I'm always hungry!

I need some advice because I have being aspiring for a goal of 1200 calories and I need to lose around 40lbs to get from 156-117lbs. I am 5'5''-5'6'' Yes, I know I'm overweight, But I also have a good amount of lean muscle mass from working out. My measurements are 34.5-27-40. (24inch thighs) and I wear a US size 4 in dresses. Size 5-7 in pants. Size small in tops usually sometimes a medium. The point of me listing this is just to prove that I'm not one of those skinny people that can eat whatever and not put on weight. I used to be 130 and a size 2 and I've gone up to this weight and I really have hurt my self-esteem. Now that I'm in college, it is really challenging (I don't really eat dorm food much actually. i have my place). I only eat dorm food for either lunch/early dinner during the weekdays. Here's how a regular day for me is:
B- Cereal- 8am
L- Chicken with a rice, water, and apple,-12pm
Late Lunch/ Snack- Oatmeal/hummus and multigrain chips-3pm
D- A salad and maybe some fish/steak with potatoes. (or a pack of spicy veggie ramen)-7pm

But I am still really hungry at the end of the day and throughout the day. I don't understand if I have a faster metabolism or if it's because I've recently started exercising. If all my calories are added up they definitely dont fall in the 1200 calorie range. More around 1500-1700 calories. But some days, I don't have time to workout because I take 18 credits. The campus is really big though so I do actually have to walk around 2 miles daily even if I take the bus for some parts.
I just need advice on limiting my intake. I want to at least get to 117-120 by march next year. I used to starve myself before so I probably never understood my metabolism well
Maybe I'm so used to eating 1200 calories when I was thinner


  • I find I'm less hungry when ALL my meals have protein, carb and veg.

    Try switching out cereal (eating this usually makes me famished within an hour) for something like:
    - an omelette filled with veg + piece of toast.
    - overnight oats (oats + yoghurt + milk + fruit/nuts)

    * Alternatively, skip breakfast if you're not actually hungry when you wake up, and make your other meals bigger/have them later.
    I've been doing this for the last few weeks, and this has kept my hunger at bay; I'm more of a volume-eating kind of person.
    My focus is also a lot stronger in the morning now, and I feel more energised throughout the day.

    Incorporate some veggies into your lunch.
    1) they have fibre, keeping you fuller for longer
    2) nutrients/vitamins

    For dinner, meal looks fine. Perhaps you can add in a small dessert if you're still hungry post-dinner?
    E.g. frozen yoghurt, etc

    And make sure you drink fluids throughout the day.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    You need a snack between breakfast and lunch, and you should eat protein at every meal.

    Look into a protein shake for a mid morning snack, and like the previous poster said, scramble 2 eggs in the morning.

    100-120 for the shake, 70 per egg. Pretty low cal.

    edit: reread you were in a dorm.. scrambling eggs will be tough. Try a protein bar with your cereal. Protein will make the carbs digest slower as well.
  • SycReid
    SycReid Posts: 14
    I take this capsule which makes me burns more calories/fats when I'm working out. But the thing is I've been pretty busy so all I do is some walking. The thing is these capsules make me feel uhm...bloated or full.
    It says that I should take it 10 min. before every meal. Yesterday, I was so hungry (lunchtime) but I took the capsule and my hunger just went off or what. So it makes me really not to eat more than I should. And I don't even take snacks.
    But snacks can be good. I think fruits are much better than anything. C:
  • Well the best way is to stay active and trying your best not to eat foods from fast food places and low carbs and the BIGGEST thing of all is to not over eat witch everyone dose everyday all day for their whole life. BUT!!!! I have the best thing to fix that witch has bin changing ppls lifes all over the worl its call Skinny Fibber!! works like a dream changed my life and can change yours :)


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  • Are you adding your exercise into the tracker as well? If so, are you upping your daily intake to compensate for the exercise? You should be? So when you say, 1500-1700 cals, that's ok if you've worked 300-500 cals off that day for exercise as well. They key is the calorie deficit from your Base Metabolic Rate. Yes, exercise will increase your appetite, as will the fact you seem to be treating your metabolism better by not starving yourself anymore. The advice around protein is good, but if your not feeling full then up your veg intake as well. You can seriously eat a lot of veg without to much impact your your calorie intake. Brocolli, carrot, peas etc are all good fillers.
  • Thank you guys! I sort of took the tip about protein and I definitely feel full.
    this morning I had waffles (im not a big breakfast eater as I had an early day)
    For Lunch, I ate some chicken soup with a side of pasta, and a salad.
    Dinner, Some pork with a cup of rice, cabbages, peas, lettuce, bean sprouts, cucumber, and some fish. I feel really full.
    I didn't count calories to effectively but I'm probably around 1200-1400 calories.