
I cannot stop eating everything in site in the time I get home from work and when I cook dinner. Yesterday it was cookie after cookie after cookie and then 3 handfuls of chips. Oh and a handful of turkey jerky. I couldn't stop. I have lost 35 lbs but have been stuck for 2 solid months and the binging when I get home is out of control. How do I stop? Easy to say not to buy the stuff but I have others in my household who are fine to eat that stuff and have no reason not to really. I drink water all day long. I eat healthy snacks at work but as soon as I get home I can't stop myself. Maybe shock therapy! We do have a taser - I'm sure my kids would volunteer to shock me. Needing some intervention and/or motivation.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get the junk out of the house. Eat more protein during the day. Carbs make me crazy for more carbs. Keep a small salad or cut veggies in the frig to grab while your cooking. I always have popcorn on hand if I need a something to pick at.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    have a 100 calorie pack in the microwave waiting for you to push "cook" as soon as you walk in to make dinner. That's what I munch on while making dinner. try it! that or a big bag of cut up celery.
  • ascotton80
    ascotton80 Posts: 56 Member
    1. Yes you can stop, you have control over your behaviour.

    2. Have some pre cut veggies ready for when you get home if you want to snack on something.

    3. Stop buying junk food. Sure, maybe your other family member don't have a weight problem, but it's not like that stuff is good for them anyway. If they want a snack that bad they can go out and get one.
  • I struggle with this too. I have found eating something 'allowed' before I leave work helps, so I am not starving when I get home. I also mentally decide not to binge when I get home - sounds silly - but I give myself a big talking to :) If I am really starving I eat dinner as soon as I get home (a frozen meal) and I don't eat what the kids are having. If I feel hungry later on in the evening I have a cup of tea.
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    I cannot stop eating everything in site in the time I get home from work and when I cook dinner. Yesterday it was cookie after cookie after cookie and then 3 handfuls of chips. Oh and a handful of turkey jerky. I couldn't stop. I have lost 35 lbs but have been stuck for 2 solid months and the binging when I get home is out of control. How do I stop? Easy to say not to buy the stuff but I have others in my household who are fine to eat that stuff and have no reason not to really. I drink water all day long. I eat healthy snacks at work but as soon as I get home I can't stop myself. Maybe shock therapy! We do have a taser - I'm sure my kids would volunteer to shock me. Needing some intervention and/or motivation.
    Instead of grabbing that crap, grab something nutritious that doesn't have so many calories. One of my favorites is Fiber One cereal. The caramel one is especially satisfying to cure a craving for sweetness and it also provides crunch if you're craving crunch. A cup has 180 calories, so it isn't something you want to eat by the pound, but it has 9 grams of fiber per cup. Instead of eating it by the handful, eat each piece separately. The fiber content will fill you up. For less calories, try something like a banana. They're filling. You may also be craving protein. If that's the case, try a hard boiled egg. About the same calories (80) as a banana.

    If you're trying not to eat period, then I'd suggest getting away from the kitchen. Go for a walk when you get home, even if only for 20 minutes. And log each and every cookie or handful of potato chips as you eat them. Seeing the numbers and what it does to your caloric budget might be enough of a deterrent.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Good job on your weight loss so far! My guess is that you are not eating enough during the day. When I try to have a lighter day, I also tend to go way overboard when I get home. I suggest eating a bigger breakfast, with protein and fat, a good lunch, and a protein/fat snack around three. Also, sometimes you need to go into maintenance mode for awhile to let you body readjust. I would up my calories to a maintenance level for a week or two...or more if you need it. Better to maintain for awhile than go crazy on food and gain!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I can't let it into the house unless I can accept that fact that I might eat it. For example i buy a box of sugar free popsicles once or twice a month, they last 2 days. Sure half the box is only 150 calories and I eat them all day but I seriously eat them all day. If it were a 150 calorie cookie I might not touch a second one but no control means I just don't buy it unless I really seriously want to eat it.
  • AlisaRN
    AlisaRN Posts: 65 Member
    I think someone else said this too, but it helps me to pack a snack for the ride home so that I'm not so hungry and don't go for the bad stuff once I get there. If I know I'm really going to want a cookie or chips or something bad, I pack a SINGLE PORTION for the ride home. That way, when I get home I can tell myself no, I've already had my share. Normally though, I just pack a chocolaty fiber one bar for the trip home. Extra fiber + chocolate = total win!
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    Another deterrent that I accidentally discovered is to weigh and separate junk food into portions. For instance, an ounce of potato or tortilla chips is approximately 150 calories depending on the brand. I took the initiative to separate a bunch of 1 oz portions into zip lock bags. I found out that after seeing how small of a portion 1 oz was, I didn't want to waste 150 calories on them. They just sat in my pantry while I searched for something more nutritious and more satisfying instead.
  • I notice that I over eat when I am at home board. I would suggest filling the time with exercising and a hobby
    that way your mind stays off of food :)

    Carbs are my trigger food and they make me crave more - stay away from them!

    make sure that your drinking at least 8 cups of water and taking vitamins!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Yes, you can stop. No, it's not going to be easy.

    Start creating habits and replacing some;

    make a habit to drink 1-2 cups of water BEFORE eating (meals, snacks)

    Start replacing the food with exercise and hobbies; other things to do that give you pleasure/ happiness.

    Also, buy a lot of helps when you want to binge. Listen to music, do yoga. Call someone...

    I'm also living in a house with sweets and its really hard, Just aim to have 4/7 good days per week... and progress from that... you can do this!
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    When I'm cooking dinner I tend to do the same thing! I crave somethinig HOT and COOKED since I'm in that mode. Try nuking some veggies to pick at instead ..... the warm food in my belly seems to satisfy the lust for snacking. Hot popcorn is also good for me, but if I don't trigger that stop button I will inevitably reach for crackers and cheese or some other comfort food. Hot oatmeal? Hot tea/coffee? GOOD LUCK!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Is it possible you can eat more often?

    Maybe have 4 oz. of chicken and a greek yogurt before leaving work, so you're not starving. I try to never let myself get hungry but I have to carry food that I preped at home with me.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I concur with the others that a snack on the way home is a good idea as long as it is nutritious. I found that chewing gum helps me avoid sampling food while I am in the kitchen cooking. You have to consciously take it out of your mouth to sample or nibble on something and that delay is often just enough for you to realize that you are falling into that bad habit. Also, how about making yourself a really yummy herbal tea to sip on? Maybe even use a special mug or saucer and cup to make it even more special and develop that as your after work habit. You are probably feeling that you "deserve" something after getting through the work day, so make it something special but good for you!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I used to do this exact thing too. I try not to keep junk food in the house for this reason but I'd still find something to binge on (toast or anything high carb). My best strategy for beating this is to have a very large healthy snack (carrots, cucumber and healthy dips) in the hour before I leave work. If I get home from work and I'm starving I have no self control. Also helps if you can distract yourself by keeping busy. Clean, go for a walk, call a friend, hang out with a friend, listen to music...
  • skinnyjeans1920
    skinnyjeans1920 Posts: 5 Member
    Sometimes when I am cooking I sip on chicken broth to curb's hot and a bit salty so it can satisfy your salty cravings! I also make my own tomato soup - water or broth plus a can of tomato paste. I make a huge pot every week. You can make it as thick or as thin as you like. I sometimes throw a handful of quinoa in and heat up a cup if I need a craving to pass - filling but very low calorie!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I find I eat when i'm stressed or tired.....I then try to figure out the reason I want that entire bag of chips or those three chocolate bars. Sometimes I can stave it off.....others, not so much.
  • Check out my blog on cravings. Hope it helps some:
  • janvcooper
    janvcooper Posts: 86 Member
    I have accepted that 4 p.m., a time that a lot of people experience a midafternoon crash, is my hungriest time in the 24 hour clock, and have adjusted my daily caloric intake so that I can eat then. Earlier dinner is better, you don't eat and go to bed.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Get rid of your crap food. Eat more healthy food during the day so you don't feel hungry. Keep yourself busy. If you don't have kids etc - go home, go to the gym/for a walk.
    After dinner brush your teeth so you don't get the urge to snack.