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supersize me: mcdonalds experiment



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I know one lady ate nothing but McDonalds while training for a marathon. It was to raise money not a documentary though.
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member

    Small marketing budget relatively speaking. ESPECIALLY internationally. Remarkably small really.

    Studies show eating excessive calories cause obesity, not fast food specifically. Again, this is an attempt to place blame solely at the feet of another and absolve yourself of ALL responsibility for ones own actions. Yeah, it's the hamburger and side salad at McDonalds that makes people obese, not the fact they swallow bon bons like a whale eats krill. Definitely the McDonalds.

    I derail anyone who decides to place blame on others for their weight, who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, and who throw around absolutely the most ridiculous pseudoscience as proof they are right.

    You are surely granted your own opinions, I give you that. You are not however, granted your own facts.

    If every time you enter McDonalds, you simply are compelled (I dunno, maybe the cashier holds a gun to your head?) to eat the absolutely WORST thing humanly imaginable on the menu, then perhaps you should avoid it. If you have control over your own body, then go ahead and get a Hamburger with a side salad and a cup of water.

    I do apologize if I come off as rude, mean, condescending, etc. I just get all riled up when people blame fast food for all their weight problems... its as though everyone thinks fat people didn't exist before McDonalds... I highly doubt King Henry VIII got his size cruising through the drive through lane in his royal carriage. >.>

    If I haven't said it yet, I do not myself blame McDonalds or the grocery store or my parents for my weight issues I know that I myself am responsible for everything that goes into my mouth. I did say however there is a combination of corporate responsibility with our own choices. (that statement doesn't necessarily mean it is ALL MCDONALDS FAULT I HAVE A GUT!) The movie was made 8 years ago and there are alot better choices now then there were then. Although there were always better choices than eating fast food. You cannot deny though that marketing has nothing to do with it. If that were the case we would still see cigerette commercials everywhere. Now days cigerette ads are only in select magazines and posters are all over gas stations and thats about it. At least where I live. Also if advertising did nothing for a company why waste over a billion dollars other than to get people to come in and buy the product. Again it is not all McDonalds fault or Fast Food for that but the movie was intended to bring to awareness the average americans diet and exercise habits. Yes it was a little overboard with him only eating McDonalds for every meal but that is how he got so many people to watch and prove his point.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I think someone should do a documentary where all they eat is mcdonald's food, stay within their calorie limits and work out on a regular basis. That would be a documentary I'd enjoy watching with other people that keep trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat.


    I'm a copy cat too apparently. I didn't get that far into the thread before I replied with my genius idea.

    If I could get a sponsor, I'd do it :p
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    I prefer the Super High Me version by Doug Benson. ;)

  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    probably late watching this but im watching


    at the minute.

    really opens your eyes to obesity and mcdonlds!! unhealthy!!

    I liked the part where you learn what chicken nuggets are made out of :)
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    What was distrubing to me when I watched the film was how the McD french fries didn't mold, they sat for a month looking the same while other french fries molded because it's real food. I read online that McD french fries are not vegetarian because they put all kinds of things into it at the factory.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What was distrubing to me when I watched the film was how the McD french fries didn't mold, they sat for a month looking the same while other french fries molded because it's real food. I read online that McD french fries are not vegetarian because they put all kinds of things into it at the factory.

    They aren't vegetarian because they use a beef extract for flavouring.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    actually he made a point to eat everything on the menu, not just the highest options.
    but please, continue to be snarky, that's much more to entertainment value.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    never bothered to watch the entire "documentary" pretty much utter bs.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    From Wikipedia, I remembered this but had to look up the details:

    Soso Whaley, an independent film producer, made a YouTube movie reply titled Me and Mickey D's, in which she also ate all meals at McDonald's, yet lost weight—20 pounds over 60 days; 30 pounds in 90 days. Whaley's results were quite different because of the reduced calorie diet, and inclusion of exercise. Some of Whaley's requirements for her meals were the same as Spurlock's (had to eat everything on the menu over the course of the experiment, etc.); but some were different (she didn't have to clean the plate—Spurlock required himself to do so). Whaley also documented her meals by saving the receipts.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think someone should do a documentary where all they eat is mcdonald's food, stay within their calorie limits and work out on a regular basis. That would be a documentary I'd enjoy watching with other people that keep trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat.


    I'm a copy cat too apparently. I didn't get that far into the thread before I replied with my genius idea.

    google down size me, guy did just that, also lifted, maintained body comp throughout

    If I could get a sponsor, I'd do it :p
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    From Wikipedia, I remembered this but had to look up the details:

    Soso Whaley, an independent film producer, made a YouTube movie reply titled Me and Mickey D's, in which she also ate all meals at McDonald's, yet lost weight—20 pounds over 60 days; 30 pounds in 90 days. Whaley's results were quite different because of the reduced calorie diet, and inclusion of exercise. Some of Whaley's requirements for her meals were the same as Spurlock's (had to eat everything on the menu over the course of the experiment, etc.); but some were different (she didn't have to clean the plate—Spurlock required himself to do so). Whaley also documented her meals by saving the receipts.

    Well, never mind then. Apparently I'm the copy cat. Oh well, it saves me the trouble. I think I'd get pretty sick of McD's before my month was up.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    It is a message about where corporate responsibility and self reliance meet. Shouldn't people be able to make healthier choices on their own?

    The problem is worse than that. McDonalds (and all restaurants) serve such unhealthy food because THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE WANT. If McDonalds started serving lower calorie healthy foods they'd go out of business in a week, meanwhile all the fat people that blame their problems on fast food would be going to Burger King instead b/c the higher cal food tastes better.

    I completely agree with you! It is more than just McDonalds changing it is America changing too. In the movie they refer back to cigerette smoking quite a bit. It used to be socially acceptable to smoke all the time. Just like eating fast food has become socially acceptable to do all the time. Americans have changed their opinion on cigerettes . Who knows the next opinion change might be fast food.

    My eating Fast Food at a table next to you isn't going to make you fat. Back in the day if you tried to touch my fries, I would stab you in the eye with a spork. So no second-hand fast food for you.

    I don't have a point I just needed to get a spork joke in.
  • The worst part is the disgusting meat they use in the burgers and the chicken. It's pink slime that they color like meat and add flavoring to make it taste like meat.

    The McChicken is left over chicken parts, eyeballs, etc.

    The burgers are the same thing.

    Pretty disgusting, but they have announced that they will quit using pink slime.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Whaley also documented her meals by saving the receipts.

    I think that this is important to note. As far as I know, to date, Spurlock has never released information on exactly what he was eating or in what amounts each day. We only ever get info on the general rules and food we see in the movie itself. So no one knows how much he actually ate every day in order to get the results that he showed on film. To me, that's shady enough to discredit the whole project (not that it ever stopped me from eating wherever I wanted).
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Well, never mind then. Apparently I'm the copy cat. Oh well, it saves me the trouble. I think I'd get pretty sick of McD's before my month was up.

    I've never heard of this other documentary...
    I think it's important though, that the grocery store is just as, if not more, as bad. The only most healthy section of the store is the produce section, and even then it's full of stuff year round to turn this stuff into unhealthy items, such as caramel dips for apples, dips for bananas, it usually has a wall of "discount/bulk/stock" items. It has pastries by the berries for crepes and short cakes, it has lady fingers, and by the potatoes all this high sodium seasoning for various stuff, including the "blooming onion" right above the vidalia onions. I challenge everyone here to find just one food aisle that doesn't have strategically placed unhealthy foods.

    I feel the grocery store is killing us just as badly as the fast food industry. Look at how many people believe eating healthy is expensive.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Realistically, how many people eat nothing but fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner??? :huh:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The worst part is the disgusting meat they use in the burgers and the chicken. It's pink slime that they color like meat and add flavoring to make it taste like meat.

    The McChicken is left over chicken parts, eyeballs, etc.

    The burgers are the same thing.

    Pretty disgusting, but they have announced that they will quit using pink slime.

    I thought the pink slime was a disinfectant to kill bacteria.
    Either way, I'm in Canada where it hasn't been used.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It would have been so much better if MS's math added up. As it is, I think he invalidated his intended message. (But if he hadn't cheated/fudged the numbers, no doubt his results wouldn't have been nearly as interesting from an entertainment perspective.)
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    While Super Size Me is somewhat eye opening the one thing that bothers me is they never really discuss that it was the people choosing to eat the way they do. At my worst I was 270 lbs. I am now 228. Still a ways to go but I am making progress. I didn't get that way I did because of the food industry's crafty marketing or deception me. I got this way because I made bad choices. I did it, not anyone else. I ate their food that is nutritionally inferior and harmful knowing what they had would cause me to gain weight if I kept repeating this behavior often.

    It really makes me mad when people try to put the blame on the company and not accept responsibility for themselves. Like there was some McDonald's executive putting a gun to their head forcing them to eat their food. I took my daughter to McDonalds on Tuesday as a treat before dance class. I had a salad and a light Minute Maid. The salad was an obviously better choice than a Big Mac with fries. I made a choice to be more responsible.

    The people in this world that choose to not to accept responsibility for obesity are almost always going to remain obese. Some people naturally can eat all they want and not gain weight. I wish I was them but I am not. Some people were also better at sports than me or have skills that make them better actors, CEOs and the like. It is hard for me to not give into my old lifestyle. But I know it is my choice everyday to make. When I reach my goal weight I will have obtained it by the choices I made.

    Rant over.