Switched from Weight Watchers

I just lost nearly 30lbs with Weight Watchers. I started in January. The WW program along with good fitness habits was a great way to lose. I have hit a little slump. Stopped going to meetings and tracking. I no longer wanted to pay the $43 for the program, so I switched to MFP. Any success stories out there from making the same switch?
I have 10-15lbs more I'd like to lose. Still working out regularly, but need to get my food back on track.


  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    I am from WW as well, but I can't give you a big success story just yet as I've only been using MFP for about a month now. .. but I can say that I LOVE it here at MFP! I did have success on WW, but at the end of the day, it really didn't teach me much except how many points foods were. I never really paid attention to calories because all WW wanted was the points value. I am learning all kinds of new things which feels good.

    Also, the community here is awesome.
  • monastempletransformed
    I have to agree I learned a lot at WW and have had some good results but $$$$ stopped me after I stopped dropping weight RUT so wanted something new Im on my 3rd week and liking MFP and new friends WELCOME !!!!
  • yannuzzi
    I am from WW. I, too, couldn't afford the monthly fee and was struggling to get to meetings with all my outside activities. Instead, I do a bootcamp 4 times a week, I do my exercises with friends, I joined an online weightloss challenge (free - we just formed a group on facebook) and I log everything here on MFP. All this is my accountability - what I needed with WW. I'm within 10-12 lbs of my goal weight and I WILL REACH IT WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH.
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    I'm actually doing both - WW gets me the one-point value to help with overall idea of how much I have left in the day and also makes it a little easier to plan things. MFP is where I track my food. I have found that WW PointsPlus leaves me with about 6-8 Points at the end of day when MFP has me already reaching my calorie limit for losing 2 lbs per week.

    WW is also the only time each week that I actually weigh-in - I do not check my weight each day. I joined WW in January, 2012 and have lost 117 pounds since then.

    I suppose I could quit WW at any time, but I find the meetings helpful, as well as the weigh-in once a week and having to "pay the piper"
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I lost some weight on ww in 2007 and decided to do it again this June. Did ok for about a month and a half but I've done very well since switching to mfp the end of July. I've lost over 30 lbs since I joined. I luv it! Smae goes for my mom who did the same thing. We agree that ww migh be a good maintenence diet once we reach our goals but calorie counting is better for taking it off unless you have far more patience than we do. My weightloss is faster this way but not so fast that it's worrysome.
  • kitty0767
    kitty0767 Posts: 11 Member
    It's the tracking, paying attention to what and how much you are eating (whether through points or calories), that worked for me at WW and it works just as well here on MFP, for a much smaller price tag! If comparing weigh-in results weekly motivates you, you can do that with your friends on MFP too.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I am from WW as well, but I can't give you a big success story just yet as I've only been using MFP for about a month now. .. but I can say that I LOVE it here at MFP! I did have success on WW, but at the end of the day, it really didn't teach me much except how many points foods were. I never really paid attention to calories because all WW wanted was the points value. I am learning all kinds of new things which feels good.

    Also, the community here is awesome.

    I lost 30 pounds with WW about 8 years ago. I learned every loophole there was to continue eating bad food and still stay within my points and lose weight. Like the poster above, I didn't learn ANYTHING about nutritional content or how to eat in a healthy manner that was sustainable. So here I am with that 30 pounds back plus five more. With MFP you can set up which nutritional elements you want to see on the main screen of your food diary page. My choices are based on a need to know how much protein and how many carbs/sugars I'm eating in relation to the protein intake. Someone else's might be sodium or whatever. That's one good thing about MFP.

    Another is definitely the community. Mutual accountability is kind of the basis for Weight Watchers also (always loved that line behind me when I was weighing in and worrying they'd hear I was up .2 pounds or whatever). This is like that, without the meetings.

    If you need "friends", feel free to add me. My food diary is open to viewing for my friends (that's an option you can choose or choose NOT to have on your profile). That helps with the accountability for me. Do I wanna eat that if I know EVERYONE is gonna know? No, not really. Okay. What's my healthier option?

    Best of luck to you. MFP has made a big difference in my mindset this time around.
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    You made the right move, weight watchers is a whole lot of money. Here at MFP, its free and i find the support and site a very valuable tool, did i mention its free? lol I think you will love this site it has everything WW has 10 fold!! Welcome to MFP, make friends and keep following the MFP program and your las 10-15lbs will come off, free. When your feel grrr at the the diet, go check out the success storys, they are awe inspiring with pics and storys....your gonna like it here

    Cheers :drinker:
  • Juliawiatr
    Juliawiatr Posts: 24 Member
    I just lost nearly 30lbs with Weight Watchers. I started in January. The WW program along with good fitness habits was a great way to lose. I have hit a little slump. Stopped going to meetings and tracking. I no longer wanted to pay the $43 for the program, so I switched to MFP. Any success stories out there from making the same switch?
    I have 10-15lbs more I'd like to lose. Still working out regularly, but need to get my food back on track.

    Hi! I just switched over from WW, too! In fact, the time frame seems about the same. I lost 35 pounds and then my weight loss stalled and I didn't want to keep paying the money. I have about 15-20 I'd still like to lose.

    I'm going to add you. :)
  • jenkelly515
    I was doing ww online, and it wasnt working. I just signed up for MFP today. I havent beeb able to get rid of my weight since my last baby, and he is going to be a year tomorrow. So hoping this works better.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    13 years ago I went to my 1st and only weight watchers meeting. It was a freebie and I got all the paperwork adn plan details. Lost 5 lbs the first week, 7 lbs the next week. Never went back, but stayed on the program and dropped 70 lbs total.

    Fast forward to now and I creeped up to 210 (was 250 when I went to WW). Started paying attention again to what I ate and excercised more. It's totally possible, and this site helps keep my food choices in check. Working just fine, if not a little slower since I am older. I know it's not overnight thing, though, and I'm cool with that.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I was die hard ww before coming here. I lost 65 lbs and maintained for a couple years and then gained a little back. When I tried the new ww plan, it just didn't work out well for me. I've loved MFP for the year that I've been using it consistently.

    Good luck!
  • MacApples
    I say, whatever works for you! I just switched from WW Online a few days ago! Great move. Don't get me wrong - I loved WW and I have lost 45 pounds since January 1. It taught me the essentials of being healthy and reminded me of the simple "Calories In-Calories Out" principal. The rest is sheer determination! I am confident I can do this myself with a good tracker. I kept my WW account until I was sure this is what I wanted but once I set up an account and saw the tools and database, I was sold!!! The database is so much better than WW. There are no copyright issues, I assume, so we can post anything and share anything! I can track my food and exercise better and faster than ever. Thank you, MFP!