Monsters in your room......



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I was always afraid to have arms or legs outside of the covers. I thought something would come eat them. To this day, I sleep with blankets tucked up around my arms and legs.
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    Poltergeist was the movie that scared the $&!( out of me. I wouldn't even go into my room without reaching my arm around the wall to turn the light on first. The night time bathroom trip started with a jump from my bed into the hallway. Our basement was really spooky and I always felt like somebody was following me up the stairs... I never walked up them... I ran as fast as I could. I still don't like the basement, it is just creepy. My brother and I once heard somebody calling "mom" and my mom yelling "what??". We were the only two kids and it wasn't us. My brother is so nice.... he pushed me out of the way while he was hauling @ss out of the house.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    Ok, so the other day I used one of those sleep apps. This app tracks everything while you sleep, when you move, how long you sleep, and noises.......... So after a couple of days my son comes into my bedroom in the middle of the night and starts talking. In the morning I check the app and can hear everything he said.

    Now comes the freaky part.... After that I kept using it, but didn't check the sound everyday. Until one day when I was having a cigarette outside our house... I started listening and heard water droplets falling, I also heard a woman's voice saying 'Ahhhhhhh' and 'Ohhhhhhh'. It wasn't raining that night and I don't have any other woman in my household. It definately wasn't my voice or my son's... I played it to my bf who doesn't believe in ghosts and it freaked even him out!

    From then on every time after I switch of the light in our bedroom I jump straight into the bed....
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    come to think of it.. my brother was the "monster" that tormented me and scared the crap out of me....
    I was terrified to sleep with my bedroom door closed. My brother, whose whole purpose in life was to torment me, crawled up the hall to my bedroom doorway. He had several baseballs and softballs, he started rolling them across the hardwood floor in my room. They rolled under my bed and banged into the walls. About the time I started screaming he slammed my door shut. I, of course, had no idea it was him and I thought my door had closed on its own. Good times...
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I never worried about monsters in the closet until someone in my house thought it would be funny to put a Furbie in there and let it scare the &^%& out of me. I still think those things are creepy, and now they are back in stores! I REALLY hope neither of my children asks for one.

    All furbies should be drowned in the arctic or killed with fire. Only the elements can destroy those little demons.

    i agree. they are demons!

    i had like 10 furbies when i was a kid & they were perfect until one night they all started talking at the same time...

    they sat on the window sill across from my bed & none of them had batteries in. if i ever hear another furby talk, i will shoot it. i never got talking toys again after that.

    I'm positive that while speaking their weird little language to each other, they were really plotting a takeover. Also, "deep sleep" was a dirty lie
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    I still make sure my closet door is shut. lol. I made myself paranoid; as a child I would watch all kinds of scary movies.
  • animallover1989
    The closet never really bothered me because it was always to full for monsters. However I can not sleep nor could I ever with any part hanging off the bed or outside the covers, except my head. And I always had either a cat or dog in my room at bed time. I also would leap into my bed from a distance after the lights were turn out. I always had a nightlight. Growing up we didnt have tv to watch scary stuff but my stepbrothers had wild imaginations and Im easily scared. When I left he and moved out I didnt sleep for a week because I was so scared of murderers. What can I say? I moved from a small town to the big city. By the end of my first week I had a dog again. Even to this day with 2 roomates and my boyfriend, I still will not go to bed without one of my two dogs or my cat. Something about being totally alone creeps me out. And I always have some sort of light source. And Om almost 24!!!
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    i had an older brother to terrorize me when i was a kid. so yes, i thought there were monsters.. lol
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    How many of you were afraid that there was a monster in your closet or under your bed? Would you make sure the closet door was closed or keep hands and feet on the bed at all times? Do you still do this?

    It wasn't the monster/s in the closet or under the bed that scared me. It was the grown up ones down stairs or down the hall. I was terrified of the dark, thought I'd gotten over that till I read some of the posts in this tread... I'll be sleeping with lights on tonight. (and yes, closet doors must be shut, a poltergeist lived in a closet where I kept my clothes in my first home in Texas, no joke)

    I do remember going bathroom as a little girl (under age 8) then sitting in front of the B/W TV my mom fell asleep in front of...watched *lots* of Dracula, Frankenstein movies then...the end of "Rosemary's Baby." I Do NOT watch scary films, at all, ever. Never seen "Freddie" movies, or "The Exorcists" or "The Blair Witch Project" or any other scary/horror movie..."Fantasia" (a disney movie) scared the crap out of me as a kid I had nightmares for months.

    Yeah, definitely sleeping with lights on, might even sleep on couch.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Definitely! One night I HAD to shut off the fan because I was freezing, so after getting my courage up, finally got up, ran to the window, turned off the fan, ran back and jumped - only to find that the monster had STOLEN my bed in that 3 or 4 seconds. I screamed, and my parents came running, having heard the fan turn off and my scream. They thought I'd lost some fingers. They turned on my light found me on the floor and realized that in my fear, I'd jumped all the way over my bed.

    Then there was the night - as an adult - that I slept on my stomach with both hands under the pillow. One hand fell asleep, so didn't feel the other hand feeling it. I woke up realizing that there was a hand under my pillow that didn't belong to me. I jumped out of bed and that stupid hand followed me....... I've been sleeping on my back ever since, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    When I was a little kid my brother told me there was a troll living in my heating vent (like in Cat's Eye) that would come out and eat my hamster when I was asleep. So I would sleep with my hamster's cage next to my pillow. My mom wasn't too happy with the chewed up and shredded pillowcases.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I still can't go to sleep when my closet door is open. :embarassed:
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I was always afraid of El Cuco coming out of the closet or under my bed to eat me. I use to get a running start and jump onto my bed so I would not have to stand next to the bed. I still check sometimes one can never to careful with these things. They will strike when you least expect them to. Just ask my cousin one almost dragged him away...
  • Cher2686
    Cher2686 Posts: 94 Member
    I was always scared of dolls or pics coming to life to get me. But I had it coming bc I used to hid under my daybed or behind my door and scare my nephews to the point that one of them was scared of the dark. I know i know bad kid but trust me Im getting it in return.
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    I was afraid of ghosts.. And
    I slept with a butter knife and sharp fork under my pillow..
    Maybe I thought I could eat them to death.. Lol I don't know..
    mentality of a 6 year old girl living in the ghetto
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Hehe, I still can't stand my closet being wide open. Or even just a little. It's that mystery of darkness.
    Although, I enjoy the darkness, just not where something could attack me. Hehe.
  • SellyBunnie
    I still get myself freaked out. Many a nights I have had to sleep with the light on. Many a nights I've had to triple check windows and doors are closed/locked! Many a nights I have stayed awake for fear of crazed murderer roaming around looking for the perfect house to break into! Sometimes while on the treadmill or in the shower, I'll think I heard something or someone coming upstairs to get me!

    I think I blame Dad. He made us watch alot of history stuff about slavery and the civil rights movement. Yeah, it was great to know history, but, I really got no sleep around the time I was 7ish. I'd Always have nightmares about the triple Ks coming out to get me, hang me, lynch lil ole me! They didn't care if you were a kid, so it just freaked me out to no end!

    I was never the one to believe in the fake monsters...only the real ones. Watching and reading very morbid things probably hasn't helped me out that much, lol!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    My daughter asks about monsters in the house. I tell her that the cats eat them. I say "Why do you think they are so fat?" She accepts that and no longer has a fear.
  • karynspeace
    I was convinced there was a skeleton rock band in my closet and that I I fell asleep with the door open and my arms were out from under the covers, they would come out and chop my arms off and use them as sticks for their drum solos.

    SERIOUSLY. Still don't sleep with my arms on top of the covers....

    Wondering wtf my parents used to tell me when I was little!
  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member
    I saw Jaws when I was about 5 or 6 not sure what my folks were thinking really. After that when I went to bed and the lights were turned off, somehow the bedroom carpet magically turned to shark infested water. And don't get me started about the trauma of having to go to the toilet.

    A few years later I saw Alien..... I was no longer scared of sharks at bed time.... There were bigger problems