Any 40 somethings out there?

kvab Posts: 6 Member
I'm new here, started my fitness kick two days ago ..
currently sorting myself out following massive ( for me ) life changes ... taking tiny steps rediscovering me, fitness, life ...
I've tried adding a few of you as friends but it appears to have a limit as to how many requests I can send out in 10 minutes .. I obviously click to quick :-/ :-)


  • Haha, I'm very glad you can become friends with so many individuals at once! :-D I'm not forty-something but I can equally motivate and support just as well as a forty-something year old, :-) Glad to have you with us though! Feel free to add me, :-)
  • Hi

    I only found out about this site on the 10th October and set it up straight away. I've been losing weight gradually for 9 weeks now and have lost just over a stone.
    I'm 47 and like you dramatic life changes made me decide to feel better about myself.
    I go to the gym 4 times a week because coming home from work, cooking tea afterwards I was just too tired to exercise, so I go to the gym straight after work for an hour.
    I've also just finished hypnotherapy and a lot of it was cutting down your portion sizes (to the size of a side plate), cutting it up into small pieces, chew each piece at least 15 times, drink plenty of water and when eating, eat at the table and switch off the TV.

    Hope this helps
    Tracey x
  • HighlandPony17
    HighlandPony17 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a 40 something your welcome to add me :)
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I am 43, it feels like over 40 belongs to a different world (LOL) we don't feel that young as to be able to shift the pounds like nothing. We usually feel like we have too much going on in our lives, (more than when we were 20 or 30). But there are a lot of people around here really inspirational. The more people you add the more difficult it will be to keep up, I don't know how people can be following 100 something friends, sometimes just choosing a dozen that make you feel inspired will bring more results than adding 300. Just read about them and think about how much you have in common with them, why do you want to add them to your list, is it because they are your age, is it because they share the same type of workouts, the same type of diets, the same type of dramatic changes in your life? I think that this is they way you will find the support that you are looking for. In people that share the same "whatever" as you. But that is just my opinion. Wellcome to MFP.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    40 here too! I think a lot of us are starting to pick ourselves up post children. :)
    My baby is 11... I should have did this years ago.
  • Hi there! I'm 41 so just qualify!
    I've dabbled with dieting for years and have managed to stop too much weight piling on but started logging on here on Monday and am now determined to be slim in time for my 42nd birthday in April. Going well so far - 1 3/4lbs lost so far this week!
    Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • Hi, also a 40 year old trying to make that change! I've tried to add you now.
  • chrisa8170
    chrisa8170 Posts: 466 Member
    I'm 40, I have been here since early September and already lost 22lbs, having a good friend base is useful and quire motivating.

    Feel free to add me if you like, i'm on daily and more than willing to provide support and encouragement.

    Same applies to other posters (without sounding desperate) I genuinely want to help and support and hoprfully get it back when I need it.
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Hi 40 something here.. I have a son with ASD so know some of your challenges :noway: :
    You can add me if you like, I have been here since January 1st and this works :smile:
  • Hi, I'm 44 and started today and I am expecting a long road ahead. I have tried many diets and just hope this one works, I would like to meet some friends to help me with some motivation and to get me through the bumps along the way.
  • i have just joined, 41 mother and grandmother. hoping this is going to help me.:happy:
  • Hi, I am 44 with 3 children and I started today, so cross fingers this one works for me.
  • zonbilou
    zonbilou Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there

    I'm 41 and just started today...I want to lose 2 stone by christmas and the other 3 by June. Good luck. Add me if you would like to x
  • Hey, I have been here a week and you are the first person I'm responding to. I have a challenge to make by the end of this month and I'm well on my way. Stick with it and get the support and check in daily. If you don't the days will blend and you won't remember what you had to eat or what you did for exercise. (48 but who's counting?) Woof
  • Hi, I am 40 something too - I am also new to the forum/website, so could do with new friends :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    41 years of largely clueless existence here, currently slashing blubber with a hitherto unseen cunning combination of no exercise, very little carbohydrate and an unfeasible amount of red wine.

    Going well with it too :)
  • Tencie0615
    Tencie0615 Posts: 72 Member 40 something too..feel free to add :flowerforyou:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, i am over 40, anyone can add me, i am on faithfully most days!
  • I'm 44.. got a lot to lose and i'm gona be here a while.
    Anyone can add me. :smile:
  • I'm a 45 yr old mom of 2 teenagers...joined in Feb, and have lost 68lbs so far. Feel free to add me.