So frustrated! Scale hasnt budged!



  • well, KMS, looks like we should be friends. lol. what has society done to make a stunning girl who is 5'4" and weighs 118 think she has to drop 10 pounds? Most women do not weigh under 120 as adults. Nor should we be stiving to, unless we have very small frames. Body fat composition is also an issue... if you get much under 18%, well, let's just say the lady parts are displeased. those of us who are trying to discourage the emaciated look get blasted - but at least we are being real. this is about being healthy. aren't you all seriously tired of beautiful young girls starving or working out 24/7 to lose "weight" noone else can see? isn't it time somebody said, "um, you are beautiful just the way you are."
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Scale doesn't change for weeks sometimes for me. That's okay because I know that my weight loss comes in whooshes! First the clothing is a bit looser but the weight doesn't change, then suddenly BAM! -3 pounds lol.
  • snowfox1
    snowfox1 Posts: 128 Member
    im the same 5'4 and want to get to 110lbs (currently 118-119)because thats where i feel my best and where all my clothes fit the best, but im not botherd if i weigh a bit more and have built muscle too, i just want to look really fit and healthy, i dont see why we cant look our best, be healthy, strong and toned. were not vein just want to be our best.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I dont know why people who dont know me, feel the need to judge. I have a very small frame and I can promise you that at 110lbs I do NOT look emaciated. That has never been the look I find attractive or aspire to. I have never been able to gain much muscle and I simply feel my best at that weight.. and I do not work out 24/7 or starve myself to get there. I started this thread becasue I was simply getting discouraged by not seeing an ounce of progress so far. Although I appreciate your concern and the few kind words you said, I know my body and I know how and where I carry my weight and at what weight I am comfortable with. We are all different in those aspects, so if you dont have something helpful or encouraging to add to the conversation, please dont. Thank you :)
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    im the same 5'4 and want to get to 110lbs (currently 118-119)because thats where i feel my best and where all my clothes fit the best, but im not botherd if i weigh a bit more and have built muscle too, i just want to look really fit and healthy, i dont see why we cant look our best, be healthy, strong and toned. were not vein just want to be our best.

    Thank you! It sounds like we have similar body types. I agree with weighing more and having muscle, but I have never been able to really gain muscle...I can tighten up slightly,but thats about it. I think I struggle more with it, because as I get older Im finding the change in my body and metabolism really scary!
  • BH_Holl
    BH_Holl Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have a small frame too... When I got down to 114 lbs (still with small areas of fat that I didn't like), people started asking me if I was sick... Admittedly, I really didn't look good. I changed my focus to body recomp... The scale is obviously a worthless tool when you want to reshape your body. You can weigh A LOT more and have a 100% better and much smaller body than you probably would have once at goal weight. You might want to change your goals to reshape your body through heavy lifting... Gain muscle... Lose fat... Possibly weigh more but be smaller! Who really cares as long as your smaller, right? :wink:
  • lily653
    lily653 Posts: 18

    I really think that you might want to consider learning more about lifting weights. I definitely recommend the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women. By reading your profile it sounds to me like toning your body would help with some of those things you want to change about yourself.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have a small frame too... When I got down to 114 lbs (still with small areas of fat that I didn't like), people started asking me if I was sick... Admittedly, I really didn't look good. I changed my focus to body recomp... The scale is obviously a worthless tool when you want to reshape your body. You can weigh A LOT more and have a 100% better and much smaller body than you probably would have once at goal weight. You might want to change your goals to reshape your body through heavy lifting... Gain muscle... Lose fat... Possibly weigh more but be smaller! Who really cares as long as your smaller, right? :wink:

    Thank you. I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in hopes of tightening and toning up at the same time. I am going to Cabo over New Years, so I have that motivating me. I want to look god in a bikini. I dont really have the option of doing any heavy lifting at a gym, so do you have any feedback or other suggestions as far as at home workouts go?
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I dont get it?! I have beenunder my calorie goal every day for 8 days and I've been working out, yet my scale has not budged and I dont feel any thinner. I am 29 and I used to lose weight sooo easily. I am terrified that as Im getting older I cant lose weight like most people can. Is this even possible? I dont know what to think. I have been so dedicated.

    Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!

    My thoughts

    You are smoking hot.

    Hahaha. I missed that one! awww thank you :)

    Best reply for you to read

    No no no, thank you
  • I dont know why people who dont know me, feel the need to judge. I have a very small frame and I can promise you that at 110lbs I do NOT look emaciated. That has never been the look I find attractive or aspire to. I have never been able to gain much muscle and I simply feel my best at that weight.. and I do not work out 24/7 or starve myself to get there. I started this thread becasue I was simply getting discouraged by not seeing an ounce of progress so far. Although I appreciate your concern and the few kind words you said, I know my body and I know how and where I carry my weight and at what weight I am comfortable with. We are all different in those aspects, so if you dont have something helpful or encouraging to add to the conversation, please dont. Thank you :)

    I am not trying to "judge." I am trying to point out that as an adult, you are probably not going to weigh the same as you did 5 years ago when you were barely out of your teens. I'm just a fat old lady who has been there. I am 5'2", and have the bone structure of a hummingbird. I remember very clearly in my 20's wanting to lose 10 pounds and get back down to 105. But that is not REALISTIC. If you want to tone up, fantastic. But seriously throw away the scale. Eat healthy and do as much exercise as makes you feel good. Because I can guarantee 9/10 of looks is attitude.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I dont know why people who dont know me, feel the need to judge. I have a very small frame and I can promise you that at 110lbs I do NOT look emaciated. That has never been the look I find attractive or aspire to. I have never been able to gain much muscle and I simply feel my best at that weight.. and I do not work out 24/7 or starve myself to get there. I started this thread becasue I was simply getting discouraged by not seeing an ounce of progress so far. Although I appreciate your concern and the few kind words you said, I know my body and I know how and where I carry my weight and at what weight I am comfortable with. We are all different in those aspects, so if you dont have something helpful or encouraging to add to the conversation, please dont. Thank you :)

    I am not trying to "judge." I am trying to point out that as an adult, you are probably not going to weigh the same as you did 5 years ago when you were barely out of your teens. I'm just a fat old lady who has been there. I am 5'2", and have the bone structure of a hummingbird. I remember very clearly in my 20's wanting to lose 10 pounds and get back down to 105. But that is not REALISTIC. If you want to tone up, fantastic. But seriously throw away the scale. Eat healthy and do as much exercise as makes you feel good. Because I can guarantee 9/10 of looks is attitude.

    She already said her clothes aren't fitting right. I'm going out on a limb here, sorry OP, but I'm willing to bet that if she lost 2 pounds and toned up and her clothes fit right and she felt better, she'd stop. I didn't read a single thing up there that said I HAVE TO DROP TEN POUNDS OR I'LL DIE AND MEN WON'T WANT ME.

    I definitely don't condone people being PURPOSELY unhealthy, but I also don't condone people being aggressively judgmental to someone who essentially is just trying to tone up problem areas and look her absolute best-- which is what I got from reading it.