New to Food Allergies...Please Help! I'm starving!

kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
I went to an allergist yesterday and found that in addition to environmental allergies, I am allergic to MILK, EGGS, TOMATOES, and had a less severe reaction to PEANUT. The doctor told me to go on an elimination diet for the next couple of weeks. The problem is...I have no idea what to eat. I have only eaten 800 calories today because after wandering the grocery store for an hour, I left empty handed.

Anyone else have food allergies? Can you suggest good milk and egg substitutes? Recipes? Safe restaurants?

On the upside, I've decided I'm not really fat...I'm just inflamed! ;)



  • mwcbrown
    To be honest, I still eat a lot of the foods I'm allergic to (lactose, shellfish, etc)..
    I just make sure I don't have to see anyone within the next 24 hours. :9

    Are you allergic to MILK, or LACTOSE?
    I'm lactose-intolerant, but I was never fond of milk to begin with. I drink almond/rice/coconut milk.

    instead of peanuts, have almonds, walnuts, etc. Plenty of other options.

    In terms of using egg for baking, substitutes will depend on what you're making.
    I usually use either tofu, apple sauce, flax seed or bananas.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Look at the less processed foods. Wander the produce isle for snacks. If you are looking for a bread, try the frozen section, and some of the gluten free products are also dairy and egg free. Lots of gluten free mixes also have dairy and egg free mixes. Try pamela's and kinnikinik mixes. When I was diagnosed celiac I lost 10 pounds before I figured out all the yummy subsitutes. Just keep food simple. meat and potatoes and vegetable is still a normal dinner.
  • chrisc16
    It seems to me the doctor would have given you a diet to follow. If not, then take the results to a registered dietitian or nutritionist and have them develop a food plan or diet you can safely follow. I would opt not for a specific diet plan, but a list of foods you can eat - make your own meal plan from that.

    My $0.02
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Yikes! And I thought an allergy to citrus oil was rough to cope with!

    Yeah, whole, unprocessed foods are going to be your safest bet.
    I have seen rice flour bread that is actually good tasting you can check out.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Those aren't really such bad allergies. Look for vegan foods they will naturally be dairy and egg free.

    Flax meal is an egg substitute.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Thank you everyone and thank you for the brand suggestions. I hadn't thought about checking the gluten free items (I was so happy that I wasn't allergic to wheat, I skipped over them) Unfortunately, it is a true milk allergy. My throat was closing up and it would make me immediately sick.

    I was so overwhelmed by the list of allergies (lots of additional environmental ones) I hadn't even thought to ask for a specific diet. I also hadn't realized how hard it would be to shop for replacements. I suppose I can ask next week when I go in for shots, but I really wanted to get started.
  • karriegnewhope
    Hi, Do you have a copy of the elimination diet? That's a start. Now focus on what you CAN EAT!!! This means you GET to eat rice, steamed veggies, baked sweet potatoes, Non citrus Fruit. non processed Chicken and beef, beans, I have severe Fibromyalgia and when I went on the elimination diet I felt awful the first week while I detoxed. Yogi Detox Tea helped. The second week was slightly better, by the 6th week I was pain free for the first time in 15 years. Gluten was my worst along with Milk, all salami, hotdogs, summer sausage. There are some very good books out about food allergies. There wasn't any gluten free food when I first started but there is lots now. The egg is tough because its in so much but when you can add in soy try it fried and scrambled like scrambled eggs: with lots of garlic powder and other green herbs and soy sauce for flavor. While you are doing The Elimination Diet stay away from Soy at first because it is common also. Many people find that once the are detoxed they can tolerate ONE bad food at a time once every 4th day of so but don't do that until you have done the Elimination diet a long time and have slowly added normal things back in. After you aren't in such crisis stage your body can heal a bit and you might not be allergic in small doses. Get the Dr. Braggs Amino Acid Soy sauce. It tastes like soy sauce but doesn't have wheat in it.
  • hdlb111
    hdlb111 Posts: 20 Member
    I went to an allergist yesterday and found that in addition to environmental allergies, I am allergic to MILK, EGGS, TOMATOES, and had a less severe reaction to PEANUT. The doctor told me to go on an elimination diet for the next couple of weeks. The problem is...I have no idea what to eat. I have only eaten 800 calories today because after wandering the grocery store for an hour, I left empty handed.

    Anyone else have food allergies? Can you suggest good milk and egg substitutes? Recipes? Safe restaurants?

    On the upside, I've decided I'm not really fat...I'm just inflamed! ;)


    I promise it won't be as terrible as it seems right now. I can't have gluten, eggs, dairy, tree nuts or peanuts, and a child that can't have soy, dairy or nuts, so we've been in your shoes. Its overwhelming to begin with.

    Start with finding a few things you CAN eat, and make sure you always have them around to grab and go while you are figuring out the rest. The "cleaner" you eat, and the more you make yourself, the eaiser it will be for you. Most processed packaged things have either dairy or egg in them, so its hard to go and buy a box of anything.

    For baking, Ener-G egg replacers are a great thing to have around. You just mix with water and they are used in place of egg. Ground flax is good too since it acts as a binder, and if the egg is just for moisutre applesauce or mashed banana are a good substitute. And you can still make french toast by mixing rice/almost/soy milk with banana in place of the egg then cooking like normal. It might be a good idea to check out a few vegan cookbooks to get some ideas.

    Good luck!
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    I went to an allergist yesterday and found that in addition to environmental allergies, I am allergic to MILK, EGGS, TOMATOES, and had a less severe reaction to PEANUT. The doctor told me to go on an elimination diet for the next couple of weeks. The problem is...I have no idea what to eat. I have only eaten 800 calories today because after wandering the grocery store for an hour, I left empty handed.

    Anyone else have food allergies? Can you suggest good milk and egg substitutes? Recipes? Safe restaurants?

    On the upside, I've decided I'm not really fat...I'm just inflamed! ;)


    Don't feel bad. Other people are allergic to food items too. At one time, my sister could not eat --- peanuts, soy, corn, any fruit except grapes, tomatoes, msg.... she had to go to completely unprocessed, whole foods. After staying away from them for awhile some of those things she can now tolerate in small amounts. I would suggest seing a dietician for recommendations and they make some pretty good books out there that explain things. There are several names in the "food world" that mean the same thing. You have to learn all the food terms for your allergies to make sure. Do you have any health food stores in your area you can check out?
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Do you have an update with how you are doing with all of this?

    I'm allergic to wheat, eggs, peanuts, milk, tomatoes, rye, celery... I feel like I'm missing one?? Oh, and corn and the yeast in yogurt.

    I'm not anaphylactic, but I became very inflamed with my allergies as well, horrible stomach pains, weight gain, and really bad bloating.

    Here if you need any suggestions or support!!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    shiritaki noodles if you need a pasta replacement.. those are low cal too!!
    I've also found noodles that are just spinach and seminola flour at some stores and tis awesomeness!! Good luck in your journey!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Out of interest, what were the qualifications of this allergist and what tests did they do?

    I would just cut out one at a time and see if that makes any difference. If not, keep eating them.