will follow suit.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I just looked at the healthy weight chart for a 5'4" woman (the OP) with a small frame:


    Anything under is considered underweight and can be unhealthy for your organs, longevity, overall health etc.

    Has nothing to do with vanity. Having a goal of being underweight is not healthy.

    Well, this is along the lines of what I was trying to say.

    If your goal weight is UNHEALTHY, it is no longer about health, it is about how you want to look. Which is technically vanity.

    I'm here because, while losing weight would benefit my health, I REALLY wanna look good naked.

    I'm not a skinny girl trying to lose the last ten pounds, though-- so is my vanity acceptable?
  • People complain about posters on MFP that are eating an extremely low amount of calories amd striving to be underweight ALL OF THE TIME.

    Yet, is poster gets a ton of support and the two dissenters get lectured.

    Is it OK because she is hot? or because her diary is closed so you all are assuming she is eating over 1200 calories?
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    People complain about posters on MFP that are eating an extremely low amount of calories amd striving to be underweight ALL OF THE TIME.

    Yet, is poster gets ton if support and the two dissenters get lectured.

    Is it OK because she is hot? or because her diary is closed so you all are assuming she is eating over 1200 calories?

    Exactly. Even with a small frame, it is NOT okay to want to be 105, not at 5'4. It's just not. I don't give a crap if she's "hot" that's not why I said what I said. I would say the same thing if it were anyone else.

    I'm not a cyber troll, nor am I "jealous," I happen to love myself the way I am. I'm just pointing out that even if it "feels" right, doesn't make it healthy. Clearly I'm the bad guy here-but you know, I'm okay with that. I don't support underweight goals, plain and simple.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    I just looked at the healthy weight chart for a 5'4" woman (the OP) with a small frame:


    Anything under is considered underweight and can be unhealthy for your organs, longevity, overall health etc.

    Has nothing to do with vanity. Having a goal of being underweight is not healthy.

    Well, this is along the lines of what I was trying to say.

    If your goal weight is UNHEALTHY, it is no longer about health, it is about how you want to look. Which is technically vanity.

    I think that the issue with the original post is that she is focused on the number on the scale. Try eating more and lifting heavy to re-shape your body, because you may be able to lose that last ten pounds and find out that your body still doesn't look the way you want it to because you don't have the necessary muscle tone. best of luck.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member i can reply to you.

    look at my profile pic. i am fairly lean...just shy of 20% body fat. i'm 5'6" and i weigh 125-ish. i've posted several times on here trying to get advice about losing the last 5-10. i've been on MFP for 75 days now. i have not lost one single pound.

    i started with 1200 calories a day. that got me nowhere. i recently started following helloitsdan and his "in place of a road map" guidelines for calorie intake. i am now up to 1700 calories a day. good news: i haven't gained anything even though i'm eating like a horse. bad news: i haven't lost anything either. i'm actually even considering upping my cals more to like 1800.

    with that said, i have decided to shift my focus on body recomposition. i want 6-pack abs. i want muscle definition. i no longer really care what the scale says so long as i still fit into my clothes. i've been weight lifting 3x a week for 45 minutes and i only do cardio 3x a week (30 day shred/high intensity intervals on my treadmill). i used to only do cardio. running endless miles on my treadmill.

    i hear ya on the last 10 vanity lbs. i get it. maybe we are being vain. but i really feel like i looked my best weighing 10lbs less. fact is my body is just not going to let it go. so i've got to find another plan of attack.

    75 days ago, i could not fit into my jeans that i was wear when i weighed 10lbs less. now i do. but i weigh more. funny thing is now there is room to spare in my jeans. so although i haven't lost any weight, my body is more compact and i basically take up less "space".

    give it some time. consider eating more. log every single morsel of what you put into your mouth. eat lots of healthy fats and proteins. start up with weight training. you may not lose weight but you'll change your body in other ways.

    best of luck!

    ^^THIS! You need to figure out some numbers for yourself. You can't just be adjusting your calories blindly, it won't get you anywhere very fast. Here are some great calculators: --this one says intermittent fasting, but it's an amazing estimator.

    Once you figure out your TDEE you can find a reasonable calorie goal. For someone so close to goal weight, you should aim for around .5lbs a week.

    Also, I think you really should consider a heavy lifting program. I'm guessing your goal is to have defined muscles and less flab--this is accomplished by lowering your bf% and working on the muscles you have. Since you're eating at a deficit, you won't gain muscle, but you'll strengthen the ones you have. There are tons of women on here who have had great success with The New Rules of Lifting for Women and Stronglifts 5x5. If you don't want to lift heavy, you can do body weight exercises, too. Check out You Are Your Own Gym, or find some Jillian Michaels or Body Rock videos on youtube.

    Best of luck!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    If you are overestimating exercise or underestimating food portions, that could do it. But it's only been a week.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    visit my website
    Leave me a message and I could share with y ou how I've lost over 100 pounds in 11 months.
    Everything will be alright, if you are working out you are most likely build lean muscle. I'll explain when I contact you.

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    Just say no.