Looking for 1300 calorie buddies and support!

There was another post a few minutes ago that was looking for 1200 calorie buddies and since I didn't fit the bill.. here I am! I was hoping to be in my target weight coming up to my "big" birthday at the beginning of the New Year, but I have just got in the swing of things recently. I have had weight issues for most of my life and do the yoyo thing rather frequently; I feel like I am starting to see some impact on my overall health and well- being. I have thought to myself many times wouldn't it be nice to get to my weight target and stay there. I KNOW I can do it ...there is only one thing in the way......me. I hear stories all the time of people who do these amazing things and recently I thought to myself....really is that person can do that... why can't I lose weight? People take on what I consider to be incredible challenges and succeed so surely I can. One thing I have never had though is support so I think this might be the key for me being part of MFP. So weight loss buddies I have 75 pounds to lose so maybe by the end of the year of my "big" b-day I will be there with your support and encouragement!


  • Hey! I'm going for the 1300 calorie thing & I'm also hoping to lose 70 lbs. I definitely need some support. PLUS my birthday is in January and I don't want to be as frumpy as I am now.
  • Hello! Since starting college I've get some extra pounds that I've been trying to lose now for over a year. I try to maintain a healthy diet and daily work out routine but sometimes my busy schedule just gets in the way. I know it isn't a good excuse and I would really like to be successful this time. I am hoping to meet some people with the same problem so I gain some support to reach my goal of trying to lose 20 pounds by January. Good luck fellow fitness pals, stay positive! :)
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    I am at 1300 now too. I was at 1200 but was told it wasn't enuf! Add me if you like :)
  • 201350
    201350 Posts: 4
    Excellent! And yes I want to stop looking frumpy and feel attractive. So what are your challenges do you think? Iknow for me I fall off the wagon when I get busy with work and school and home so perhaps some advance planning for a change as far as what can I eat that is quick, easy and fits the bill. Yea that is my biggest challenge. Until recently it was snacking on many cookies/ toast at bedtime when I had been quite diligent all day long, but now I feel mentally ready to keep on track especially at this time of the day.
  • 201350
    201350 Posts: 4
    So you have lost 10 pounds? That is excellent. I am finding the 1300 calories is taking some mapping out of my meals, but so far so good. What is your goal?
  • Cmg7664
    Cmg7664 Posts: 20
    welcome.....I am starting back and find that MFP is really supportive. My husband os also trackig his food but refuses to log in and get support. It does help me though. I am addicted to another site that has great recipes. Skinnytaste.com. Check it out. I too have about 50 - 60 lbs to lose and want to do it before my big birthday too! I managed to lose 20+ lbs before my weddogn two years ago and even worea bikini in Aruba.....I have gained it all back, plus some and definitely not in a two piece. If you are honest and log all, you will be successful :)
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I'm 1280- feel free to add me!
  • I'm so glad I'm not alone in this! I'm going for the 1300 calorie as well and I'm just scared that I won't lose the weight. I'm aiming to lose 70 pounds so I can feel good about myself again.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Im doing 1360 :) ill send you a friend request
  • 201350
    201350 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the tips!! I love finding new recipes. I think you are totally right about logging on and staying on track, but what happens when life gets in the way and the spiral down starts?
    Should I start a Group do you think for the 1300 cal? We could call it The 1300 CALGAL group though I don't want to exclude men just thought the name was catchy!!
  • Hey< Im set at 1300 as well. Ive struggled all of my life as well. I am also a post gastric bypass patient. Lost 102 lbs originally but have gained about 50 of that back....I need to loose all that plus about 30 more. Lets do this!!!
  • KReetz02
    KReetz02 Posts: 2 Member
    I will join you! It always helps to have support from others! My goal is to loose 40 lbs!:wink: