Anyone tried the Nutribullet blender ?



  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    I have one and love it makes awesome stuff and kills frozen fruit and ice with ease....i dont use any of the book recipes tho just make protein shakes with it but i love it so much
  • So I was thinking getting the NutriBullet as well...I have the Ninja Kitchen Pulse which I use almost everyday for Protien Shakes and also the Omega VRT350 juicer as well. But this thing looks like it would make a good juicer alternative. Would the NutriBullet be a good purchase over the Ninja Kitchen Pulse?

    This thing looks like it pulverizes everything into a liquid...just curious thanks : )
  • We have it and love it! It's not a "juicer", it keeps all the fiber so it's more filling plus the fiber is so good for you. We use fresh baby spinach as the base (about 1/2) then add frozen banana, strawberries, blueberries, mixed frozen fruit, fresh apples, grapes, whatever you have. We also pulverize walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, or whatever you like. Add protein powder if you like. We add baby carrots, celery, brocoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, whatever. Do use small amounts as carrots, broc, celery, etc have strong tastes and you don't want to overpower because it will not taste as good. You have to add liquid to the fill line.... mine husband likes water but I like to use Lipton diet green tea in mine..... it gives it a sweeter flavor. Experiment with what you like. p.s. making a little thicker drink is more filling :)
  • heruman
    heruman Posts: 6 Member
    I'm often skeptical about products advertised through infomercials, but the Nutribullet blender is definitely an exception. I use mine every morning to incorporate green veggies into my morning smoothies. I've had mine for over two months now and find that I just don't feel right unless I've made a smoothie using this wonderful machine. I now find myself lost in produce sections at grocery stores exploring new ideas for produce to incorporate in the smoothies I make in the morning. WIth the exception of beets every item of produce I've tried works well in the blender.
  • Timkoetta
    Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
    do you see a difference in the nutribullet and good blender?
  • heruman
    heruman Posts: 6 Member
    David Wolfe explains the difference between a Nutribullet and a Blender in this brief video.
  • katg73
    katg73 Posts: 77 Member
    Yes - I have been using the NutriBullet for a few months now and have lost 30 lbs since I started :smile:
    I hit the farmer's market every other weekend and wash and store my fruits and veggies and dring a Green Smoothie every morning - sometimes have one for lunch or dinner too! Keeps the simple carb cravings down - don't desire bread and sweets anymore!!!! Eat lean protein about 6 oz daily. Very happy with it. Bear in mind this is NOT a juicer it makes smoothies with fruits and veggies and keeps all the healthy nuitrients fiber so you're not hungry!

    I've had the NutriBullet for the last 3 months, and it was literally a life changing experience. I grew up never being forced to eat breakfast by my parents, and thus, continued that way because I preferred to sleep a little longer than wake up earlier to eat something. In the last 3 days, I've gone no more than 2 days without having one, and let me tell you - when I don't have one, I feel like my digestive system works much more slowly and I'm more bloated than I normally am. I don't particularly follow the suggested nutriblast recipes, but here is how it works for me:

    Green Superfood Base:

    - 1 to 1.5 cups of Dino Kale
    - t tbsp. flaxseed or flaxseed meal
    - 1 tbsp. chia seeds
    - 1/4 scoop of whey protein
    - 1/3 to 1/4 of a banana (depending on the size of the banana)
    - 3 oz. of other fruit

    I mix up the fruit depending on what's in season or what I feel like having for that morning. I found that the more I had these every morning, the less amount of banana I had to have in it. I just got used to it. At this point, it's just fuel and a necessity for my bodily functions - I basically hate to go without it every morning (this mentality is what's helped me to achieve a healthier lifestyle).

    And, YES, it really does break down the kale. And, NO, it is NOT a juicer so it has more of a smoothie consistency - POSITIVES being that you get to consume all the fiber in a closer-to-liquid form (which, as we all know, is the quickest way for our body to absorb anything). The only other blender on the market that can do this kind of blending is the VitaMix, which also has a pretty price tag of $500.

    Anyway, I'm glad there are others on here that use the NutriBullet! I bought mine at Bed Bath & Beyond and used a 20% off coupon, so I got it for $80. Around here, they take their expired coupons too :).
  • I've been using it for about 3 months. Has worked wonders for us! Love it! We have a "Nutriblast" every morning. My kids get all their necessary nutrients in one glass and I don't have to worry about what they eat or don't eat at school. If you buy it, USE IT!... You won't be sorry.
  • I have the Nutribullet and I must say I have hardly missed a day of having a nutriblast for breakfastand sometimes dinner. I've had it for months and coupled with a daily walk, it has sped up my weightloss. It's curbed my carb cravings and I've even cut back on the amount of fruit I use. If you'd like a protein alternative...try beans. I like the taste and texture of the black beans the best. I just rinse the canned organic ones.
  • Well I was trying to choose between the nutribullet and the ninja 1500 mega kitchen system (with the single use cup).

    At first went with the nutribullet. Large single serving cup. Worked well. No complaints really. Made shakes easily. Blended stuff well.

    Then, I bought too many veggies, and wanted to puree them all up and freeze some for future use.
    Returned the nutribullet. I could power a whole bunch of veggies pretty quick. But it did leave a few pieces not chopped up nicely - which didnt happen with the nutribullet. My thought is the square container and circular chopping will leave something behind.
    Tons of power though.
    And the single serving of the ninja is much smaller than the large container in the nutribullet.

    Maybe I need both. Or just some way of attaching the nutribullet cup to the ninja blender. :)
  • Hi! I got my Nutribullet blender about a month ago. Kohl's had it on sale for $99 and with my 30percent coupon I got it for $69!
    I am completely sold on it. I can offer a few suggestions that has helped me as I go.

    The first is that whichever smoothie you are making you should divide the ingredients in half before you blend and do half at a time. This is the best way to get them all to fit and allows you to use as much water as you like to thin it down a little.

    I also found that I wasn't sure about the taste of some in the beginning but understood that this is a health improvement and of course its not going to taste like a milkshake. I then began to find that as I went I enjoyed them more and more so hang in there, they really do grow on you. I also add fresh cranberries to any that I want to improve on the taste and it makes a huge difference.

    And one last tip that helped is that I googled the question of which fruits etc should be pitted, peeled and so on and found a complete list of how to handle each one before blasting. Sorry i don't have the website handy but it is put out by Nutribullet and should pop right up.

    I hope this is helpful and happy blasting!
  • Just got for Christmas this year. It's quiet, easy, and seems to pulverize everything I've dumped in there so far. I really like it &although some of the recipes included in the book are disgusting, others are really good. Plus you can just do your own thing and create something nutritious and delicious to your own taste. It's easy...greens + sweets + seeds, nuts etc.= yum!
  • jooneyb, Could you give an example of a drink you make using black beans?
  • teejamajay2
    teejamajay2 Posts: 12 Member
    I had gotten the black magic bullet from Santa but after reading how it was just a 250 watt vs 600 watt (NutriBullet ) DH and I decided to take it back to BB&B and trade up! Best decision! Really works better and everything is mushed within seconds! Even weird kale and spinach which I could not imagine "drinking"! Lol I notice my sugar and carb cravings are getting less and less. So if you are debating between those two get the NutriBullet!! Easy to clean,! Trying that maca powder (energy) and goji berries. Can't taste either but both are super foods! Love frozen dark cherries too. Just mix and test!! Now going to take blender to goodwill. Does not even compare!!
    I had bought a juicer in the summer and started drinking the "mean greens juice" from the documentary Fat, Sick and Alomst was okay, but I was getting upset at the amount of produce it took to produce one measly cup of juice, so I decided to try the Nutribullet...(love it) It's quick and I am consuming the most beneficial part of the produce...My only gripe is the travel lids, because they leak...
  • stephlayne
    stephlayne Posts: 8 Member
    I have both a cuisinart juicer ad a nutribullet and I loooove the nutribullet soooo much more. There isn't waste so you don't har to use $10 worth of ingredients in one juice and its super easy to clean. I usually just make my own concoctions. Today I had kale on the bottom, raspberries, half a pear, and orange, two tbsp pumpkin seeds and two tbsp Gigi berries and then water. It was delicious and even my nine month old daughter went nuts over it!
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    I got my Nutri-Bullet Sunday, I have made recipes from the book, been hard to get them down but cravings are gone and weight is coming off! You do get used to them in a short time! Please post your favorite recipes, it will help a lot of people on this site! I will once i find one worth sharing! Happy Blasting!
  • Ninjajenna
    Ninjajenna Posts: 41 Member
    I just got a NutriBullet, and I love it. If your smoothies are too thick, just add more water. I like to add coconut water and apple cider vinegar to mine along with flax seed. I haven't had a problem with making kale smoothies, but then again, I like kale in general. I read some reports online that people complained of it leaking. Mine hasn't done that, just make sure to not go over the Max line and make sure the blade is on tightly. Good luck!
  • I have had mine since July 2012. This morning I went to make a smoothie (i did not overfill it) and the cup got stuck on the base. I cannot get it off. My boyfriend tried and neither can he. Looked on other review websites, seems like other ppl have had the same problem...along with it leaking. Bought mine from the website,emailed them this morning,waiting to hear back...If you buy it,buy it at a store or walmart, that way you can more easily return it...
  • Goatgodess
    Goatgodess Posts: 23 Member
    Got a Nutribullet, love it. I chose it over the Ninja for a couple of reasons. Good Housekeeping did not review the Ninja well. Friend has the bullet and it works great. I am gluten intolerant and can make my own flours with the milling blade. Smoothies taste great, get creative. Got mine on ebay for $81, it was new, in the box.