March Madness Fitness Challenge!



  • KatiesRunnersHigh
    I'm definitley in!! Yay! I'm starting today though and lets see. I'm supposed to be 170 by March 3, but I'm still 180 (could be some muscle gain hehe) so I would like to lose 10 lbs by the end of March too. Yay I love challenges...
  • gym_rat
    Hi guys!! My name's Jill and I need to get fit! haha. I've been working on it, I used MFP once before and I kept it off, i came back in January and I've lost 11 lbs which is great! I'm enlisting into the service this spring (I'm not sure exactly when I leave for Basic yet) but I'm using the month of march to really push my fitness level into hyperdrive. I do not want to get to Basic and struggle and feel like I'm going to die. lol.

    Anyway, I am challenging anyone who wants to join me to set a goal or two for the month of March!

    My goals: lose 8 lbs and by the end of March be able to run 2 miles in 20 minutes!

    Current Weight: 174
    Goal Weight: 166

    Current 2 mile run: I'm not sure, but I believe it's close to 30 minutes
    Goal: 2 mile run in 20:00

    I think that is awesome that you are enlisting. My husband is Army and currently deployed and loves every second of the military life. Good luck! I would really work on your running, push-ups and sit ups and all that fun stuff. I think to pass a 2 mile PT test as a female you have to do it in under 18minutes or so.

    March Goals:
    - weigh 150lbs by March 31st
    - continue running 35-40miles a week (marathon training) with strength training 3x a week
  • Johnna87
    AGHH!!! Alright Jenn I'm in! My personal mini goal is to be under 200 by my college graduation which is May 15... SO for this challenge I would like to lose 7+ pounds by the end of march.

    starting weight 227

    LET'S GO US! :)
  • aprildh
    I would love to be apart of this group. I would love to lose 8 lbs by the end of March. My second goal would be to get in all 8 glasses of water a day. I usually get 6, but it seems hard for me to get those last two in. That's where my coffee drinking comes in to play.
    Thanks for the challenge.
  • jezziebelle
    I think that is awesome that you are enlisting. My husband is Army and currently deployed and loves every second of the military life. Good luck! I would really work on your running, push-ups and sit ups and all that fun stuff. I think to pass a 2 mile PT test as a female you have to do it in under 18minutes or so.

    Thank you so much for the support.... I'm really looking forward to it! Joining the Navy, as a 22 year old female my PRT requirements to pass basic training are at minimum:

    58 sit ups in 2 minutes, 21 push ups in 2 minutes, and run a mile and half in 14:15.... Right now I can't do that, but I'm hoping that by the time I leave for basic (in April probably) that I'll be close to being able to pass that test before I even get there. My goal is to make the tests too easy for myself so that at Basic I can really push it and increase my fitness level beyond what I could currently imagine! :D
  • jezziebelle
    Whoo Whoo! Yesterday I did a ton of cardio, but what I'm proud of is that I ran for 9 minutes at 5.5 mph without taking a break and after walking for about 20 minutes, I ran another 9 minutes! That's 18 minutes of running! That's a huge accomplishment for me!

    Come on ladies, we can do this!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Way to go Jill! That's awesome!

    Tomorrow's my weigh-in, but I've gotten into drinking 10 or more glasses of water the last few days. 8 is easy for me, but 10 is definitely more of a challenge. I started training for a 5K this morning, I'm doing Couch 2 5K, I wasn't going to, but my knee and my ankle have been acting up, so I think following an easier training plan will help me not over-train and injure myself. I skipped week 1 of the program though, for me it seemed a bit of a waste of a week, we'll see how it goes!
  • jezziebelle
    Way to go Jill! That's awesome!

    Tomorrow's my weigh-in, but I've gotten into drinking 10 or more glasses of water the last few days. 8 is easy for me, but 10 is definitely more of a challenge. I started training for a 5K this morning, I'm doing Couch 2 5K, I wasn't going to, but my knee and my ankle have been acting up, so I think following an easier training plan will help me not over-train and injure myself. I skipped week 1 of the program though, for me it seemed a bit of a waste of a week, we'll see how it goes!

    That's awesome! I started doing the C25K program back in January, and at first I thought it was way too easy, but trust me it starts catching up with you haha. It does becoming somewhat challenging, but the whole point of the program is to ease you into it, so that you don't do too much and then hate running. It works! That's great that you're doing it! :)

    10 glasses of water a day would be hard haha. But, you can do it!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Oh I'm sure it gets much harder, but my training plan options were either this or a 6K program, which assumed you could already run 20 minutes at a decent pace. C25k was a much better option for me!

    I'm down another 1.2 pounds. Not sure how realistic my 132 goal is, but we'll see. Currently at 138.8. Down 8.8 pounds since I joined MFP on January 24th. Got to take some pants to get taken in tomorrow, awesome!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I started Couch25k this past week. I just finished Week 1 Day 2 today and I'm loving it! I use to be a runner, mind you, this was a few years and twins babies ago, haha. Getting back into it is great. I agree that week 1 seems a bit slow but I'm doing every single week and day it tells me too. I really want to run like I use to again.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I should admit, part of the reason for my skipping week 1 is because I have a race on April 25th (haven't registered for it yet) and want to have another solid week of running the distance. I'm basically trading week 1 for a second week 8.

    I just came to the realization that my third goal (run 5k without stopping) by the end of March is going to be way off from my C25k training. So I'm going to edit that goal to 2.25 miles!
  • jezziebelle
    Yay! Good job ladies!

    I'm having a very unhealthy week of dropping weight as fast as humanly possible, before I weigh in for the Navy on Thursday, but afterwards I'm going to get back onto the slow, steady, healthy plan haha. I'm so hungry. grr....
  • contrarie
    I'd love to join this group. It's not too late, is it? Anyways, I would love love, love to lose eight pounds by the end of march. I've always had a hard time staying motivated, but maybe you guys could help me out! Also, I'd like to be able to either run ten miles in a row, or run a 21 minute 5k. (I'm a xc runner, so these goals are pretty reasonable). So yeah, wish me luck, and I hope you guys all get the bodies you want by the end of the month!
  • jezziebelle
    I'd love to join this group. It's not too late, is it? Anyways, I would love love, love to lose eight pounds by the end of march. I've always had a hard time staying motivated, but maybe you guys could help me out! Also, I'd like to be able to either run ten miles in a row, or run a 21 minute 5k. (I'm a xc runner, so these goals are pretty reasonable). So yeah, wish me luck, and I hope you guys all get the bodies you want by the end of the month!

    Yay! Welcome welcome. It's never too late to get motivated haha. Join us on the quest.

    Good luck on your goals! We can do this!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Alright so no one else has posted yet for today but I've done my weigh in so here I go!

    Starting weight (for this challenge) 213
    Last weeks weight 211
    Current weight 209

    Goal weight (for this challenge) 203
  • Johnna87
    Johnna87 Posts: 11
    UGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! So two days after I sign up for this group I got a visit from the wonderful TOM fairy! The good news is... she's gone now... the other "good" news is... I didnt gain weight... but bad news is I didn't lose any either!!!!!!!!

    starting weight (for this challenge) 227.6
    current weight 227.6
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Hey, I finally found my way back here! :laugh: I was starting to feel a little dense there. Well, this past week just felt so-so but I guess I pulled it off!!


    Hoping for a FULL 2 lbs for next week!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Nice work everyone! I finished my first week of C25K, so I look to be on target for my running goal. So far, I've had my 10 glasses of water every day this month (today is going to be troublesome though).

    Starting weight: 140
    Current weight (as of 2/28/2010): 138.8

    I weigh on Sundays, I'm hoping for 1.2 (at the least) because then I'll dropped 10 pounds since I joined MFP!
  • jezziebelle
    Hey Guys! Sorry I missed weigh in day haha, I was at MEPS! I'm officially in the Navy now and I leave for boot camp on March 28! Even more motivation for me to get my butt to the gym! haha.

    Here's to next week, may it bring down the numbers for us all!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Congrats Jill! You can do it!!

    I started week 3 of C25K today. Definitely got quite a bit harder, but I stuck with it, so I'm happy. Still getting my 10 glasses of water a day. I dropped 1.6 pounds this week, so all's well with me. Definitely having anxiety over hitting a plateau, but I'm thinking it's another 8 pounds away.

    Starting weight: 140
    Current weight (as of 3/7/2010): 137.2