help =[

i have no idea what kind of schedule to start working out with...
i need an at home routine because i am a stay at home mom.

whats your routine?


  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I'm either walking, jogging, biking, marching in place, or dancing around my bedroom for 30 mins a day, if not every other day... And this is a free zumba class someone posted before ~ and Im trying to do this once a week:

    Hope this helps!

    Oh! And roller skating ~ I just recently got back into that... LOL Its sooo much fun and quite a work out too!
  • I am not a mom, but I do work out at home.
    I started with the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels and it was awesome!
    It takes you approx. 30 minutes and you don't need much equipment, just a mat and some weights. (you could use water bottles or something similar instead).
  • Tulukki
    Tulukki Posts: 16 Member
    I also work out at home and have nothing but good things to say about the 30 day shred work out. It works great, is short, and gets you great results :) You can find it on you tube as well as buying it at your local best buy. Good luck and feel free to add me if you wish!!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I am working on trying to get something planned out too- write down some different things you like to do and those that make you sweat .....mix them up daily on your calender and then do them .....and dont forget stretching- not one of my favorites thats why I added it lol ....there are so many things to choose from out there- as far as cardio....try dancing, shadow boxing on top of walking or'll do fine:)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    i started with 30 Day Shred and walking. A lot of people do the 30DS for 10 days each level or whatever - I did 4 days a week on average, depending on my schedule, and alternated days walking & shredding to give my muscles a break in between. :smile:

    Since then I've done other Jillian Michaels' DVDs, adding new ones as I got bored and/or more fit and needed more challenges. Check your local library for fitness DVDs too - I picked up other JM DVDs and a few of Bob Harper's for variety, and to try them before buying.

    Over the past year I've started using Nike Training Club - a free app with TONS of great workouts, from 15 to 45 minutes long. You can mix or match or choose a long one, depending on how much time you've got. Great for stay at home moms! I also started running this year, using the c25k program to build myself from a walker to a runner.

    My routine for the past few months has been alternating days of Nike training Club and running every day, and taking one or two days off per week. I'm getting great results.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    on youtube, you can check out various people's work out routines.
  • caidensmomma
    caidensmomma Posts: 7 Member
    30DS killed me the first time I tried it. But it's sooo worth it! I'm starting out slow with it today and am going to walk on my treadmill every day. Every other day I won't be doing 30DS until I can get my body back into fitness mode again. It was really hard on me but knowing that you're THAT sore, shows that you worked hard and it does INDEED work! Jillian Michaels is just awesome!! :) Maybe after the first week, I can manage doing it every day. *Fingers Crossed* :)