Vitamin D deficiency



  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I was told that I too had a vitamin D deficiency. I was put on once a week supplements too. I took them for like a couple of months (my insurance would only let me fill one month at a time, and it was annoying to get filled every month and I just kept forgetting). I did start thing my calcium supplement with extra vitamin D in it and my last blood test, my doc didn't say I was low, so I just assume it was normal. But I'll continue with the supplement since I take it everyday anyways since I don't stay outside a lot anyways.
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    Interesting post. I was just told by my doctor that I have a Vit D deficiency as well. I have to take the prescription once a week pill for 12 weeks (50,000 iu) and then 2000 iu a day after that for the long term. My coworker has recently started the same thing too. I wonder why Vit D deficiency is suddenly a big topic, or that they are just testing for it more. I haven't had any symptoms of the deficiency that I noticed but interesting to see what all of you have posted.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    So I just found out that I have a severe Vitamin D deficiency. I was doing some research online and found a lot of information supporting the fact that this can be linked to weight gain and/or trouble losing weight. For the past year I have been struggling with the same 5lbs, up and down, up and down. In the previous year, after the birth of my daughter, I lost 43 pounds in 9 months without a struggle. I'm just wondering if any of you have experienced this, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter/experiences! Thanks!

    I asked my doctor to test me for it and she found out that I have a vit. D deficiency. (I'm almost never in the sun--is th e reason I asked) Interesting that you say it prevents you from losing weight. Since I've been taking a supplement and doing MFP I don't have any trouble losing weight and I"ve lost a lot. I just count calories in and out and that works for me. I wonder if my Vit. D deficiency helped me gain the weight in the first place. IT could be.
  • gwennypink
    Surprisingly no, I havent really noticed any symptoms other than the weight issues.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i had very low vitamin d levels when i got checked.. (i think i was at like 7, and your supposed to be 20-50 iirc) my dr put me on a mega dose once a week for a few months and now i take a daily supplement (especially during the fall/winter - thanks WA for now sun lol)
    i didnt really notice a change in my weight when i started taking it, but i did notice a great change in my mood and sleepiness. i went from feeling kinda depressed and not wanting to get out of bed, to getting up at 6am and feeling well resting and happy.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Mine was like 10 at one point (I think the min acceptable is 40). I was on 10,000 IU a day and it didn't help. Mine occurred because of undiagnosed Celiac disease. My small intestine was so bad that I was not absorbing ANY of the nutrients I needed. Once I went Gluten Free my level went back up and those issues are history. If you have other symptoms don't let the Dr. just give you Vitamin D and be done with it. Push the envelope and get a good diagnosis.
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Bumping this old thread to see if anyone who is active on MFP now has a severe Vitamin D deficiency?

    I got last week's bloodwork results today and my doctor prescribed 50,000 IU a week. I know have read some information out there saying that it can help with weight loss, energy levels and muscle spasms.

    Anybody? Thanks!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Bumping this old thread to see if anyone who is active on MFP now has a severe Vitamin D deficiency?

    I got last week's bloodwork results today and my doctor prescribed 50,000 IU a week. I know have read some information out there saying that it can help with weight loss, energy levels and muscle spasms.

    Anybody? Thanks!
    was severly deficient, was perscribed a weekly vitamin (i believe it was 50k once a week). it helped a lot with my mood and energy levels, but i didnt really notice a difference in the weight loss. it helped get my levels back to normal in a couple months, and now i just take 2k IU daily in the fall/winter/early spring lol pacific northwest weather, gotta love it.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sunshine will also give you skin cancer
    This is the thinking that is creating a population deficient in vitamin D. I don't recall all the farming families that were out of doors all the time and didn't know what sunscreen was dying of skin cancer, but there you go.

    I had a test, was deficient, took 3-4000 IU daily for a month and am now not deficient. I have a 3000 IU mouth spray which is convenient, and 4000 IU in two drops of an oily liquid I can put on food. Alternatives to tablets.
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    My doctor gave me a prescription because my vitamin d level was so low. I've been on it for about a year. I take 50,000 units twice a week. My 18 year old daughter just found out her vitamin d level is low too so she takes 50,000 units for seven days in a row and then starts taking them once a week. My doctor said it helps with fatigue too.
  • clarewellfair29
    clarewellfair29 Posts: 13 Member
    Sunshine will also give you skin cancer ;) I was placed on Vitamin D like yourself, the once a week...Do you notice you have some balance issues too?


    It's really interesting that you say that because I took part in tests at the University which showed I had Vit D deficiancy. I also have serious balance issued and fall over a lot and am having tests at the doctors and hospital at the moment. The doctors think it's linked to low blood pressure, I never thought they could be related.