i am concerned

smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I feel like I read a lot of posts from people asking whether they should eat their exercise calories or not, or how many calories they should consume to lose large amounts of weight quickly. Many people are eaing 1200 to 1300 cals a day and exercising to burn 300 or 400 cals and not eating to compensate for that energy burned. I feel like many people are verging on eating disorders based on the posts they are placing on this topic. It's very frusterating to see so many people use this site that's been set up as a tool for us to aid in adopting a more healthy lifestyle to potentialy cause harm to their health. I urge anyone who is unsure to please talk to your doctor! I am 5'4" , 29 and female. I do 30 min of cardio every day, and 20-40 min of strength training 3-5 times a week. I eat 1700-1800 cals a day and that is my calories calculated with my deficit for weightloss with most of the exercise calories burned added back in. I have lost 8 lbs since the end of january when i started. It is possible to lose weight without starving yourself. If you can't eat all the extra, you need to consider eating higher calorie foods. your body needs calories from food to make energy for your body to function properly. Again if you are taking in 1200-1300 cals a day, exercising and not getting those calories back, just ask your doc if he/she thinks that's a good idea


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I feel like I read a lot of posts from people asking whether they should eat their exercise calories or not, or how many calories they should consume to lose large amounts of weight quickly. Many people are eaing 1200 to 1300 cals a day and exercising to burn 300 or 400 cals and not eating to compensate for that energy burned. I feel like many people are verging on eating disorders based on the posts they are placing on this topic. It's very frusterating to see so many people use this site that's been set up as a tool for us to aid in adopting a more healthy lifestyle to potentialy cause harm to their health. I urge anyone who is unsure to please talk to your doctor! I am 5'4" , 29 and female. I do 30 min of cardio every day, and 20-40 min of strength training 3-5 times a week. I eat 1700-1800 cals a day and that is my calories calculated with my deficit for weightloss with most of the exercise calories burned added back in. I have lost 8 lbs since the end of january when i started. It is possible to lose weight without starving yourself. If you can't eat all the extra, you need to consider eating higher calorie foods. your body needs calories from food to make energy for your body to function properly. Again if you are taking in 1200-1300 cals a day, exercising and not getting those calories back, just ask your doc if he/she thinks that's a good idea

    You are so very, very, very right.
    Losing weight quickly is a pipe dream, and it makes people do things which can REALLY screw themselves up. Yes you can lose at 1200 calories a day until you plateau - and you will plateau - and are scratching your head wondering why the weight won't come off. Its because your body is keeping you alive.

    People need to stop and think - many of us who are here for weight loss have been overweight our entire lives. It didn't happen overnight. If it took years of gradual weight gain to end up where you are, what makes you think a few months of rigorous exercise and hugely restricted diet is healthy? Maintainable? Realistic?

    Slow and steady wins this race. I have been at this for 4 years now. Sure I could have cut out everything I enjoy eating, and exercised like a madman every day. But what about when I hit my goal? What then?

    I wish I could stricken the 1200 calorie a day limit from people's minds here. I know Banks has posted about it in his blog. Set realistic maintainable goals. 1 pound a week is fine. Yes we want to lose 2, but you know what? Just be patient.

    Ok, vent over.
  • K1sses
    K1sses Posts: 11 Member
    i absolutely agree with you! I usually bypass those post if I come across them. I commend you for speaking up. Most will continue to follow that unhealthy method, but will painfully learn that the second they stray from starving (b/c that is what they are doing to themselves), the weight will come back with a vengeance.
  • See I was asking that question too. I did weight watchers before and I like some days I wasn't eating enough food OR fat. I just stopped losing and maintained. Everything I ate was low fat and I still go in that direction. This is my first week doing this. I already planned out my food for tomorrow just bc I am going out of town and eating out twice. I did my full calories which allowed are 1330. I think if I eat out I can def reach it:) I plan ahead so I don't overdo it.

    One thing I am curious about is that it seems like the days say if you at like this for 5 weeks you will weigh this and so on, I guess that varies day to day bc some days we exercise and some not, and some days we eat fewer claries than others. I am currently 145 and I have ALWAYs struggled with weight. I just want to be 136 and I will be happy. Sometimes I think I am just not meant to be that size!
  • You are exactly right that is why I kept most of my 90 lbs I lost 10 years ago on weight watchers, you have to eat a certain amount or you will gain but now I think my body is immune to weight watchers and points that is why I am trying this for a change.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Yup! I think I have similar stats to you. I'm set to eat 1400 calories/day (for a .5 loss/wk). My exercise calories are usually about 200-300 calories and you had better believe I eat those ALL back! I can't imagine how I could not! I would feel miserable and be starving all the time.
  • I am glad there are some of you out there that are sensible as well. When I started on my weight loss journey I had no idea what I was doing but I did find out quickly that i NEEDED food to lose weight! Shocking! It is frustrating to see all of these posts about people afraid to eat "too much". If you are logging in your food and your excersises then you should eat almost all of the calories you have available to you, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. Some weeks more then others and sometimes you will lose nothing!
    This site is amazing and I'm really glad I found it. It is helping me reach the end of my goals and also helping me understand why when I used to work out extra I would be soo hungry, It was because I needed more food! Now when I work out my long days I make sure to consume those extra calories, but I make healthier choices in my foods. I am currently training to run a half marathon, so 4 days a week I run anywhere from 3 to 6 miles and soon the mileage will be increasing. I feel great I'm still losing a pound a week or so and my body gets re-nourished because I see how much of a benefit it is to eat back my excersise calories.

    Sorry to ramble on and on but it's nice to see that there are other people out there that feel the same way. If you are trying to make your own system, maybe therapy is what you need. There is no shame in that, but losing weight takes time, there is no "perfect" body and you need to learn to love yourself no matter what. I heard a great quote a few years ago and I can't remember where it came from but I do remember the saying "Would you treat your best friend the way you treat yourself?" !

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Absolutely agree. I'm male 5'11" and have lost 12 lbs in a little over a month. I work out 6 days a week alternating between cardio and strength training and take in anywhere from 2200 to 2500 calories a day. When I get hungry I eat but I try to eat healthy. Protein, complex carbs, vegetables and fruits.(usually eat fruits early because of all the natural sugars in them) Also once or twice a month I allow myself cheat meals.
    If your starving yourself your going to get sick. It's not the right way people. Get to the doc if you're unsure.
  • Just remind yourself of two simple things when you see posts like that:

    1. The weight wasn't put on overnight.
    2. It's not gonna come off overnight either.

    If you try to force it you'll fail. Simple as that.
  • BellinghamBelle
    BellinghamBelle Posts: 11 Member
    I guess I have to disagree. I have a lot of weight to lose - more than 200 pounds. I exercise almost daily (and I do not eat back those exercise calories) and I'm sticking to 1100 to 1200 calories per day. I am seeing a doctor that specializes in obesity and I'm following his guidelines. I make sure to eat more than 100 grams of protein per day, in addition to vitamin supplements. I've lost 23 pounds in about 5 weeks and I feel better than I have in a long time! My hair isn't falling out, I'm not losing muscle - in fact I'm gaining muscle, and I'm not hungry all the time. I generally have about 200 calories for breakfast, 300 calories at lunch, 200 calories midafternoon, 400 calories at dinner, and an optional 100 calories after dinner. I'm certainly no expert - which is why I'm seeing my doctor on a monthly basis - but I think it can be done safely. But, and I can't stress this enough, GO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING THIS!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I guess I have to disagree. I have a lot of weight to lose - more than 200 pounds. I exercise almost daily (and I do not eat back those exercise calories) and I'm sticking to 1100 to 1200 calories per day. I am seeing a doctor that specializes in obesity and I'm following his guidelines. I make sure to eat more than 100 grams of protein per day, in addition to vitamin supplements. I've lost 23 pounds in about 5 weeks and I feel better than I have in a long time! My hair isn't falling out, I'm not losing muscle - in fact I'm gaining muscle, and I'm not hungry all the time. I generally have about 200 calories for breakfast, 300 calories at lunch, 200 calories midafternoon, 400 calories at dinner, and an optional 100 calories after dinner. I'm certainly no expert - which is why I'm seeing my doctor on a monthly basis - but I think it can be done safely. But, and I can't stress this enough, GO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING THIS!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    the main part of my post is don't try anything drastic and potentially unhealthy unless you DO talk to the doc. Most of these people are not obese and not talking to their docs. Their are different specifications for obese people. If you have like 30 lbs to lose these specifications are probably not for you
  • Now I am totally confused...I did not know you are supposed to eat the calories that you earn from exercise.I have never been on a diet in my life.This site says i am to eat 1360 callories a day...and that is what I was doing and lost 13 pounds. I feel like I am eating enough..lots of energy but I have not been eating the extra calories I earned from exercise.........can anyone educate me ??
    I thought to lose weight you had to stay at your calorie goal and the exercise calories were to help loose the weight and health improvements.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    go on your goals page and look up your BMR. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate which is calculated using your age, height , weight to get the minimum calories burned by your body simply from breathing, doing no other activity. tehn when you set your daily activity (sedentary, light ,moderate) the calories required to perform at that level w/out extra exercise are aded in. When you set your goal weight loss rate( most people should set .5-1 lb a week) a caloric deficit which allows for this weight loss is subtracted, again not figuring in extra exercise. So if your BMR is 1300 and you are lightly active, your calories burned may be 1800. If you want to lose a pound a week it will subtract a 500 cal deficit to allow for weight loss, making your daily goal 1300. You should not go below that. If you exercise and burn 400 cal and don't eat enough to add that back in, you are functioning at less than your BMR which is potentially harmful
  • Thank you .....I think i understand
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I guess I have to disagree. I have a lot of weight to lose - more than 200 pounds. I exercise almost daily (and I do not eat back those exercise calories) and I'm sticking to 1100 to 1200 calories per day. I am seeing a doctor that specializes in obesity and I'm following his guidelines. I make sure to eat more than 100 grams of protein per day, in addition to vitamin supplements. I've lost 23 pounds in about 5 weeks and I feel better than I have in a long time! My hair isn't falling out, I'm not losing muscle - in fact I'm gaining muscle, and I'm not hungry all the time. I generally have about 200 calories for breakfast, 300 calories at lunch, 200 calories midafternoon, 400 calories at dinner, and an optional 100 calories after dinner. I'm certainly no expert - which is why I'm seeing my doctor on a monthly basis - but I think it can be done safely. But, and I can't stress this enough, GO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING THIS!

    Ding Ding!
    I suppose that is the rub. If you're seeing a dietitian, nutritionist, or GP who actually knows something about nutrition and healthy weight loss.
  • I agree. I lost 20 lbs by eating about1200-1300 cals a day plus some of my exercise calories. All was well until I hit 182 in mid January. No matter what I did, I couldn't drop below, and I was running 2 miles a day about 4-5 days a week. So I sought the help of a professional sports doctor who told me that I need to be eating about 2000 cals a day (including exercise calories), running 4-5 days and weight training 2-3 days a week. I started that and lost 4 lbs in a week! I'm not hungry and though I'm on a strict menu regimen, I feel more freedom and way fuller than before.
  • Well one thing I do know from doing Weight Watchers and losing 95 lbs in my early 20's is that there are two important things to remember when losing weight:
    A: You have to have enough calories bc if you don't you will not see results being that your body needs it so whatever you do take in, then your body still stores it as fat and doesn't burn it bc it is hungry for the fat intake.

    B: Also, like someone said before, sometimes you need to cheat like every other week. That doesn't mean go out and eat terribly but instead do good for two meals and if you want to go out and splurge on one that day DO IT but within reason. The reason is our body gets to a plateau and if we don't "SHOCK" our system from all the good foods then we tend to be at a stand still. I had to do that when I got into th e140's. My weight watchers leader told me to go cheat. I looked at her like she was NUTS, then I did and it really did get things moving again, but like I said within moderation, like one meal.

    It is hard, I have struggled my entire life. I was 19 and 215 lbs. I took prednisone ALOT in my younger years so my lifestyle tended to lend itself to eating a lot! My goal before was 134 when I did WW and that was 10 years ago and now I am 144, of course, ppl think I am crazy bc I diet and fuss all the time but I want to keep this off, I just want to lose 5 lbs and have been trying for a while and I am hoping this caloric approach will help me bc honestly I realized some days counting my "POINTS" on WW that I wasn't getting enough or enough fat either. I have my finger crossed:)

    This is nice to have ppl to chat with and help each other!

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I've been on MFP for almost 3 years now, for over a year now it's been mostly in an advisory roll (I've been at maintenance for well over a year, but I still enjoy the conversations, and I occationally track my calories just to make sure I'm not losing my touch).

    I have made a vow to myself that if I can go 48 hours on here and not see someone post a question about eating their exercise calories, I consider my job done and I will close my account, I think I'm going to be here for a long time. :ohwell:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've been on MFP for almost 3 years now, for over a year now it's been mostly in an advisory roll (I've been at maintenance for well over a year, but I still enjoy the conversations, and I occationally track my calories just to make sure I'm not losing my touch).

    I have made a vow to myself that if I can go 48 hours on here and not see someone post a question about eating their exercise calories, I consider my job done and I will close my account, I think I'm going to be here for a long time. :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    ROFL. Good luck!

    Well most people see the option to lose 2 pounds a week so they pick that.......who wants to lose 1 pound when you can lose 2!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've been on MFP for almost 3 years now, for over a year now it's been mostly in an advisory roll (I've been at maintenance for well over a year, but I still enjoy the conversations, and I occationally track my calories just to make sure I'm not losing my touch).

    I have made a vow to myself that if I can go 48 hours on here and not see someone post a question about eating their exercise calories, I consider my job done and I will close my account, I think I'm going to be here for a long time. :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    ROFL. Good luck!

    Well most people see the option to lose 2 pounds a week so they pick that.......who wants to lose 1 pound when you can lose 2!

    Or, for that matter, my favorite are the people who ask the question again and again and again...thinking that the answer will change. That suddenly we'll say..."Oh, I guess you're right...if you eat 500 calories a day...you can lose 12 pounds a week! Make sure you don't eat your exercise calories, either...because that will bring you down to ten pounds a week!". (disclaimer: this is sarcasm....don't go quoting me on that!)

    Sorry, not to bash anybody...but seriously, if you do exactly what MFP tells you to do (and don't set your goals too aggressively) you will lose weight. The diet industry wants you to crash diet so that you'll gain the weight back and be a repeat customer. We loving people at MFP want you to lose the weight slowly, get healthier while doing it, and keep it off forever. Honest! We come from a place of love. Now, eat your calories. Eat 'em. Eat all of them.

    Rant over.:flowerforyou:
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