Thinking about ditching my weightloss program...



  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Do the consultations and weigh ins (unless you can get your money back), but don't follow the plan and buy the products. Every time they say "protein bar", or whatever it is they're pushing on you, hear "lean meat" or something appropriate. .
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    the $150 does not include the protein shakes/bars or supplements. I have to buy those extra!! I am thinking of just going to a registered dietician.

    So what are you paying for if they are not going to supply you with the items you need to succeed?

    The one I went to was a monthly $75 to get weighed, have your blood pressure taken, and get a prescription for appetite suppressants. Any of the meals, bars, shakes, and EXTRA pills you had to pay for individually. With the cost of the pills when I had them filled I was paying well over $100. I ended up leaving because not only were the weigh-ins inaccurate (clothes on, middle of the day, a scale that hadn't been calibrated in a while) and they constantly reminded you if you didn't lose at least 2lbs a month they dropped you as a patient, but the staff got increasingly rude to me. They talked about me like I wasn't there and on one weigh-in they even stood there and made fun of my last name because it "wasn't spelled right" when I was in clear view.

    The place I was going to wasn't helping in the least. All they told me was take the appetite pill before noon every morning, eat between 1000-1200 calories a day, and do a lot of cardio. The only one with sense was the doctor on staff but he had no control over their "rules" or guidelines because he wasn't even part of the clinic.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Good job on cancelling. The ONLY way to lose weight and keep it off is by teaching yourself how and what to eat. Its the same reason that people who fork out all that money for nutrisystem and other diet programs put the weight back on. They are just eating whta they are told to eat, and not learning how to formulate a menu for themselves.

    Calories in/calories out... it wont happen overnight, but by throwing yourself into the deepend and learning how to do this, you will find yourself making the right decisions on your own. Get with a good cross train program that has strength and cardio in it and you will see the inches melt off!
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I lost 70 pounds using Atkins, gained 40 back when I stopped. Then I did diet and exercise (think this might catch on???) and lost it back again and I am now in maintenance - which is AWESOME. Get to maintenance. You won't regret it.

    Counting calories on MFP is simple. Simple makes it easy to stick with it.

    Also - Eating out is next to impossible if you want to stay in your goal unless you research well before you go.

    Good luck.
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks everyone for your encouraging words. I want this to be a complete lifestyle change and not another crash diet. Even if I do t get my mo ey back I feel like I am free!!!!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    When did you extend the 3 months? If you signed a contract as part of the extension most provinces/states/countries, whatever where you are, have a cooling off period where you have 3 days or so to cancel without penalty. Since you paid in advance they should at least be able to prorate and refund it perhaps less an admin fee or something, even if there is no law.
  • jessicasmith9019
    I would say that you are going on wrong path. As the problem you suggested is because of your own laziness and not because of your trainer. So think again and we wise in taking decision

    <a href=>Health diet</a>
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I would say that you are going on wrong path. As the problem you suggested is because of your own laziness and not because of your trainer. So think again and we wise in taking decision

    <a href=>Health diet</url>
    Why did you respond to a topic that's 4 months old? Also, html doesn't work here.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    If you can't get a refund you could continue with the clinic but also count your calories correctly. Just modify what they tell you as far as how much to eat. Figure your BMR and never eat under that number. Use that number as your calorie goal and eat back your exercise calories too. You can continue the protein shakes and bars if you need to just track them. That way you're not giving up and he can't say he told you so.

    I would do this. And don't renew.
  • burkblondie
    burkblondie Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like Medifast! I did that and Jenni Craig! They both in my opinion are overpriced! While Jenni Craig is a very successful and healthy program, Medifast is not, and you end up starving yourself and gaining back more weight in the process! As far as finding a program that works, you must first change your mindset from "I'm going on a diet," to "I am making a lifestyle change!" I went from becoming a candidate for weightloss surgery to losing 40 pounds and challenging myself to losing 100 pounds in a year! My husband and I decided to eat better and live for our kids! We have an elliptical, and everynight after dinner, we turn on a challenging workout dvd and push play! Challenge yourself, track those calories, good or bad! Use Myfitnesspal to encourage! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    the $150 does not include the protein shakes/bars or supplements. I have to buy those extra!! I am thinking of just going to a registered dietician.

    You can research anything on the web that a dietician can tell you. Figure out your TDEE and BMR to set your calorie limit then eat healthy and exercise. Then take some of the money you saved and buy the new clothes you'll need when you lose the weight.