3 weeks on MFP

So this is my 3rd week at MFP, i have slowly started adding walking and doing more cleaning around the house as my activities. I have cut out all fast food (which i never really ate except for a couple times a month is that). I'm always at my 1520 calories a day or under. I have lost NO weight so far. I don't understand what is going on. Not giving up but kinds of disapointed Any advice??


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Opening your diary would make it easier to give advice.

    Logging cleaning is a huge debate around here. I prefer not to, that's just me.

    Read this

    My other suggestions - how accurately are you logging your food? How do you measure? How are you judging progress, scale? If so, do you weight at the same time? Also consider measuring and pics. My first month I lost no scale weight, even measurements didn't change much, but you could see in the pics the difference In areas I didn't measure, like between my waist and hips, arms, face, etc.
  • mks709
    mks709 Posts: 8
    I measure my food and check all the info on the back to make sure it matches what is in MFP database. I do weight in the morning after i get up before i get in the shower
  • ElizaDnl
    I started here roughly 10 weeks ago, and it took 6 weeks for the scales to move for the first time (1 kilo down), only to go back up to my starting weight after week seven. Now, I'm two kilos down, which equals just under half a pound per week, which is about correct for the 10 weeks. Weight loss is often not linear, and the scales can be all over the place.

    If you're sure your numbers are right and you're eating at a deficit, you'll see the number on the scales move down eventually!
  • aarilynn
    aarilynn Posts: 74 Member
    maybe try to cut back on carbs a little? and get more protein in? I haven't been losing weight, but since I cut back on my carb (i use to eat over 200 not knowing) intake, increased my protein I've noticed visible changes in my body. I'd suggest your measure yourself...waist,bust,hips because if you're losing inches than your work is paying off. :) It's not always about the scale, non scale victories are great too. Just play around with your macros and find out what works, I'm sure the weight will eventually come off. :)