Post Breakfast Hunger

I know I'll probably get blasted for this - but I'm thinking I need to cut breakfast out and start eating later in the day.

Up until a few weeks ago I was NEVER a breakfast eater. I'd typically have my first dose of food between 11am & noon and things were going really well as far as hunger.
A few weeks ago I fell into the 'breakfast is the most important meal' thing and began eating roughly 30 minutes after waking.
I feel satisfied and energetic after eating, but usually within the hour - I'm STARVING! Like not just a little grumble, I'm talking I'm going to kill someone kinda hungry - I don't get it!

If it helps:

26 yr old female
Weight - 135 pounds
Height - 5'4
Daily Calorie Intake - 1450 (plus some exercise calories)
BMR - 1414
TDEE - 1945 (light exercise)

My breakfast usually looks something like this:
1/3 cup oatmeal
1tbsp coconut oil
100g yogurt
Fresh fruit (apple, orange, or peach)

Water intake is usually around 68oz per day, give or take.
WHY am I so hungry after eating breakfast? I'm so lost and so tempted to ditch it and go back to my early afternoon eating!
Any and all thoughts/advice welcome!


  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    i am in almost the EXACT same boat as you.
    i've NEVER eaten breakfast because i am never hungry until about 11am at which time I usually go for an early lunch.

    now that i am trying to eat a good breakfast every day, I am hungrier even earlier and have to push myself to wait for the 11am mark.

    I think i will just eat small parts of my breakfast continually throughout the morning going forward - maybe this will help?
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Protein keeps you full longer, so add a bit more of that.
    Your yogurt doesn't seem like a lot.

    Your breakfast is your first meal of the day, so that is what get's the ol' engine up and running. If your breakfast isn't a lot or if you don't have a lot of protein, you will get hungry soon again.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You need more protein with your breakfast. It will help you feel full longer. Good choices include eggs (hard boil them ahead of time if necessary) or any type of lean meat like chicken or turkey breast, tuna or other fish, steak, etc.

    Currently you're eating mostly carbs. Oatmeal is great but most yogurts are chocked full of refined sugar. Check the label. How many grams of sugar are in one serving? How many servings are you eating? There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram of yogurt! It's the sugar that's making you hungry so soon after eating.
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    I just don't understand how I am ravishingly hungry now after breakfast, yet when I ate NO breakfast at all I was fine. The body is a mysterious creature. Guess it's time to play the 'experiment' game and find what works for me *sigh*
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Either cut breakfast or change it to some meat and a couple eggs. Take some coffee w/ coconut oil and/or heavy whipping cream.
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    You need more protein with your breakfast. It will help you feel full longer. Good choices include eggs (hard boil them ahead of time if necessary) or any type of lean meat like chicken or turkey breast, tuna or other fish, steak, etc.

    Currently you're eating mostly carbs. Oatmeal is great but most yogurts are chocked full of refined sugar. Check the label. How many grams of sugar are in one serving? How many servings are you eating? There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram of yogurt! It's the sugar that's making you hungry so soon after eating.

    I'm not much of an egg fan, but that would probably do the trick. Kind of scary to think of how much sugar is in yogurt YIKES!
    Thanks for your input :0)
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    Hm I do bring a hard boiled egg once in awhile and that does seem to help a little bit.

    I think I will just start making protein shakes in the morning.

  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    You need more protein with your breakfast. It will help you feel full longer. Good choices include eggs (hard boil them ahead of time if necessary) or any type of lean meat like chicken or turkey breast, tuna or other fish, steak, etc.

    Currently you're eating mostly carbs. Oatmeal is great but most yogurts are chocked full of refined sugar. Check the label. How many grams of sugar are in one serving? How many servings are you eating? There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram of yogurt! It's the sugar that's making you hungry so soon after eating.

    I'm not much of an egg fan, but that would probably do the trick. Kind of scary to think of how much sugar is in yogurt YIKES!
    Thanks for your input :0)

    Just switching to greek yogurt or natural fromage frais would up the amount of protein per grams of yogurt a lot already.
    You should stick with completely natural yogurts anyways, all the other ones are absolutely laden with sugar.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram of yogurt! It's the sugar that's making you hungry so soon after eating.

    I'm just going to assume you mean 100 grams of yogurt. 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram yogurt is physically impossible.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    I agree with adding in protein. Try upping your oatmeal a bit too. I usually have 1/2 cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with a little raw sugar and chopped walnuts...then I also eat two slices of turkey bacon. I eat around 0730 and I'm not hungry again until 1130ish...
  • andrea_v2h
    I like to break my breakfast in two parts on weekdays. (On weekends, it's common for me to skip breakfast.) First breakfast is around 8 am and is something like toast w/an egg, Greek yogurt and oatmeal, or Greek yogurt and English muffin/bagel/toast. Second breakfast is around 10-11 am and is always a piece of fruit and something else (cheese, yogurt if I didn't have it already, etc.). This works to fill me up and avoid mid-morning hunger.
  • emilymonnig
    I am not a morning person and also dislike most breakfast foods, but I've started drinking EAS Advantage Carb Control shakes (only 100 caloires but 17g protein) on the way to work, and I've found that I'm nowhere near as hungry as I'd been not eating or just drinking tea in the morning.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I've found it helped when i switched to plain Greek yogurt. Then I add my own berries and either honey or sugar (I decide how much). Or I'll throw it in a blender and make a smoothie with some milk. This keeps me fuller than the regular sweetened yogurts.

  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    looks like you can pick these up at walmart. going to try this.

    (this was @ emilymonnig)

    edit#2: doesnt seem to be available in canada =(
  • divincenzo1
    I don't eat breakfast until 10am (my work hours are a bit strange). I typically have a english muffin or a sandwhich thin and a tablespoon of peanut butter. That typically fills me. Sometimes if I start feeling hungry I have a glass of tea (1 lipton's black tea bag = 0 calories :) This usually helps me to not be hungry before my 12:30 snack. I hope that helps a little :)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Well, it's kinda a good thing that you are hungry in terms of your metabolism going. If you are that hungry, add another small meal. What about something with whole wheat and protein and healthy fats? Like a whole wheat bagel with some peanut butter....or oatmeal and an egg.
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    "Just switching to greek yogurt or natural fromage frais would up the amount of protein per grams of yogurt a lot already.
    You should stick with completely natural yogurts anyways, all the other ones are absolutely laden with sugar."

    I think the Greek yogurt is will be a good start for me. I love it mixed with fruit. I need to find options that will cooperate with my 'weak morning stomach' - and yogurt I can do :0)
    Thank you!
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    I don't eat breakfast until 10am (my work hours are a bit strange). I typically have a english muffin or a sandwhich thin and a tablespoon of peanut butter. That typically fills me. Sometimes if I start feeling hungry I have a glass of tea (1 lipton's black tea bag = 0 calories :) This usually helps me to not be hungry before my 12:30 snack. I hope that helps a little :)

    Unfortunately this one doesn't fill me either LOL! I figured peanut butter was a good idea, but it didn't work - still hungry!
    I can't do tea ... I love it, don't get me wrong, but I am what you could consider a recovering 'substitute coffee/tea for food' addict. I spent years masking my hunger with those two, so I try to avoid that (why tempt fate, right?) If I feel hungry I usually drink water to make sure I'm not just thirsty, but most times I'm actually hungry. I really appreciate your input though, thanks for your suggestions! :0)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram of yogurt! It's the sugar that's making you hungry so soon after eating.

    I'm just going to assume you mean 100 grams of yogurt. 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 gram yogurt is physically impossible.
    My apologies for the typo. 4 teaspoons of sugar = 1 gram. So if your serving of yogurt contains 24g of sugar (not uncommon), you're eating the equivalent of 6 teaspoons of sugar. (24/4 = 6)
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    I agree with adding in protein. Try upping your oatmeal a bit too. I usually have 1/2 cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with a little raw sugar and chopped walnuts...then I also eat two slices of turkey bacon. I eat around 0730 and I'm not hungry again until 1130ish...

    Hmm ... Turkey bacon, I've never tried it, but it sounds yummy! Thanks for that idea! I agree, I should up the amount of oatmeal, I've been thinking that the last few days.