Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 2/19 wk 7



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey everyone....

    Miss V - our Girl Scout council did not have the GS cookie you wrote of. Our low cal version is 100 calorie package (5 packs in box) of a cinnamon ginger spice cookie. Tasty. Enjoy VEGAS. You lucky gal!

    Kelly I've been measured morning, afternoon, night..... I haven't noticed a difference... in the future I will.

    Lynn - I admit watching the calories over the weekend is challenging. This weekend I did limited reporting on my calories and extra chocolate candy. Sigh....
    And i wasn't able to do my lunchtime walk this weekend.

    Today, I couldn't do my lunch walk; however, I did run 1.5 miles, did 25 push-ups and 50 sit-ups. And because I forgot hubby at work.... I had to miss going to curves. Yes, I left hubby in his building. I drove home totally forgetting we drove in together. Once home, he calls wanting to know when I was picking him up. I had to drive back to work...... Oh well, But I LOVE my purple car so any excuse to drive it ..... thing goes 0-60 in 3 seconds.

    I was very successful in watching what I ate. Didn't feel hungry either. And after a small dinner I realized I still had to eat more to get to 1250 calories. So I had a small bowl of cereal. Still wasn't at 1250. So I thought I'll have a glass of wine. Here I was adding ounces to figure out how much wine I can have to get me over 1250. Ladies, 9oz of wine put me at 1265 calories.

    Now, isn't that something, I'm measuring out wine......

    Have a great nite all......
  • angiemcnett
    I finally started to clean out the junk room for the baby. :grumble: I should have done this a long time ago, but I am a great procrastinator. I still have a long ways to go yet. I have started!!:bigsmile: I did 7 loads of laundry today reminding me why I don't wait a week to do laundry. I hope to make more progress in the junk room tomorrow. It would be great if I could get most of it done before my mother-in-law visits this weekend. I am having my first baby shower in 3 weeks so I need to have the room done by then so I have a place to put the gifts the baby receives, things I am borrowing, and the hand-me downs I am getting also. So much work so little time. Right now I am very glad I am not working. I hope everyone is having a great evening. Good night!:smile:
  • jacque509
    Good Morning all,
    Ok Back from Dallas, late Sunday night. Woke up monday with a stiff knne and pain. Must of been from all the walking over the weekend. took the day off and catch up on laundry, didn't get much done too sleepy and knee pain. Well looks like texas is gonna get snow tonight! I know all you snow people are probably tired of it but for us Texan its a big deal. What a year snow, flurries and now snow again. Almost afraid how hot the summer is gonna be.
    Ok so I decided it time to get on track, of course the knee thing is gonna slow me down so I am gonna try to eat CLEAN as Kelly would say. As soon as knee feels better start walking again.
    Will try to be good about logging in, except at night, monitor is still broken:frown:
    Update: DS is doing better, able to move around more. Still getting used to the idea of a pace maker.
    Nephew baby is alomost 7 lbs per ultrasound so Doctor no longer worry about baby Oliva being too small and Mom doing good :smile:
    DD has decided to quit cheerleading and focus on shcool YEAH!!! Went to doctor and talked about her anxiety so that was a big plus.
    Well hope everyone is having a goodc week so far and will talk more later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Pepper's! Happy Tuesday to you!!

    Still frigid here, 4* this am, and I guess below zero windchill. As many of you know, I like winter, after all, it is a season we have in Iowa. I don't mind the snow, and in fact I would rather look out and see white then brown. Yes, I like all my sweaters, layering clothes, winter coats, boots, etc and having to warm up the bus an my car. The air just seems more fresher when it is bitter cold! Yrs ago, I would even do my 2-3 mile walk outside in freezing/wind chill temps! It always boosted my energy level! I would like snow til about mid March, then it can get warmer and muddy!

    Will be home today doing laundry, cleaning and givin' my puggers a bath. So far, eating has been good. I literally put my bathroom scale in the kitchen so I would see it every time I went out there! :bigsmile: So, here's to a great day gang! Plan your day so that you can stay on track! It is just one day! Make it count! :flowerforyou:

    Barb ~ Have you always been a runner? Did you work your way up to 1.5 miles? I'm lovin' that purple car!! My fav color! Woo hoooooo Hang on!! Hey, good job on the cals yesterday..and even better ending it with a glass of (9oz) wine! :smile:

    Jacque ~ sorry you have a sore knee, take care and go slow back with it. Just watch your cals and get in your water. You'll lose! Glad sis and baby ok. Hope all goes well for your dd. I have anxiety issues and it can really s--k some days! Good that you are gettin her to Dr.
  • angiemcnett
    Lynette - I struggle with eating on weekend also especially because I don't usually get exercise in. Being at home all weekend without going anywhere (usually), I find myself always wanting to snack on anything. You are not alone in the struggle. Sorry I have no good advice. :ohwell:

    Kelly - I am not even close to having anything ready for the baby. I am starting to get the junk room cleaned out for the baby. :grumble: I have some things but nothing has a place yet. Let me know if the scale in the kitchen works for you. I may try it along with a huge note say, "NO gain allowed or baby will be mad." Mild winter weather is ok but I really don't like temps below 30. Snow can be pretty until it block the view from your window. I live in an apartment and the plow guy piles the snow in front of my living room window so I can only see out the top 2/3 to 1/2 of the window.

    MissV - I am so jealous that you are a C. I only lose about 1/2 cup in that area ever and I am so huge I struggle find bras that fit. Be thankful you don't have my problem. I hope you have a great time with your friend in Vegas even if bathing suits are required. Enjoy yourself!:happy:

    Jacque - Be sure to take it easy with your sore knee. If swimming is an option for you that would be a good exercise with a sore knee. I am glad your sister is doing better and adjusting to the pace maker. Glad the baby is doing ok. Hope everything works out good with your daughter.

    I better stop putting off cleaning out the junk room and get to it. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Angie, so far so good with the scale in the kitchen. one time I even put post it notes on the frig and cupboards, and **IF** I opened them a picture of me at my highest wt was there staring at me! :bigsmile:

    good luck on the baby room. so special decorating and getting the nest ready! with our youngest son ( last baby ) we kept it tight lipped til I was about 4 mos preg, and how our family learned about our 'surprise' was during a family gathering....and, a visit to what used to be a play room for our oldest, turned into a baby room, completed!! It was a lot of fun!

    Hope you all are having a good Tuesday! One more week til BL!! I can't wait!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey all --

    I ws doing good..... had 2 slice of pizza for dinner. Came home from ortho thinking I have calories left. Add 1 serving of Girl Scout cookies, thin mint, 1 serving (4 cookies) now I'm over by 38 calories. I should have logged in that pizza BEFORE i grabbed a single serving. Oh well, it's only 38 calories. It's only 38 calories - no biggie.

    Due to rain, no lunch walk today. Due to girls ortho appt - no curves either.

    So Jackie - about time someone else is getting the snow. I have snow projections starting 12am Thursday ending 5pm Thursday. Sigh, here we go again........

    Angie - I've been invited to 7 baby showers for 4 people. All of these showers are within a 10 day period. Yikes. Can we say cake overload. Especially when there's a shower on a Weds, Thurs, Fri and a Sunday. Can someone just direct me to what water these woman drank. I want some of that get me pregnant water. Ladies and Mike, that's another story for another day.

    Miss V - I will state I absolutely hate when the girls get smaller. Waist smaller please -- keep the girls the way they are! Who do we make this plea to?

    Kelly - you asked about my running. Well, the miltiary "forces" me to run. It's part of my fitness test. If I fail the test, I lose my miltary membership, then I lose my federal employee job..... So, yes, I need to be a runner. Do I like it... not really.. maybe if I ran at any pace - no care about time or how far I went.

    Time to wash some dishes... no dishwasher and I swear put a fork and a spoon in the sink leave overnight - Bam, now you got a bowl, glasses, plastic cups, a small plate or two, etc etc etc

    Take care. Wishing all a good Wednesday.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good morning Pepper's,
    Have been real busy with the jobs and did not log in yesterday. Have not hit the chocolate again :drinker: I have trouble on the week ends too. Now that I am working all week end it is easier. I eat when bored.

    I have not had energy or time to do the shred this week, I did on Saturday I do plan on keeping at it on the week ends when I have more time in the morning.

    Got to get back to work, will check back in later.
    Have a great day :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Hump Day! We're almost to the weekend!!

    Well, I finally had a good, clean, exercising DAY!! yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaay! Gonna repeat that for today. No if's, and's, or but's!

    Barb ~ looks like you're gonna get another layer of the white stuff...enjoy the beauty of it girl! when you're ready to talk the baby story...I'm listening! go for it! I have a DW and our dishes set on the counter, right above it, rarely in it! :grumble:

    Cindy ~ way to win the chocolate battle! The weekends can be tougher....only if we let it. I know how hard it is to stay on track, I KNOW!! Just try to treat Saturday and Sunday like it is a week day. Plan and prepare. Or, if you are gonna go out, then make that your only * off * meal. 1 meal out of the entire weekend is doing pretty good I say. And the candy, chocolate, chips, etc. HIDE IT! If not, get a serving size and then leave the kitchen and lock the door! ( I don't have a door in mine...'cept to the basement...which is probably where I should put all my junk food, aka kids food!)

    Hey Team, make it count and make it a great day! Grab that smile! :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Happy wednesday all!
    Didnt get too much accomplished yesterday, the weather is back to normal (YUCKY) When i was just getting used to the sunshine:(
    anyhow have plans to go to the gym today! Back to logging everything.Got 2 loads of laundry to get done, vaccuming, sweeping and mop, cleaning the bathrooms beacuse i can see little finger prints that ran around the counter, toilet scrubing....what else.... thing to do......
    My kids are driving me crazy, going through the lieing phase I dont enjoy it at all.
    Angie~ Wish that my girls would have stayed the same bulk!:) My husband said that oneday I could get new ones, but i told him taht I would gladly except a lift instead:) lol
    Barb~ When you find out who to write the anti-girls-shrinking letter too make sure to forward me the address! LOL I have a word or two for them
    Have a happy day all!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey all... just dropping a quick note. Thinking of ya.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    It's snowing (again) and this time a snowicane is projected.... that's snow w/hurricane strength winds. A snowicane isn't a fancy name for a snow cone....... The fear is winds will bring power lines & trees down. The trees are still very heavy w/snow from previous storms. Recall one storm had folks w/o power for 5-7 days. That's the biggest fear is loss of power.

    I attempted to drive into work. Got 1/2 there saw 2 accidents (1 invovling 4 cars) and a 1 mile back-up in another area. At that point, I went back home. My goal was work 1/2 day leave at 12 - since school called at 5am announcing today is a 1/2 day.

    Before I got home I decided I'll drop into curves for weight. They are anticipating closing due to weather on Friday. The owner does measure me -she's on vacation so the manager measured me.

    Keep in mind, I was in my work uniform when I got weighed & another person measured me.
    I keep telling myself this too.

    The weight was 167.6 - that's a 3lb+ increase from last week. What???? I weighed at home naked on my scale and got a lesser weight. Home scale did have an increase from last week but it was 2.25lbs not over 3lbs. Heavy sigh......

    However, Curves did measure me and there is total loss of 2.75" Lost in thigh, waist, and abs. Yet I measured an inch more in bust and hips. Sigh....

    I truly need to focus on the size of my waist since that is part of my fitness test in May. How much I weigh isn't an issue - it's how small is your waist.

    Off to start my income taxes then laundry, vaccumm... and all other kinds of house related stuff.
    Take care all -- perhaps I'll see one or two of you on Facebook today......

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Team!
    Barb ~ plz do take care today and thru this storm, will be thinking of you :heart: ok, so the scale was not nice to you. BUT, you are down inches, and I bet your clothes are getting looser. it could be water wt too. You ARE doing all the right things....staying within calories, exercising...just keep going girl. I don't know exactly what your diet is like, but some things that help me with my gut are ~ eating little if any processed foods, ( only fresh, whole, natural ) keeping salt intake near 1000 - 1500 day, eating only whole grains, and really watching the sugar, and NO pop, not even diet. do yo think you need to increase your calories?? As far as activity, lots of aerobic activity helps my belly go down some, and the more I do, the almost 45 minutes a day. I know you are frustrated, but you are also determined. Keep at it, and I am sure your waist will wittle away! let me know which wt you want me to use for the weigh in. :flowerforyou:

    home today doing house chores. after a chilly start ( -8*) I think we are on an upward trend. I saw lower 30's predicted for next week!! walked 45 minutes w/Leslie yesterday. Gonna switch things up today and exercise now, instead of afternoon. Been zig zagging cals too. Well, Pepper's, hope you are having a good day. I'll try to check in later.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly Thanks. So far, it's just snow..... the winds are later today. Of course Friday is trash pick-up. So the full cans are going to get blown over, trash bags strewn along the street. Then we'll be on a search for our empty cans cuz the wind took the can down the street.

    Use the curves weight. I like to have one scale as the "weigh" scale. I was in uniform and those pants are heavy. Someday I should post a pic of me wearing the current uniform. My FB has me in the blue uniform.

    I'm home doing my taxes... well, if I don't keep interrupting myself - phone call to my girlfriend in Germany, phone call to two other friends, fold the basket of laundry, run the vaccum cleaner, etc etc etc.

    I'm sure despite being under or slightly over calories there are improvements I can make. This week I did have pizza (twice), a small buger king burger, take out chinese....

    As long as my waist shrinks... that's the concern for my fitness test.

    Of course the work out today and tomorrow will be shoveling snow.

  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hope everyone is having a great morning. I woke up with horrible headache!! I felt great yesterday and had a good workout and watched calories. Will try to workout later before picking up the little one from mother's day out. Work out hard today!!!!! Weigh n tomorrow!! Good luck!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good afternoon Pepper's,
    Did not have time to stop at store for food and not eating bad but a little high in calories, only 500 for dinner are left. Oh well will manage. Have a busy day. Talk to you later :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    HI ALL!
    Well worked at the school all day so have been up and walking all day long!
    Nothing to report, watching my foodie, taking in water and logging!
    Hope taht everyone is doing good!