Does wii really work?



  • mommie_on_a_mission
    Your diet will play a far bigger role in weight loss than exercise will. It's great to get moving but you will never out exercise a bad diet. The best thing you can do for your knees is to get some weight off of them. With 200 lbs to lose you shouldn't have a hard time getting quite a bit off fairly quickly with a good diet plan and then any exercise will become much easier.

    My diet has changed 100%. Im down 35lbs so far just by diet change. i just want to burn and calories as well as eat healthy!
  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    I have a Wii and how effective it is really depends on the game, I find Gold's Gym Cardio Workout and My Fitness Coach to be great games. I hated the Zumba game, Wii Sports was elementary and the Daisy Fuentes Pilates game was pretty bad too.

    Many Wii workout games are just like having an exercise DVD with lots of variety / options and some are customized for you. I find its easier to get bored with workout DVDs than Wii games but it all balls down to preference...whatever gets you moving.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    ...a little movement each day goes a long way
    Definitely true!

    I use my Wii Fit Plus quite a bit to work out - that's tonight's plan actually! If you use like it was intended it gets you moving. Sure, you can sit on the couch and just flick the remotes, but that's not going to do it. You need to be up and moving. Some games are more active than others. You said you already have it? Then get on it and get moving?:wink: It definitely has helped me lose weight - it's been one of the ways I've increased my activity level rather than just sitting and watching tv or playing on the internet.

    I've played Wii Tennis quite a bit. When I first started the Tennis would give me good workout and I'd be sweating. Now, my heart must be healthier becasue playing Tennis doesn't get my heart rate high enough to get a good workout. So the Tennis now is just a warm-up, and then I move on to the Step games and the Obstacle Course.

    Go for it!
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I love Just Dance unfortunetly thats how i tore the ligament in my knee. doing a beach boy song i twisted wrong and there was a loud "pop pop pop crack" then i hit the floor and couldn't get up. Was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks as any slight movement would radiate pain so crutches were a no go.

    This is really funny to me for some reason, sorry. :laugh:
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    it could work, but in my opinion is not the most effective. wii is more for fun. i find i spend more time messing around setting up the games than actually working out.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I found it excellent for rehab post nasty fractured ankle. I like wii fit plus and step to the beat (walking game). some of the dance games are good but will not be suitable while you are rehabing.

    My experience was that walking outside was too difficult intially due to the uneven surface and I could not do enough to get a (cardiovascularr workout. Also if rainging/ slippy out then icould not manage outside. using wii allowed me to build stamina and get a workout and build up.

    you can amke it harder by using ankle/ wrist weights or a step raise if you wish or as you progress.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    I love my Wii for exercise! For me it simply supplements the gym and my exercycle, for variety, but it is fun and there are lots of exercise games. One I am exploring now is Walk It Out, a walking in place game where you get to explore lots of interesting terrain and so on.

    Any exercise that I like has got to be a good thing, right? I need a more active lifestyle. For serious weight loss maybe I do not get much from the Wii, but for lifestyle change it is great.
  • Shannon148
    The Dance Dance Revolution games can really get your heart rate up and I think they are a lot of fun. You just step on different arrows on a mat in time to the beat - so it isn't really "dancing". Your body may be able to handle it while you heal.
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    I truly believe that I owe my success primarily to EA Sports Active 2.0. I used the PlayStation 3 version, but you can get it for Wii or Xbox 360.

    ^^^^^ This ^^^^^

    I have the Nintendo Wii version. In 1.5 years I have dropped 48 lbs and 8 inches around the waist. Not to darn bad I am thinkin'... WooHoo... It feels really good too:drinker: . I make it interesting by adding more weights each time I begin the 9 week challenge (or the 3 week kickstart also). Just keeps gettin' better each time. So... Yes it does work. It takes A LOT of dedication and motivation but it does work. :heart: :happy:

    So here's to quick and speedy recovery for you so you can get to it...:smile:

    Feel free to send me a friend request and we can motivate each other. WE'VE GOT THIS


    I agree! I started out in January with EA Sports Active 1, then in March bought EA Sports Active 2. I love both of them and they helped to jumpstart my weight loss and get me moving daily.

    I also have Wii Zumba and love it too!
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I started exercising on the wii to begin with as its fun and you dont notice it. I did wii fit with the fit board, because its not a high height it doesnt play much havoc on your knees. 294 is the maximum weight for the fit board. Once i managed to do the freestyle jogging on it for about half an hour without stopping (this took a few months, i struggled to jog on the spot for a few mins) i decided to get a treadmill ad the jogging exercise seemed to burn the most weight off. Lost about my first 20lbs doing this.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Any form of exercise that you'll do regularly is great if helps you establish a routine.
  • SunnyLuc87
    After having surgery & being stuck on a couch for a while I used my Wii to ease into being active again. I suppose in the same way it could be pretty useful for getting over an injury, but for the long-term it doesn't really help you burn a lot of calories.

    Kinnect has a better selection of fitness and sports games that you could use now to stay active but safe & then more intense games once you're better to help you burn more calories.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Walk it out and step to the beat are the same thing just different names for the uk and usa versions. That game is really fun and really helped me get back to walking. Its really motivating because i am always thinking i will just unlock one more event!
  • suckerlove
    I love my wii fit and wii tennis.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    the will makes exercise so fun, and if you have kids they like doing it with you, anything that makes exercise fun will work.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Wii Boxing can wear you out, and Wii Tennis is good exercise if you can really get into it.

    I personally like the Wii Fit (now that I'm under its maximum weight! Yay!). It has a lot of variety. Also, I have a competitive streak, so the score rankings get me very motivated.

    I walk in the park regularly, but I can't keep up an exercise routine if I get bored. Mixing it up with the Wii helps.
  • rexsfoodlady
    Walk it out and step to the beat are the same thing just different names for the uk and usa versions. That game is really fun and really helped me get back to walking. Its really motivating because i am always thinking i will just unlock one more event!
    I love Walk it Out and use it every day for 30 min of cardio. If I started paying more attention to diet sooner it would have been very effective IMHO.
  • NotThePest
    EA Sports Active, the first one, EA More ..., the second one and EA Sports Active 2.0 will work your body. I'm not currently using the above games for weight loss, however, EA is the best at keeping my type II diabetes glucose numbers in the normal range. I also use Mel B's Get Fit With Mel B, which you can find for the Wii, PlayStation, and x-Box.

    Here are my video games:

    EA Sports Active (all versions) for Wii

    EA NFL Training Camp (For Wii Only)

    Get Fit with Mel B

    Zumba 2 (I just got Zumba Core for Wii however, I haven't tried it yet)

    Exerbeat (Wii)

    I have Walk It Out but I haven't used it in a while.

    Note for folks using Zumba. The biggest contributor to injuries is bad foot placement and improper shoes. Zumba and the other dance games, need dance shoes/sneakers. You have to be ale to pivot effortlessly and smoothly and regular shoes, dancing barefoot on carpet, or using running/crossfit trainers are not conducive to pivoting and sliding. You can also tape up the bottom (ball of the shoe) using clear tape (the wide kind) but you will have to check the tape from BEFORE every use to insure there is nothing hanging to trip you up and that the tape is secured tightly.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    the wii can be... really depends what your doing though... and how much effort your putting into it...

    i try and think of it this way if your getting hot and bothered and sweating its counting as a workout...

    i dont consider the sports ones much of a work out because your not moving much ... unless your like my mum and when playing tennis runs from one side of the lounge to the other.... i think we all get a work out there trying not to get hit :| lol

    but from what i own zumba, just dance, and some of the wii fit stuff all count in my books
  • SunnyLuc87
    I love Just Dance unfortunetly thats how i tore the ligament in my knee. doing a beach boy song i twisted wrong and there was a loud "pop pop pop crack" then i hit the floor and couldn't get up. Was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks as any slight movement would radiate pain so crutches were a no go.

    Oh Wow! I'm sorry to hear about that. I recently did almost the same darn thing on Dance Central. Fortunately it wasn't quite that bad but I fell on the floor and it's just now starting to not hurt every day.