A little disappointed



  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    So I have only been working on getting fit for two weeks, And I am super excited that I have already lost 11 lbs But I am a little discouraged that I have not seen any change at all in how my clothes fit. I mean 11 lbs is a great number! But I just don't see anything yet. How long before you guys saw any change in clothes? I am 5'4 and weighed in this week at 249 down from 260 to start.

    2 WEEKS?!?!??!?! CHEESEANDRICE! Get this woman to a doctor STAT!!!!

    If you're not in built like an athlete after 2 whole weeks of working out there must be something SERIOUSLY wrong with you!

    Everyone knows that it only takes two weeks to look like a Victoria's Secret model! Even Cosmo says you can be swim suit ready in as little as 10 days!!!

    Call in the National Guard! It must be Ebola, GonnaHerpaSyhillAIDS or Cancer!!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    People also lose weight from different parts of their body at different points. If you need an example of this, look at all the threads on weight loss and boob size. Some women get smaller boobs when they lose weight; others remain the same. It could just be that you are slow to lose weight in whatever area is covered by the garment you are hoping to see lower sizes in.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Sometime at the start of this year I went from size 20 to 18. Only last month did I go from 18 to 16 (I was at 28lbs lost) even now they are starting to get a bit easier to get on although not completely falling down yet. Ive only noticed a difference since I started doing weights, yes the number on the scale might of went down before then but my shape only really start changing when I added an extra 10 mins of weights and 5 mins of sit ups (average between 50 and 100 a time) at the end of my cardio workout, Dont worry keep going and it will happen eventually, most important thing is (and I have to keep reminding myself too) that even when you dont see the results you want keep going because it will happen you just have to give it time.