Face weight

So is there any particular way that (and this is such a weird way to put this) you can lose face weight? Or tone the muscles in your face? I'm kinda lacking a jaw line and always wondered if there were ways to solidify things.


  • woahitsangie
    woahitsangie Posts: 139 Member
    You cant...unfortunately. All just comes with overall weight loss. :)
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I have a very round face, and it became positively inflated when I was overweight. I don't think you can lose weight in the face on purpose, and if you have a certain facial structure you're stuck with it. But after losing weight my round face is at least defined.
  • montlucia
    Yeah men always look more masculine and defined in the face when they lose weight. But your jaw line looks fine to me.

    I have quite a round face and I try to detract from it as much as I can. After losing weight, it looks way better.
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    You can tone up the muscles in your face - my mother-in-law has a book called Facercise! It sounded really bogus but she did a few of them religiously and it did "perk up" her jaw line and smoothed out some wrinkles. She called it her "nonsurgical facelift" but the kids cracked up whenever they saw her doing them so maybe not at the gym ....
  • Filomenaaa
    Filomenaaa Posts: 61 Member
    Ugh I gain 1 lb and my cheeks blow up like i got stung by a million bees. Just to repeat above posters, I have a very round face as well which has gotten better with weight loss, specifically after losing about 10 lbs. I also contour with makeup but I guess being a dude thats prob not an option. I wish there was something like cheek crunches ! :)
  • Filomenaaa
    Filomenaaa Posts: 61 Member
    You can tone up the muscles in your face - my mother-in-law has a book called Facercise! It sounded really bogus but she did a few of them religiously and it did "perk up" her jaw line and smoothed out some wrinkles. She called it her "nonsurgical facelift" but the kids cracked up whenever they saw her doing them so maybe not at the gym ....

    O wow I deffinately will look this up sounds interesting
  • omanitshann
    i wish! I've never been overweight in my life but i've always had a little double chin, i hate it D:
  • Princess2012forever
    Like the other poster's said, it's genetic. One thing that helps is keeping your carbs low. It prevents unecessary water retention. Whenever I go down to 20 a day my face thins out fast but if I ever have over 100 carbs my face gets round again. Not just that, I also get acne. I'm trying to stay 60 and under currently.

    If anyone has a "face exercise" that actually works to give a stronger jawline please list it; otherwise the weight on your jaw comes down to 1. genetics which determine 2.Fat distribution and 3. Water distribution.

    From your picture you seem like your already very fit, in that case there is probably not much that you can achieve outside of jaw lipo.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I used to think I had a round face, until I lost weight and ended up with a heart-shaped one! lol...
    I'm not sure of any specific exercises you can do, but I do a lot of stretching, just opening and closing my mouth really wide, stretching my neck/chin up and back, and it seems to help some. Maybe Google some things? I am curious myself, now, because I do have a tiny bit of turkey neck..eww. hehhe
  • Ninjoe42
    I did a little research and found things called Face Yoga, but past all the advertising there were reports from dermatologists that those sort of exercises will reduce the elastin in your skin and cause wrinkles and sagging and the like. Further research possibly required. I get the puffy cheeks too, drives me nuts! I can tell if they're starting to unpuff cause they begin aching a little at the end of the day, not sure why.

    (and for the record shrink wrap wet suits do wonders for your physique ;P LOL )