HELP ME keep my dog off the furniture.



  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    OP, you can buy carpet runners for $5 or so for a roll - it's that clear plastic stuff that protects carpet high traffic areas. If you flip it over, there are small pointy parts that would make it stay in place on carpeting. Lay it pointy side up on the couch. It worked for my animals, and it's inexpensive.

    Watch the Dog Whisperer! You have to "claim" the couch. Own it. I believe it will take time but you basically have to stay there with positive calm assertive energy & disagree.

    Now you tell me how I can get my dog to allow other dogs to sniff her so she could be more social. Go!

    Watch the Dog Whisperer. He would hold the dog if it is small and force that meeting. Or if it is a large dog, make it stay with it's rear in one direction by holding the leash with one hand and around the tummy/back with the other arm. As you know, your dog is showing dominance. You just have to "make it happen"...a la Cesar.

    Those plastic runners are an excellent suggestion ! That would work and a pretty cheap solution !! They really hurt, the pointy side, have stepped on them as a kid haha
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I have dining room chairs on the couch and a tray table on my love seat. My dog WILL stay off there!

    It's easy enough to move a chair or the tray table if a human wants to sit there.

    It's not a great solution, but it works.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    how does the tin foil thing dog would try to eat it i am positive
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    I use a spray bottle whenever my dog is barking (at nothing) or if my two cats are mixing it up. First I shout "focus", nobody listens, so I squirt. I call it "focus spray". To keep my dog off the furniture I stand the cushions upright which does work for the most part, Sometimes I do come home from work and find her lying on one of the cusions... on the floor :laugh:
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Try removing all of the furniture from your house. The simplest answer is always the best answer.
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    I work at a pet store, they sell a product that you can spray on the furniture. I don't know the name, but dogs/cats supposedly hate the smell.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    how does the tin foil thing dog would try to eat it i am positive

    They don't like the noise it makes when they put weight on it. Works for counter-surfing too!
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I work at a pet store, they sell a product that you can spray on the furniture. I don't know the name, but dogs/cats supposedly hate the smell.

    I remember trying bitter apple spray when I first got my dog and he still had some separation anxiety (chewing) and everytime I sprayed a chair or something to try to stop him from chewing it, he would lick the spray off... he also eats habanero doritos off the floor if you drop them and comes back for more... have to be careful with sprays, some dogs will eat just about anything. :laugh:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Try removing all of the furniture from your house. The simplest answer is always the best answer.

    We'll call that Plan B ;)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    I work at a pet store, they sell a product that you can spray on the furniture. I don't know the name, but dogs/cats supposedly hate the smell.

    Yeah, this human hates the smell, too. I would only use that stuff outside. Even then, the smell lingers. And it's like $8 a can. There are easier solutions.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    You need to establish yourself as the alpha. This article really helped me with my dog. It works! My dog isn't allowed on our bed and she doesn't get up on the couch unless I invite her up.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I work at a pet store, they sell a product that you can spray on the furniture. I don't know the name, but dogs/cats supposedly hate the smell.

    I remember trying bitter apple spray when I first got my dog and he still had some separation anxiety (chewing) and everytime I sprayed a chair or something to try to stop him from chewing it, he would lick the spray off... he also eats habanero doritos off the floor if you drop them and comes back for more... have to be careful with sprays, some dogs will eat just about anything. :laugh:

    Bitter sprays didn't help anything with my dog either. I guess they must work fro some dogs, but I have yet to find one!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    OP, you can buy carpet runners for $5 or so for a roll - it's that clear plastic stuff that protects carpet high traffic areas. If you flip it over, there are small pointy parts that would make it stay in place on carpeting. Lay it pointy side up on the couch. It worked for my animals, and it's inexpensive.

    Watch the Dog Whisperer! You have to "claim" the couch. Own it. I believe it will take time but you basically have to stay there with positive calm assertive energy & disagree.

    Now you tell me how I can get my dog to allow other dogs to sniff her so she could be more social. Go!

    Watch the Dog Whisperer. He would hold the dog if it is small and force that meeting. Or if it is a large dog, make it stay with it's rear in one direction by holding the leash with one hand and around the tummy/back with the other arm. As you know, your dog is showing dominance. You just have to "make it happen"...a la Cesar.

    No no no! She's afraid! Not dominate! I tried that "pinning her down" thing but it was an epic fail.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    No no no! She's afraid! Not dominate! I tried that "pinning her down" thing but it was an epic fail.

    Then she's probably afraid in general, right? If that's the case, you will have all kinds of aggression problems from the other dogs. They don't like that imbalance, and will try to urge her to not be nervous....sometimes not too gently. Nature attacks weakness.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    No no no! She's afraid! Not dominate! I tried that "pinning her down" thing but it was an epic fail.

    If she's a nervous dog, then she may get on the upholstery because it smells like you. That's why I suggested a t-shirt you've worn a few days slipped underneath the dogbed cover, between the cover and the cushion. This makes her bed smell like you and she'll feel more secure there. And also restrict access to the furniture with doors and babygates when you can't supervise her to keep her off it.

    Don't get me started on the many, many bad ideas put forth by Caesar. There aren't enough hours in the day.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I was going to say just let her stay on the furniture.... but, with your allergies, you definitely need a fix. I would suggest the spray bottle like the person above did, or one of those training whistles.

    As for my dogs... nothing would deter them. They own the house. They just allow us to live there. :laugh: