
I have 200lbs to lose. What im trying to figure out is the whole "flap" issue. Ive had two kids and my last child (2 years ago) was a c-section. I healed amazingly no visible scar. but i have the fat flap on top of the baby flap. When losing this weight was anyone able to completely tone up the flap? or will that require surgery? i dont have feeling where they cut me. But what excersizes can i do to start losing the flap. I know losing the weight wont take away the flap itll just be saggy skin. Im 22 years old and i dont want that!!.

Any tips? also whats the best way to tone up arms? the fatty part underneath...


  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    When I get frustrated with my saggy skin and stretch marks on my tummy... I look at my boys. They are worth it. Come to grips, if SEVERELY stretched out- you can't regain elasticity in the skin. It will get better as you get smaller though.
  • ive only had one child and have a mega flap..i know it will never go completly unless i have surgery but thats okay
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