Stopped loosing?

Hello Everyone!

I am really struggling to stay on track because it seems that I am not loosing weight anymore--as in, barely lost anything in three weeks now.

Please look at my diary. I enter EVERYTHING I eat, the calories are correct and I weigh my portions so I am NOT underestimating my calories. Also, I often forget to enter my water but I am drinking at least 3 32 oz bottles a day.

I have not worked on this week as much as I would have liked because I have midterms... And I do use the fitbit to make sure that i am getting my 10,000 steps on days that I am in class and not able to be as active.

Please take a look and give me tips.


  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    1. When you say "barely lost anything" - it sounds like you've lost something, just not as much as you wanted?
    2. Remember that 60% of the number on the scale is water. Just because the number isn't going down, doesn't mean you are not burning fat. It could be a few other things - water retention, muscle gain etc. It is very possible to be burning off fat and your weight going up.
    3. Do you measure yourself? If not, start doing that and when you hit a spot where it seems that you are not losing anymore, look at your measurements.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I didn't look at your food diary, however, try bumping up your calories by about 100. I know it seems counter intuitive, but after reading all the forums on here, I've tried several options. Sometimes our bodies get used to what we are doing and they need to be shaken up a bit. I've aldo tried calorie zig zagging or calorie cycling where you are lower on some days and higher on others. Try a few different options to find what works best for you.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    bump...anyone else?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I would lose the banana and the chocolate cereal - lots of sugar there.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    bump...anyone else?

    Did you read the 2 posts? you didn't comment on it or thank them.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I looked at your diary.... some days your sodium is a bit high and almost every day you don't meet the calorie goal. That could be due to exercise calories being too high.... but I still think you should eat another 100-200 calories most days. These calories ideally should be fruits and especially veggies.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    You are correct and I should have... I quickly checked in (in class) and as looking for more. My apologies.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Don't meet my calories goal? So, I am not really sure on all that...(with eating my calories back)... Should I always be eating all of my exercise calories back?
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    What measurements should I be taking? Thanks...I have never thought of doing that.... I guess I just need to stop worrying so much about the number!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    The cereal is not a norm... I know it is a lot of sugar but somedays I feel like I am going to go crazy if I don't eat sugar.

    My yogurt is also high in sugar...and ALL fruit is. How do I still eat fruit without going over my sugar? Or do ppl just not eat fruit when dieting.
  • djtulppo
    djtulppo Posts: 34 Member
    Your not eating enough. You need to eat close to your aloted calories or your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose. Your not eating balanced lunch and dinner. Good Luck
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    I am eating over my calories... do I need to eat back all my calories. I am a I am very sedentary....that's why I am at 1200.
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    I didn't look at your food diary, however, try bumping up your calories by about 100. I know it seems counter intuitive, but after reading all the forums on here, I've tried several options. Sometimes our bodies get used to what we are doing and they need to be shaken up a bit. I've aldo tried calorie zig zagging or calorie cycling where you are lower on some days and higher on others. Try a few different options to find what works best for you.

    ^^this worked for me too. I went up by 150 calories and cut three more pounds in a flash. I also switched to eating every three hours then cut my fat, upped carbs, and upped protein.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    thanks ... can someone pls tell me... should i be eatimg back calories?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    The first response asked if you'd lost anything at all in the past few weeks. Sorry if I've missed the answer somewhere, but it's quite a relevant question. A lot of people find that they have unrealistic expectations for their rate of weight loss.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    thanks ... can someone pls tell me... should i be eatimg back calories?

    When I do exercise I don't tend to eat back the calories unless I feel hungry or want a little treat. But that is my preference and seems to be working for me!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    i did answer the question... i lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks...

    for some reason my responses are not posting on the question but only at the end.
    what else did i miss.

    this is frustrating... why be rude?

    as for snacking... i have been told by several people to eat small 100-200 calorie snacks between meals. so by your "stop snacking" ... i would assume this is incorrect in your opinion. please explain to me what i should do otherwise.

    stop eating processed foods? please tell me what i am eating that is bad?... im am not being sarcastic..i have been overweight my whole life and i am trying to make positive changes.